If you have some time, give us more information about the new features. What functions are you planning to add? What do you mean by "complete the cas package"? I really want to know.
The functions I added are
* waitkey(): Make the ClassPad return in Idle state while waiting for a key press. This is quite more efficient than writing "repeat until testkey()" because
- when you execute a loop like "repeat ... until ..." the interpreter is running, thus you are draining your batteries much faster than in Idle state;
- you may specify several keys as arguments to waitkey(), and this function will only return after one of those keys was pressed, so this is more convenient
* waitpen(): Same as waitkey()... but for the pen
* input(): open a blank text field at the bottom of the console window, wait for the user to enter a string in it, and return the string.
Now you can write
print("Enter your name:")
name = input()
print("Hello, " .. name .. "!")
* table.copy(): returns a copy of the table given as argument.
In fact I've changed a lot of things in the program, not really on the interpreter. This is what you can see when launching CPLua 0.7:
Huh? "Interactive"? What's that?
Well, this is the interactive mode
With this mode you can use exactly the same functions and features, but it executes each line directly so you don't have to write a new script to perform a simple operation with Lua.
Take a look on this:
I would like to add some new functions to the CAS, and also the "call" ability for CAS expressions. And the "io" package is currently disabled, I think I will reactivate some useful functions (like formatted input/output etc)
Actually, I'm currently working on a Lua library for plotting functions or data. For now, the library contains functions for plotting (1) one or more functions, or (2) one or more data sets. The functions in this plotting library are highly configurable: you can set axes, tics, gridlines, linetypes, pointtypes etc, or you can let the library to automatically set values for all these settings (autoscaling was the most difficult part of this work). I started this plotting project because I wanted to visualize the results obtained by my Numerical Analysis functions included in LuaNumAn. (...) I'm now working on some refinements in the plotting library functions, such as implementing minor tics and gridlines (currenlty, I have implemented only major tics and gridlines). After that, I'm plannining to upload the library as a stand-alone library, or as part of the LuaNumAn library, I'm not really sure yet.
Actually I was thinking about creating a similar function (as a C library), so it could be even faster
But it's a good thing that you are already working on it, maybe I will try to convert your code in C later
Some remarks concerning CPLua plotting abilities:
(1) The only thing I can't add yet in my plotting functions is tic labels, since CPLua doesn't have a function for writing text in the graph window. Orwell, can you add this feature?
This is planned. I think I will use the Vector font, so you could even choose the size of the text to draw
(2) If you plot directly on the graph window (draw.onscreen()), some lines and/or points are not shown. This bug appears quite often. On the other hand, if you plot everything in the buffer (draw.onbuffer()), then you visualize it by draw.update(), everything is fine. Anyway, I'm sure that Orwell knows this bug.
I'm not totally surprised but I don't really know where the problem comes from
Thanks for the report, I will take a look