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Software for the Classpad

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#1 timppa1988



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Posted 20 November 2003 - 02:50 PM

i read about CasPaint in this Forum and on www.classpad.org. My question might be stupid but I have no idea how to get it onto the classpad. Can anybody help me?

ClassPad rules :rock:

#2 CrimsonCasio


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Posted 20 November 2003 - 03:19 PM

you have to use the manager, I dont have it in front of me right now but I'll try to recall the steps from memory:

1) open the manager
2) right click on the manager
3) select "Exchange Window"
4) connect your classpad to the computer (it should switch to the transfer screen automattically)
5) hit the "Connect" button
6) hit the "Variables" button
7) on the computer side right click the icon and select "Open Memory Image"
8) open CasPaint.mcs
9) drag the folder CasPaint into your classpad.
10) close the connection.

you should now have caspaint on your classpad, I hope you like it.

#3 timppa1988



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Posted 20 November 2003 - 07:11 PM

Thanks a lot, now it's working. It's a little slow but i like it anyway. I loaded Morpion also and its great...
THANKS! :thumbsup:

#4 CrimsonCasio


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Posted 20 November 2003 - 07:18 PM

your welcome, I hope you find it usefull. if you dont already know about it: http://casiocalto.free.fr/ is the best palce to find classpad games and programs at the moment.

btw: out of curiosity why am I the only person who has uploaded their program to classpad.org? you guys do know that anyone can upload their program there now dont you? :huh:

#5 UserC300


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Posted 21 November 2003 - 09:15 PM

Program Commands e-Activity.
It's chapter 12-6 of the Manual in short version.

Prog Commands

My idea is, that everybody who thinks that he has found a very clever way to use a command, or do something with a small code-block, that can`t be done directly by an command, sends me his ideas and I?ll update the e-activity. I hope, that after a while it will become something like an Programm Command Tutorial

userc300 AT arcor.de

#6 CrimsonCasio


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Posted 22 November 2003 - 04:59 AM

read my programming tips here: http://www.casiocalc...ct=ST&f=6&t=859

you should include at least a summery of this as it is the most usefull tool. also checking if a variable is declared and the way to define matrixes of variable sizes.

good luck with your project, ask me if you need anything :)

#7 Guest_Xero_*

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Posted 01 March 2006 - 04:36 AM

I know that i seem stupid asking this :banghead: but when i open my manager and i click the variables button then i right click on the computer icon the onlythings that come up are : add new image, and add existing image... Help Please :!: :!: :!:

Oh and also how exactly do i get games onto my CP 300, soz 4 all the questions :greengrin:

#8 MicroPro


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Posted 01 March 2006 - 12:07 PM

You must click "Add Existing image" and then select the *.mcs file you own, Xero.
And, what does "get games onto sb's CP" mean? :?:

@Crimson: I think CasPaint is more suitable for the CP's emulator, not the CP itself (Even though you can produce beautiful pictures with it, it is very slow).

#9 Kilburn


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Posted 01 March 2006 - 07:32 PM

@Crimson: I think CasPaint is more suitable for the CP's emulator, not the CP itself (Even though you can produce beautiful pictures with it, it is very slow).

Or we could add CasPaint layer functions to BitEdit...

A better solution would be to re-program CasPaint, but in Lua. :roflol:

#10 betoe


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Posted 05 March 2006 - 08:14 PM

That was one of the firsts big programs made for the classpad, thats why its made in basic and its slow.

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