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Putting A Text File Onto Casio Fx-9860g Au Calculator

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#41 flyingfisch


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Posted 01 May 2014 - 10:07 PM

That's fine, just post it in one topic instead of many, that's all. ;)

To open a text file with the 9860, just install EDIT, and put the text file on your calc with FA-124

#42 newtocasio



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Posted 17 June 2015 - 08:02 AM


I am new to any kind of forum, so I apologize in avance if I'll say anything stupid!!

I will buy a FX-FD10 pro and I would like to ask to anyone that may know, if I can install on it the same programs used for the fx-fd9860GII, like TXTREAD and such.

I read that this calculator converts programs to txt and viceversa but I couldn't find anything specific on my topic. 

Does it work with FA-124?

Can someone tell me anything useful for me about my concerns?

thank you very much in advance to anyone will reply!!

Wish you all a good day! 

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