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Real Working Emulator !for Afx 2!

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#41 huhn_m


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Posted 01 June 2004 - 04:42 AM

There seems to be a bug in the flash emulation.

If I map the Flash to ROm using the Ports (not Interrupt!)
Then the emulator seems to hang.

I checked the code several times and it seems to be ok.
unfortunately I'm not able to test it on the calc right now
since it has some error again.

COuld someone else test if flash management works for him???

#42 2072


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Posted 01 June 2004 - 04:36 PM

did you try to do it with TOUCHE? it uses the ports to map ROM and Flash too.

#43 huhn_m


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Posted 01 June 2004 - 06:16 PM

good idea ... I'l ltry. Thanks.

Another suggestion for the emulator:

"Memory Pictures" (a button beside the memory view to show it as a picture where you
can select wether 1 or more buffers should be drawn.

#44 Mr_Sparkle


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Posted 17 June 2004 - 06:51 AM

is there a real working emulator for CFX
that would be so cool it there was B)

keep us informed plz :thumbsup:

Mr Sparkle B)

#45 casiokingdom


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Posted 17 June 2004 - 08:17 AM

search for CasioCom in a search engine, as that has a emulator in it. :)

#46 Andy.Davies


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Posted 17 June 2004 - 08:23 AM

here it is (from my site)


#47 ymorgan



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Posted 17 June 2004 - 08:51 PM

BASIC programs emulator already exists :

(Only in French and with some known BUGS, but sources available)


#48 _BW_



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Posted 23 June 2004 - 09:09 PM

But CasioCom is a very, very bad emulator...

The emulator of ymorgan in link on casioland.net is a good emulator, but this emulator is in french, but it's very easy for me because I'm French.
If you want translate this emulator, yon can download source of the emulator in CasioLand.net, and you translate messages in the source and you compil this.

I'm the administrator of casioland.net, I think that it's the best french site in the web, and if you understand french, you can visit it. And if somebody do a translation, you can post it in casioland.net

Escuse me, I'm have a very bad level in English... :(

#49 Andy.Davies


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Posted 23 June 2004 - 09:12 PM

what programming language is it in? VC++ or Borland C++ ?

#50 _BW_



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Posted 23 June 2004 - 09:26 PM

CasEmul is programing in Visual C++
The source is avaible in CasioLand.

#51 AlephMobius


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Posted 07 July 2004 - 02:25 AM

In the program I am writing for the AFX, I draw some pixels in the next to rightmost colum. This would be column 126 if you start counting with 0 from the left. I use the C command clrscr() to clear the screen. When I run my program on an actual calculator, clrscr does not erase the pixels in colum 126 yet it does erase them when I run it on the emulator. This makes sense if you consider that text is never drawn to the rightmost 2 pixels. I can give you source code to demonstrate the effect if you need.

#52 C@siomax


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Posted 10 July 2004 - 10:14 AM

actually, clrscr() don't clear all the screen on afx ... but since this function is emulated, it shall work correctly ! clrscr() only clears the 126 first columns, but let the 2 last ones uncleared ... so use better asm routines :)

#53 2072


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Posted 10 July 2004 - 08:24 PM

you could use my following function to clear the screen properly:

unsigned int segm_video =0x1A20;

void clrgscr( void )
    asm {
	pushf; push es; push di; push cx; push ax;
	mov es, segm_video;
	xor di, di;
	mov cx, 1024;
	shr cx,1;
	xor ax, ax;
	rep stosw;
	mov cx, 1023;
	xor di,di;
	add di, cx;
	mov es:[di],al;
	pop ax; pop cx; pop di; pop es;	popf;

#54 Roeoender


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Posted 10 July 2004 - 08:34 PM

mov cx, 1024;
shr cx,1;
Why loading an immediate value and then shifting register
you could do it straight by mov cx,512
and what is this for:
mov cx, 1023;
xor di,di;
add di, cx;
mov es:[di],al;

If you won't use printf,puts and so on to display text then you can remove this "gotoxy" part

I am not 100% sure but you don't have to save flag and AX register (ES,DI,CX rather should be saved)

#55 2072


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Posted 10 July 2004 - 09:14 PM

well the 1024 thing is just here to keep the thing readable, we know we are wipping 1024 bytes, the size of the screen buffer. The 1023 is for the case where 1024 is odd :lol:

I let the function this way so it could be easily edited if I wanted to clear something else than 1024 bytes.

I am not 100% sure but you don't have to save flag and AX register

I'm not sure myself... I never found anything about that in TC's doc so I prefer to make it safe.

#56 4nic8


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Posted 27 July 2004 - 11:54 AM

I make program to menage flash files and I can't test it in this emulator <_< .

On AFX everything works, but when I run this program in the emulator and try to create a new flash file (or other operation on flash disk) nothing happens :blink: .

#57 2072


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Posted 27 July 2004 - 08:47 PM

I think that the emulator doesn't support the calc Flash controller commands... I already contacted ymorgan about that but I got no answer :(

#58 Roeoender


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Posted 27 July 2004 - 09:05 PM

Well, my Falcon game doesn't work with the emulator either, but actually I am happy with that as people should play calc games on the calc not on the PC :hammer: . Moreover at current level of emulator's fidelity I don't need it for developement too.

Ofcourse I appreciate the acheivement as this emu will probably help other people to create ASM/C games/progs easier and maybe some day it will be as advanced as the wonderfull VTI :rolleyes:


#59 4nic8


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Posted 27 July 2004 - 09:21 PM

For me the emulator is useful because I used to have two graphic and getkeys library. One which works on casio and the other which works on pc. Now I have to develop only one library. And also it's faster to test something after compiling on pc then transferring it to afx.

btw most of my programs work correctly in the emulator so I'm really glad that someone managed to do afx emu. :clap: :thumbsup: :rock:

#60 AlephMobius


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Posted 07 November 2004 - 04:46 PM

It would be really, really great if I could see the calculator body and the program while it was running. That way, I can just click on the body buttons while looking at the screen instead of looking up their keyboard equivalent everytime.

#61 namElEz



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Posted 25 September 2005 - 08:05 AM

new version :

sources (full)

THE LINKS are not working someone please upload to rapidshare.de or somewhere...

#62 huhn_m


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Posted 25 September 2005 - 09:58 AM

We will never upload to other sites.

We have our own filesharing. Here is the link to the programs:


#63 namElEz



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Posted 25 September 2005 - 02:19 PM

thanks i looked filesharing section before but only the cfx section thats why i didnt found it.
how do i run cat/cas/fxi/ctf files with this? it only seems to work with wgm and cfx files...
and is this project dead?

#64 huhn_m


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Posted 25 September 2005 - 05:46 PM

For this you need CASIOCom. (Best way is to google it).

The emulator of casiocom is far from perfect and has some
issues with the IF statement so it is not sure wether it will work.

The emulator mentioned here emulates the hardware and is ONLY intended for machine programms written in C/ASM/Pascal ...
not the Custom Casio Basic things.

#65 namElEz



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Posted 25 September 2005 - 05:51 PM

already tried casiocom with some of my files,it runs some of them but very slowly so its no good.

#66 huhn_m


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Posted 25 September 2005 - 07:51 PM

there is no alternative. Noone saw the need to write such a program.

#67 protoman no one

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Posted 09 October 2006 - 03:36 PM

is there in the web or in the forum a 3d grapher for afx?
please....i need it (i can?t buy a classpad for the moment :banghead: )
thanks :D
protoman no one

#68 huhn_m


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Posted 10 October 2006 - 04:48 PM

yes, there is, but it is quite beta and can not solve anything. It just draws things.

Search for the posts by BiTwhise or 3DGrapher .... I can't search atm. out of time ;)

#69 caspro


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Posted 10 October 2006 - 05:05 PM

The program by BiTwhise mentioned above is:

There is also LP3D at:

Also for the cfx are a couple of 3d graphers here:
under the Misc heading in the 2nd Generation models part of the page.

There is also:
Graph 3D

They were written for the cfx models, but should work on the afx as well.

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