I wonder what makes you a "selected customer", while all forumers here are considered as "plebs", who must pay for OS 3.0.I got mine for free... only to selected customers.
Why I'm not surprised?Version 3.0 is really a major upgrade, however there is NO MANUAL OR INSTRUCTIONS!!!
Thanks, buddy.Who cares?
we have LNA!
Well, you are wrong. LNA functions are able to solve any kind of differential equations; they are not restricted to first or second order. In addition, LNA can also solve complicated boundary-value problems with Dirichlet, Neumann, and/or Robin boundary conditions; I don't have OS 3.0 (and I won't pay a euro for it), but I'm sure it cannot solve boundary-value problems, even the simplest ones.I dont think LNA can solve all.
Btw, do you really know what a differential equation is? I don't think so.
Like I said before, I don't want this to happen, especially from you, since you don't understand Numerical Analysis.That why I wanted to implement LNA into an Add-In, so that it would be more... handy.
I don't understand numerical analysis, but since I can understand Lua...
In general, I don't want to see an addin based on LNA. I know C++ (although I stopped using it several years ago), I can make such an addin, but I have to learn the SDK first. However, I don't like the idea at all, for several reasons.