Now that the ClassPad add-in installer is available I can finally release the CHIP8 games add-in.
The add-in has been ready (more or less) for over a year, but Casio didn't have an add-in installer available. There were also a few issues with unsupported calls to the OS that would only run on OS 1.24, so I also had to wait for this OS to be released.
Well, Casio has released both! They can be downloaded at....
When I went to make the CHIP8 games add-in available on the web I notice that the "release" version was not available on the server. It turns out the released version was on my workstation that crashed a few months back, and didn't have a backup.
Not to worry, this wasn't a big loss. I have almost all of the code checked into the source control system on the server, so only the last few finishing touches were lost.
This is why I haven't release the add-in on the website yet. I want to finish these last few items before officially releasing it.
Still, I feel everyone has waited a LOOOOOONG time for this, so I'm making the final beta version "unofficially" available as a download. You can down load it at...
The final version should be available in a few days. The things that need to be changed/fixed are...
I added a bunch of CHIP8 games I found on the Internet. Some of them are crummy and should be removed. A few others don't run well on the ClassPad because the LCD refresh rate is so slow. For example, if an object is 1 pixel big and it is moving along the screen, the pixel is barely turned on long enough to show up before it is turned off.
The CHIP8 machine didn't have a typical keyboard. It had a HEX keyboard (0-9,A-F). This means the games don't use standard keys for UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT/FIRE etc.. I mapped the hard keys to a grid, but it isn't always obvious which key will do what. In some games

I added a keyboard map on in the bottom window so the user can see which key will do what. Not all of the games have a completed key mapping. I need to add the missing ones.
It the ClassPad CHIP8 emulator isn't emulating the original CPU speed. Some of the games run too fast to play, while others might run too slow.
I have a speed scrollbar on the bottom of the display. I need to add a different "default" speed for each game so it will be playable when you first tried to run it.
If you find any problems please email me or post them here.
The games are no longer "beta". They have been officially released and can be downloaded directly on http://www.classpad.org