This project is developed in CPLua. If you don't know what "Numerical Analysis" is, you will not find something useful here. If you are interested, but you don't know what "CPLua" is, run, dont walk, to the CPLua topic to get an idea on what this programming language can do.
LNA includes several functions implementing rather complex numerical methods; utility and plotting functions are also included in the package. I'm planning to add new functions in the library only if I have the time to write the code in a fully modularized way, to make the functions as flexible as it gets, and only after extensive testing. This means that the project will evolve rather slowly, but hopefully in a regular basis.
To be honest, I don't expect too much forumers to be interested. Nevertheless, I already know that someone will find this project useful. If you have any comments, or if you want for a particular numerical method to be implemented in the library, you are welcome to post here. If you are looking for games, you will disappointed. LNA is definitely not for you, and you should look elsewhere; don't say that you haven't been warned

LNA comes with full documentation. If you cannot solve a particular problem, I will be happy to help, but please read the documentation first. Many questions, such as "how can I call the function xxx from my Lua program?", or "what the argument yyy of the function xxx does?" are extensively discussed in the "LNA programmer's guide". Several examples are also included.
Latest version of LNA is 1.60. There is a link in the File Sharing, where you will find the latest version and the corresponding documentation.