and hes anything but unbiased.
Posted 26 October 2004 - 10:06 AM
Posted 26 October 2004 - 06:34 PM
Posted 26 October 2004 - 07:10 PM
Posted 26 October 2004 - 07:24 PM
he has also said that he would sue anyone who made fun of himi thought you had read his books! of course he's a satirist, thats the excuse he uses to publish his books and not get sued. (im not kidding, hes on record as saying that)
yeah, i heard him say that himself on leno one timeMM is a poltical satirist you know
and hes anything but unbiased.
Posted 26 October 2004 - 08:23 PM
Posted 26 October 2004 - 09:20 PM
Posted 27 October 2004 - 04:50 AM
Posted 27 October 2004 - 03:43 PM
Posted 27 October 2004 - 10:42 PM
in reality he's a propagandists who will use any amount of truth and lies to make you join his side.
its things like this that make me absolutely HATE john kerry, he so obviously hasnt read the constitution or the bill of rights which gives americans freedom of speach, cause he'll do anything to keep people from saying bad things about him.
Posted 28 October 2004 - 06:39 AM
MM didn't make me join is side, I already had my own opinions about Bush & Co.
in reality he's a propagandists who will use any amount of truth and lies to make you join his side
Posted 28 October 2004 - 10:26 AM
Posted 28 October 2004 - 04:51 PM
so you were already biased to begin with? where did you get these opions from?
*neither would I, the media in our country is horribly biased aginst him.
*heh, bush came into office with one of the most impressive teams ever brought to the white house, when my dad voted for him last year he commented that he didnt particularly think bush was that great but his team made up for plus more.
*well, he's a quack, like a historian would know anything about the present now other than his own oppinion based off the same bad information you have.
*you seem to have mis-understood this statement or purposefully taken it out of context, what she is saying is that the system under which we function would work just as well in every other country and solve a lot of problems in those countries... i agree.
hahaha, of course he wouldnt, and thats your problem. you'd elect the scum of the earth over a honest man.
and you say MM simply didnt know the truth when he lied in F911, thats simply crap he purposefully distorted as he always does,
and in addition you acuse the president of lieing about WMDs and he has proof he didnt know there wernt any and proof that there was cause to believe there were.
about the voting machines, i dont know what all is up with them, but for some reason a judge ruled that they didnt have to leave a paper trial in case of a recount, that seems like trouble to me because i have absolutely no doubt that the democrats will protest the election and basically crap on our system, because kerry (and CO) has no respect for the country at all.
Posted 28 October 2004 - 07:57 PM
Posted 28 October 2004 - 10:35 PM
Posted 29 October 2004 - 04:50 AM
*you seem to have mis-understood this statement or purposefully taken it out of context, what she is saying is that the system under which we function would work just as well in every other country and solve a lot of problems in those countries... i agree.
I'm sorry to destroy your beautifull puicture of Bush but it is not.*i think thats probably taken out of context at least.
you say MM simply didnt know the truth when he lied in F911, thats simply crap he purposefully distorted as he always does, and in addition you acuse the president of lieing about WMDs and he has proof he didnt know there wernt any and proof that there was cause to believe there were.
Posted 30 October 2004 - 02:47 AM
Posted 30 October 2004 - 07:13 PM
how i feel about MM: i want him to be hanged...
Posted 30 October 2004 - 08:46 PM
Posted 30 October 2004 - 09:14 PM
think of how you would feel if someone cut you off in traffic, making you nearly crash and then gave you the finger (american insult) as they went by, then, additionally a cop pulled you over for recklass driving as you tired to survive this encounter...
Posted 30 October 2004 - 09:27 PM
Posted 30 October 2004 - 09:42 PM
lol, dont know where you got that oppinion from, but i think an artist job is to show his/her view of the world, not understand it.
and i have no idea where you got this artists hate bush thing...
Posted 30 October 2004 - 09:49 PM
because they thrive on human conflict and suffering...
Posted 30 October 2004 - 10:02 PM
Posted 31 October 2004 - 08:26 AM
Everyone who waves his hand to a blind one like Stevie Wonder, like Bush did, has some screws missing in his brain
Lowering Taxes for rich quys like me? - thats criminal
George W. Bush has the intelligence of an Egg timer
If you look at Bush closely he is, in fact a big commedian and always the one for a laugh. But he also is a good example for the fact that Tragedy and Comedy lie very close together from time to time
Since the attacks of September Eleven our democracy is endangered - thorugh a politic of fear and hatred
I'm gonna vote because eveyone is better than Bush. It is frightening what we do to our environment and how things in Iraq are developing towards the worse
Posted 31 October 2004 - 12:01 PM
he lossed any credablity that i though he had when i heard a lady tell how he had personally offered her and her friends (who work in the pharmacutical industry) $5000 to appear in his next movie and say a list of things that are supposedly wrong where they work. they wouldnt do it, they had more credability than him.
Posted 31 October 2004 - 01:18 PM
Posted 31 October 2004 - 03:18 PM
2072, first off you obscure what is basically an eyewhitness report with pure conjecture... i mean, you could say that about every person that has ever said anything improtant
Posted 31 October 2004 - 07:27 PM
My district in California has been using voting computers for a while, the last time I voted I checked it out pretty thoroughly. The ones we use are made by Diebold (who also make ATMs)
Posted 01 November 2004 - 05:56 AM
not his exact words, but pretty closeDon't you guys have class or work to do or something? Um, don't we have some more tape to roll???
Posted 01 November 2004 - 10:20 PM
Posted 01 November 2004 - 10:30 PM
Oh, yeah, he's going to win. It's guaranteed," said Packers safety Darren Sharper, a Kerry supporter. "I don't have to vote now. Don't even have to go to the polls. Saved me a trip on Tuesday."
Posted 02 November 2004 - 05:48 AM
btw, in f-9/11, why did MM make a big deal saying that the whole media was trying to silence the military and how much they hated the war (pretty much MM's own words) but over 75% of the military is still going to vote for bush?
Posted 02 November 2004 - 05:44 PM
Posted 02 November 2004 - 06:16 PM
Wow, there's a lot of negative energy built up in here. Maybe we should feng shui thigs up a bit. [smile] We need more yellow in here!
Posted 02 November 2004 - 07:25 PM
nope. i have never watched an R-rated movie, and i'm not going to start with this one. and why should i go watch this movie if you guys are unwilling to read books by sean hannity and rush limbaugh. you wont even listen to them. why should i show you the same courtesy?Please watch it. Simply watch it.
i aleady hate him. and no, he will not be better for the US, might be for france and germany though.I can only hope that Kerry will win. Unfortunately he will be the one who must clean up the mess so you'll hate him.
i am not insane. i do not like war in general, but sometimes there is no other way.How can you insane ppl. justify a WAR with good. You have learned NOTHING of history
war lust? that is the dumbest thing i've heard all day. you couldnt care less if guys like saddam hussien kill people, but when americans try to liberate the people saddam is killing, you guys act like we are the bad guys.(of course.. only the poor ones must suffer for your war-lust)
if you want to take it that way, 75% of the military is voting against kerry. btw, last i checked, the soldiers in iraq are part of the military, so they will be counted in that poll. what MM dosent point out is that alot of parents of soldiers still support the war in iraq (a majority i believe).So 25% of the military is voting AGAINST their commander in chief.
And if you count the parrents of all the soldiers in iraq they make a huge number too.
Edited by Bob Vila, 02 November 2004 - 07:28 PM.
Posted 02 November 2004 - 08:59 PM
nope. i have never watched an R-rated movie, and i'm not going to start with this one.
and why should i go watch this movie if you guys are unwilling to read books by sean hannity and rush limbaugh. you wont even listen to them. why should i show you the same courtesy?
i am not insane. i do not like war in general, but sometimes there is no other way.
the main reason i support the war is that saddam hussien was a very evil man. he was gassing, shooting, and rapeing his own people. do you guys remember how he got into power? he killed almost everyone in the gov't.
and you guys are trying to lift the sactions on him to give him more money so he can build the WMD and kill some more of his people, and possibly more americans? thanks guys.
and since you guys love the UN so much, why dont you care if someone has been breaking its laws for over a decade and you still wont do anything about it. if the laws arnt enforced, what good do they do? (i think it was more of a if you give us oil, we'll let it slip just this one time, kind of a deal). and we're the oil greedy ones, riight.
btw, since bush has been president, we have liberated 50 million+ people from tyranny and oppression.
kerry will stop all progression we have made in the war on terror, and terrorists will go unckecked throughout the world, much the same as they did during the clinton administration.
what MM dosent point out is that alot of parents of soldiers still support the war in iraq (a majority i believe).
Posted 02 November 2004 - 09:49 PM
"The idea that so many Jewish people in America could end up voting for John Kerry because of a misunderstanding about George Bush... If you have any question about who's going to be more sympathetic, do you realize that France almost embodies the new European anti-Semitism? France, where it's effervescing, is iJohn Kerry's favorite ally?
"It's obvious that the left in this country, the Democratic Party, despises George Bush. They have a seething rage and a seething hatred for George W. Bush -- and so does Al-Qaeda, as does Osama bin Laden. Is it really so surprising that the rhetoric of the far left would be picked up? It's damn close to verbatim in this bin Laden tape."
Posted 02 November 2004 - 09:56 PM
Posted 02 November 2004 - 11:40 PM
If you'd watch F911 you'd know that MM shows familly supporting the war... Unfortunately, because of your pride you'll never know...
Posted 03 November 2004 - 05:42 AM
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