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Classpad Os 3.0

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#121 PAP


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Posted 17 October 2006 - 09:58 AM

I got mine for free... only to selected customers.

I wonder what makes you a "selected customer", while all forumers here are considered as "plebs", who must pay for OS 3.0. :angry:

Version 3.0 is really a major upgrade, however there is NO MANUAL OR INSTRUCTIONS!!!

Why I'm not surprised?

Who cares?
we have LNA!

Thanks, buddy.

I dont think LNA can solve all.

Well, you are wrong. LNA functions are able to solve any kind of differential equations; they are not restricted to first or second order. In addition, LNA can also solve complicated boundary-value problems with Dirichlet, Neumann, and/or Robin boundary conditions; I don't have OS 3.0 (and I won't pay a euro for it), but I'm sure it cannot solve boundary-value problems, even the simplest ones. :P
Btw, do you really know what a differential equation is? I don't think so. :P

That why I wanted to implement LNA into an Add-In, so that it would be more... handy. :)
I don't understand numerical analysis, but since I can understand Lua... :D

Like I said before, I don't want this to happen, especially from you, since you don't understand Numerical Analysis.
In general, I don't want to see an addin based on LNA. I know C++ (although I stopped using it several years ago), I can make such an addin, but I have to learn the SDK first. However, I don't like the idea at all, for several reasons.

#122 vanhoa


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Posted 17 October 2006 - 12:55 PM

Well, you are wrong. LNA functions are able to solve any kind of differential equations; they are not restricted to first or second order. In addition, LNA can also solve complicated boundary-value problems with Dirichlet, Neumann, and/or Robin boundary conditions; I don't have OS 3.0 (and I won't pay a euro for it), but I'm sure it cannot solve boundary-value problems, even the simplest ones. :P
Btw, do you really know what is? I don't think so. :P

It doent mean things I want to say. Lna have problem: 1./. You must program, it isnt convenien /*I cant remember that word*/, and in the exam, if I write text to CP, I wont be able to use it. 2./. The speed to input.

You dont think I know what a differential equation is ?!? Sorry, I know more than you can think.

#123 PAP


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Posted 17 October 2006 - 09:57 PM

Lna have problem: 1./. You must program, it isnt convenien /*I cant remember that word*/, and in the exam, if I write text to CP, I wont be able to use it. 2./. The speed to input.

For some forumers, programming is not a problem; it seems that, for you, it is a big problem. And, if you cannot "remember that word", there is always a manual to read. :r-t-f-m:
Btw, LNA is not written for helping you in your exams.

You dont think I know what a differential equation is ?!? Sorry, I know more than you can think.

No, you don't. But since you say you know, tell me what is a "direction field", what is the difference between "initial" and "boundary" condiions, and what a "Robin boundary condition" is. :plol:
I'm not blaming you because you don't know Mathematics; I'm not even blaming you because you think you know. All I want to say is that, since you know little (probably nothing) about Numerical Analysis, you should not criticise LNA, and, in general, you should be more modest. Look Orwell, for example; he is able to develop CPLua, the best addin ever made for ClassPad; however, his posts concerning Mathematics are very modest.

#124 Orwell


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Posted 17 October 2006 - 10:18 PM

Look Orwell, for example; he is able to develop CPLua, the best addin ever made for ClassPad; however, his posts concerning Mathematics are very modest.

That's right, I'm not a big fan of pure mathematics and numerical analysis. :blush:
I learned many other things in math several years ago, but I barely never use that kind of concepts in my work, thus I guess I already formatted that part of my brain to make more space for the rest :lol2: This is not my field after all ;)
However I think I can honestly say that I know what a differential equation is (and direction fields, initial and boundary conditions too. I remember Cauchy, Dirichlet and Riemann (?) conditions, but Robin conditions is another story :huh: )

#125 PAP


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Posted 17 October 2006 - 10:42 PM

That's right, I'm not a big fan of pure mathematics. :blush:
I learned many other things in math several years ago, but I barely never use that kind of concepts in my work, thus I guess I already formatted that part of my brain to make more space for the rest :lol2: This is not my field after all ;)

A chacun son domain ;).

However I think I can honestly say that I know what a differential equation is (and direction fields, initial and boundary conditions too. I remember Cauchy, Dirichlet and Riemann (?) conditions,

I'm sure you know. Don't be so sure that you won't need this knowledge in your work. Ugly mathematical beasts are lurking in evey field of science, ready to devour you, if you don't know how to use them.

but Robin conditions is another story :huh: )

Yes, it is, in fact, the most difficult part of the story. Nevertheless, LNA can handle Robin boundary conditions efficiently :).

#126 vanhoa


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Posted 18 October 2006 - 01:29 AM

"direction field" is some lines indicate for the solution of a differential equations. . The equation y' = f (x,y) gives a direction, y', associated with each point (x,y) in the plane that must be satisfied by any solution curve passing through that point. The direction field is defined as the collection of small line segments passing through. st they draw as some arrow, the arrow at a given point points in the direction of the vector at that point, but the length of the vector is not represented.

"initial" condition is a (or some) that the line must go over. But what is "boundary"? My dictionary cant give me the mean.

Robin differential equation boundary conditions which, for an elliptic partial differential equation in a region r, specify that the sum of au and the normal derivative of u=f at all points of the boundary of r,a and f being prescribed. But I dont want to remember it, so difficult st.

#127 The_AFX_Master


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Posted 18 October 2006 - 02:17 AM

"initial" condition is a (or some) that the line must go over. But what is "boundary"? My dictionary cant give me the mean.

Nice try, <_<
an initial condition in a differential equation are the values of the each 0 to n-1 derivatives of the function at start point, these values are for obtain the integration constants of the problem that you're solving. in some (A LOOOT!) problems, you have the initial conditions uncompleted, and some boundary (end of the "region") conditions are prescribed. the O.S 3.00 SURELY, can't solve these mixed problems. you need shooting methods or some other algorithms to solve these boundary conditon equations. LNA can do it

When you have a steel bar of lenght L, for example, between two supports and loaded with some forces, you have that the second derivative of the vertical displacement (multiplied by the stiffness), is the bending moment on the beam (We have the bending moment, a piecewise function in X). now, if "y" is the vertical displacement, then:

x --> Distance on the bar
y(x) --> Vertical deflection at distance x
y(x)'--> Slope at distance x

these are the initial conditions that you need to fill if you need to solve the pretty curve that drawns these bar under loading, on the AFX or the CP OS 3.00,
the bar is supported on both sides, then, x=0, y(0)=0. Do you know "at eye" the slope on the x=0 to complete the initial condtions? no. you can't
in the other side of the bar, there is another support, the conditions on this support are:

Now you need to guess an initial slope y(0)' (shooting methods) to solve numerically the differential equation, and check that the boundary condition Y(L) that must be zero, when you find it, you can solve the problem once, and see the bar deformed shape on your AFX,

Now...initial conditions aren't "lines we must go over"... are headaches that we must go over in mechanics (and so) exams. :D

btw: 99% Offtopic

#128 vanhoa


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Posted 18 October 2006 - 02:34 AM

Really! Sorry I wrong. Everyone said LNA is good, but I cant download it and noone help me then I cant see if it's good...

Btw, how to creat Mycrosoft Word Document from PDF? And any one try to build a zip addin for cp?

#129 betoe


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Posted 18 October 2006 - 02:36 AM

Sorry for being offtopic:
OMG Orwell how do you do to develop great stuff and you're working?? I tought you were a student. Im working as engineer and my classpad is infront of me right now, but full of dust. Btw im really interested in all LUA related, but i doubt i will do a program in LUA one day: lack of time.

#130 vanhoa


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Posted 18 October 2006 - 02:38 AM

Sorry for being offtopic:
OMG Orwell how do you do to develop great stuff and you're working?? I tought you were a student. Im working as engineer and my classpad is infront of me right now, but full of dust. Btw im really interested in all LUA related, but i doubt i will do a program in LUA one day: lack of time.

:thumbsup: :offtopic: :rock:

btw, try my new addin here

#131 PAP


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Posted 18 October 2006 - 08:16 AM

"direction field" is some lines indicate for the solution of a differential equations. . The equation y' = f (x,y) gives a direction, y', associated with each point (x,y) in the plane that must be satisfied by any solution curve passing through that point. The direction field is defined as the collection of small line segments passing through. st they draw as some arrow, the arrow at a given point points in the direction of the vector at that point, but the length of the vector is not represented.
"initial" condition is a (or some) that the line must go over. But what is "boundary"? My dictionary cant give me the mean.

Wwwaaat? :blink: :blink: :blink:

Robin differential equation boundary conditions which, for an elliptic partial differential equation in a region r, specify that the sum of au and the normal derivative of u=f at all points of the boundary of r,a and f being prescribed. But I dont want to remember it, so difficult st.

:plol: :plol: :plol:
No. it's not that. Don't trust dictionaries for such things, they are completely untrusty.

Really! Sorry I wrong. Everyone said LNA is good, but I cant download it and noone help me then I cant see if it's good...

PM me an email adreess, I can send you LNA as an attachment, since you can't download it. However, if you think that programming is "not convenient", you will probably conclude that LNA is useless permaturely.

PS: We are completely :offtopic: indeed...

#132 samuel


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Posted 18 October 2006 - 08:46 AM

Really! Sorry I wrong. Everyone said LNA is good, but I cant download it and noone help me then I cant see if it's good...

Btw, how to creat Mycrosoft Word Document from PDF? And any one try to build a zip addin for cp?

Not everyone will say it is good, only those who know DE, NA, and how hard and tedious those maths are then we will start to appreciate what PAP has done. I guess many say LNA is very good not just for LNA functions but also recognising PAP massive effort.

I am not good at programming just some Fortran and old C knowledge years ago, with that I was able to use LNA to do simple example. So I would say it friendliness is quite high. And it is very very good, as I have OS 3 and I can compare LNA with what Casio has (not to say theirs is not good). Both are different.
LNA has more complete set of library for NA, while Casio's DiffEqua is more for graphing field slope. In the end if you do not know DF then you cannot use whats in CP with OS 3.0. This is the same for LNA. my premise is, when you know DE, NA (not many people are required to do DE, NA in life at all) then surely you had had some programming classes whether you are a technical graduate or a math graduate. So my conclusion is that you should be able to learn Lua and LNA very quickly.

The only dowside of LNA is someone has to keep developing and debugging whereas Casio will continue to do R and D on theri product as long as they exist. I hope PAP wil not get married too soon , :lol: (just kidding)

Wwwaaat? :blink: :blink: :blink:

PS: We are completely :offtopic: indeed...

Waaay off topic... :lol: but good discussion though B)

#133 PAP


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Posted 18 October 2006 - 08:50 PM

Not everyone will say it is good, only those who know DE, NA, and how hard and tedious those maths are then we will start to appreciate what PAP has done. I guess many say LNA is very good not just for LNA functions but also recognising PAP massive effort.

I am not good at programming just some Fortran and old C knowledge years ago, with that I was able to use LNA to do simple example. So I would say it friendliness is quite high. And it is very very good, as I have OS 3 and I can compare LNA with what Casio has (not to say theirs is not good). Both are different.

Thank you for your remarks concerning LNA. You are right, if someone don't know much about NA, he will easily conclude that LNA is not useful, and he will not be able to realize the hard work needed to made it.

LNA has more complete set of library for NA, while Casio's DiffEqua is more for graphing field slope.

Direction field plots (and plotting vector fields in general) are already implemented in LNA 1.70 (and, judging from OS 3 screenshots, I think that LNA direction fields look better :rolleyes:). Version 1.70 also includes animations, multiple graphics windows (overlapping and/or animating), automatic y-axis scaling, and some new Numerical Analysis functions.
I was planning to release version 1.70 three weeks ago, but I didn't make it in time, as always :(. I still have to finish the documentation for the new features.

The only dowside of LNA is someone has to keep developing and debugging whereas Casio will continue to do R and D on theri product as long as they exist. I hope PAP wil not get married too soon , :lol: (just kidding)

Maybe I am already married ;).

#134 Guest_kayfour_*

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Posted 05 November 2006 - 06:51 AM

i have the install file for the new os, except everytime i try to install it, it pops up with a "insert the classpad manager for casio 300 disk"

i have got my original disk in my cd drive atm and it still does not work

anyone know the problem?

#135 vanhoa


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Posted 05 November 2006 - 09:37 AM

Did you buy the Classpad Manager osv 3.0?

#136 vanhoa


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Posted 08 November 2006 - 03:40 PM

Os 3 come with many great things, for example:

f(x)!a<x<b give no error.

there are more command.

the display has been changed.


#137 girdeux


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Posted 09 November 2006 - 10:15 PM

where can I find OS 3?? :blink: :blink:

#138 vanhoa


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Posted 10 November 2006 - 02:12 AM

Buy it...

#139 girdeux


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Posted 10 November 2006 - 04:18 PM

I'm not going to buy it, but; only by curiosity, how much is it? & where can I find it?

#140 vanhoa


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Posted 11 November 2006 - 05:16 AM

I'm like you, no info...

#141 vanhoa


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Posted 27 November 2006 - 03:35 PM

look, http://www.calctech....h/1-OS3-57L.pdf. So great

#142 Lovecasio


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Posted 02 December 2006 - 03:11 AM

Hi. We are not allowed to give the link to tho OS 3.0 here, use any communication mean to contact any one who has already had the OS 3.0 and I think they will give you the link (not here).

Nothing is perfect and so is OS 3.0, however spending some hours trying it, I can say it has been improved a lot compared to OS 2.20. Some of new functions and new user interface that I have found:

1/ ANS is automatically added. (it may satisfy many people)
2/ Better Statistic (Test, Distribution...) with help text. (I like very much)
3/ Shift key: now you can use (-) as Shift key, and assign to many keys on the keypad. (so you don't have to use the stylus to input some of your frequently used functions)
4/ Better CAS (integral calculation is faster, Fourier, Laplace, implicit diff, non-linear system solving, menu rearrangement for easily accessing to the function, ......). However there are still some bugs (the list of bugs in CAS may never end :lol: )
5/ Graphing: now it graph y=log(x) or y=sqrt(x) faster then before, add "Shade graph" function.
6/ 3D: parametric graph, rotating using stylus pen.
7/ Geometry: able to change the name of point, display mesurement directly,...
8/ Differential equation graphing: good, but: full regraph after resize screen (may take long time) , no store-to-list function as in AFX, no table.
9/ TVM (with help text)
10/ Spreadsheet is improved (but not much)
11/ Program: the function still contain only one line function (which is a big restriction). However you can now access your program directly from main or eActivities.
12/ eActivities: More strip can be added.
13/ Grad unit.
15/ In programming you can now compare 2 strings using " = ". Ex: if "abc"="cba" then ...
16/ Fast mode change by tapping directly on the status bar.

Thanks vanhoa very much. Without him I can't have OS 3.0 right now. :) :) :)

#143 The_AFX_Master


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Posted 02 December 2006 - 06:05 PM

The eactivity doesnt return the cursor automatically when reaches the right side of screen

#144 vanhoa


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Posted 03 December 2006 - 10:53 AM

Posted Image

:D How do you think?

#145 The_AFX_Master


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Posted 03 December 2006 - 05:05 PM

Dude, give me half the credits for the pict. Nice job with the other funcs :D

#146 Guest_Guest_Milosz_*_*

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Posted 07 December 2006 - 08:53 PM

Do you have OS 3?? Whom I should ask to "learn more about it"?

#147 Kilburn


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Posted 07 December 2006 - 08:57 PM

Read the previous posts, it may be useful. ;)

#148 DrCoyote


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Posted 08 December 2006 - 07:26 PM


Have they added engineering notation as a display format?

#149 The_AFX_Master


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Posted 08 December 2006 - 10:46 PM

no, as engineering "extra", they only added the grad angular unit.

#150 milosz



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Posted 13 December 2006 - 02:00 PM

Read the previous posts, it may be useful. ;)

No one answers my PMs :( Someone write to me, oh please...

#151 Lovecasio


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Posted 19 December 2006 - 11:13 AM

The eactivity doesnt return the cursor automatically when reaches the right side of screen

It is very strange, AFX_Master. At the first time I used eAct, it didn't return the cursor automatically. BUT now, it does return :blink: . I don't know why. :blink: :blink: . Or you may have to use the OS for sometime before it work nomarlly. :lol:

#152 The_AFX_Master


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Posted 19 December 2006 - 05:12 PM

it doesn't return.. :banghead: .. seems to be that my OS is the "notredame hunchback" :

-Doesn't have the BitMap editor
-Have the weird bug on the spreadsheet that says "insuficient memory" when i try to rewrite a file
-The eactivity cursor doesn't return on every line.

#153 Lovecasio


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Posted 20 December 2006 - 03:21 AM

As I told above, at some first time I used OS3.0 on my CP, it doesn't return the cursor automatically in eActivities. :huh: (in my ClassPad, version 3.00.3500). Trust me, now it does return. If yours doesn't work, try reset your ClassPad, or remove the battery then insert it into your CP again, or perform Initializing. I hope it will work.
The Bitmap editor only comes with CPManager version 3.0, you have to install this add-in (when Casio releases) or you can use BitmapEditor made by SoftCalc which is available for download at www.classpad.org .

#154 Janek



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Posted 21 December 2006 - 05:15 PM

it doesn't return.. :banghead: .. seems to be that my OS is the "notredame hunchback" :

-Doesn't have the BitMap editor
-Have the weird bug on the spreadsheet that says "insuficient memory" when i try to rewrite a file
-The eactivity cursor doesn't return on every line.

Hi. Just one point. The eactivity cursor won't return unless you have spaces in the string of characters.

If that's not the case, then you could try downloading a few eactivities from classpad.org and open then. That might fix the problem.

Hope it helps ;)

#155 fiberoptik


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Posted 23 December 2006 - 03:52 PM

Hello people,
can anyone please email me the link to get OS 3?? Please


#156 qwerty841


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Posted 15 February 2007 - 09:28 PM

I can't even find a link to buy it or even a price. Is it not available to buy?

#157 Behnoud


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Posted 16 February 2007 - 11:42 AM

Since I have upgraded My CP OS I encounter a problem.
Turning it one when it is left for some day couse to:
" Casio
Now loading....".

Is it due Power Save Mode setting?!

#158 Omega



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Posted 16 February 2007 - 02:18 PM

Yes, max. value is 1 day, you can't give a bigger time for it (1 week etc. <_< ). To solve it you should turn it off.

#159 afshin_electronic


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Posted 16 February 2007 - 02:37 PM

Since I have upgraded My CP OS I encounter a problem.
Turning it one when it is left for some day couse to:
" Casio
Now loading....".
Is it due Power Save Mode setting?!

I have the same problem too!!!
does it have any bad & unwanted affects on CP!!??

#160 Kilburn


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Posted 16 February 2007 - 03:56 PM

Not at all.
If you want to disable it, just go in System > Power Properties and set Power Save Mode to Off. :)

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