Posted 06 September 2007 - 05:31 AM
Posted 07 September 2007 - 03:09 AM
EDIT : Wohoo, run it again, I get a BLANK FATAL ERROR SCREEN !
Without any information on addresses, just the FATAL ERROR dialog. Your program is pure genius ! I'm going to run it again, to see what happens.
1. I found it a long time ago.
I agree Protoman No One. Testing and re-testing is a very good thing to do to ensure safety of operation of programs. And BTW Vanhoa, your website is in Vietnamese, with a am sorry that I cannot read
Posted 07 September 2007 - 03:33 AM
Posted 07 September 2007 - 04:36 AM
As I said before, the source code will be sent to any one who need it, just send me a pm.
Nothing to hide? Yeah right, now I know why you don't want to publicy share... I knew from the beginning that Gaumerie would have first told us of what he was doing with his Gaumerie Lib. Those Gaumerie libs in the archive haven't been updated since 2006, they're still the originals. This now just confirms that you have taken copyrighted code from either my Revolution-FX project or Steven Konig's work. I'm pretty sure that Gaumerie is unaware of what is happening right now, but to use his name without him knowing, pointing that he wrote the 4 color engine when he didn't, without his permission, stolen identity, to cover up your own crime is just sick. Just sick. Makes me wander what devious things you can do in the future...No need ti hide any thing
Any ways, here you are : http://www.mediafire.com/?5xdpz01ttzx
Posted 07 September 2007 - 08:05 AM
Posted 07 September 2007 - 10:14 AM
I knew from the beginning that Gaumerie would have first told us of what he was doing with his Gaumerie Lib. Those Gaumerie libs in the archive haven't been updated since 2006, they're still the originals. This now just confirms that you have taken copyrighted code from either my Revolution-FX project or Steven Konig's work. I'm pretty sure that Gaumerie is unaware of what is happening right now, but to use his name without him knowing, pointing that he wrote the 4 color engine when he didn't, without his permission, stolen identity, to cover up your own crime is just sick. Just sick. Makes me wander what devious things you can do in the future...
By the way, nice work removing and stripping off the license and copyright info from my Revolution-FX grayscale engine.
Posted 07 September 2007 - 07:04 PM
Posted 07 September 2007 - 07:55 PM
An emulator is not automatically illegal. It has to contain something special, like copyrighted BIOS or other proprietary stuff, to be illegal. I beleive the specs for the gameboy are widely available, so no reverse engineering is needed.I feel it weird saying it is illegal to not give out the source code for GNUBoy because GNUBoy is illegal anyway (because it is a GameBoy emulator). Don't you find that odd? I mean... illegal stuff is illegal to do illegal stuff too
Posted 08 September 2007 - 12:14 AM
Emulators aren't illegal as long as it's 100% written by the author himself. That's like saying Windows (NT-based) is illegal because now it emulates DOS, or like CASIO's ClassPad Manager is illegal because CASIO made it. But GameBoy emulators are a special issue, because back in 2004 Nintendo bought a US patent for the GameBoy emulator, actually giving them the power to enforce that future GameBoy emulators will be illegal. However, gnuboy was written back in 2000, years before Nintendo made GameBoy emulators illegal.I feel it weird saying it is illegal to not give out the source code for GNUBoy because GNUBoy is illegal anyway (because it is a GameBoy emulator). Don't you find that odd? I mean... illegal stuff is illegal to do illegal stuff too
There's no need to resort to lame comebacks and name-teasing with silly epithets (I've thought we've already made it clear that this is childish, but I guess you don't want to learn) as I was just trying to help you do the right thing. Maybe other users here don't care and don't want to do the right thing, because the number one use of their ClassPad is to play games:PS: I will not continue a war any more, in this school year I have some big exams, and one more this: I dont have in my hand any CASIO calc, you can say any thing, other people can think about me as bad as they want, and after all they shold turn their head to kucalc - the-best-programer-ever...
I'd really like to see that zelda compatible version
Posted 08 September 2007 - 07:12 PM
Posted 09 September 2007 - 10:19 AM
I knew from the beginning that Gaumerie would have first told us of what he was doing with his Gaumerie Lib. Those Gaumerie libs in the archive haven't been updated since 2006, they're still the originals. This now just confirms that you have taken copyrighted code from either my Revolution-FX project or Steven Konig's work. I'm pretty sure that Gaumerie is unaware of what is happening right now, but to use his name without him knowing, pointing that he wrote the 4 color engine when he didn't, without his permission, stolen identity, to cover up your own crime is just sick. Just sick. Makes me wander what devious things you can do in the future...
By the way, nice work removing and stripping off the license and copyright info from my Revolution-FX grayscale engine.
Posted 09 September 2007 - 04:27 PM
This now just confirms that you have taken copyrighted code from either my Revolution-FX project or Steven Konig's work.
Huh? Did I? Why are you so eager to say that I did, when I actually didn't. There's a clear difference from or and and. Look them up in the dictionary.Hey man, are you trying to say that Gaumerie never wrote any functions for grayscales, and that vanhoa actually used your own work from Revolution-FX, while pretending that they were made by Gaumerie?
Again, did I? And for a matter of fact, I was correct in that he did steal Steve Konig's work and again it's copyrighted. Is Steve Konig even given credit in the SPECIAL THANKS in CPgnuboy?And now, because you were the first one to release a public library for grayscales, you come here to claim that vanhoa stole your own work while pretending someone else did it?
It's not might, he did. He even admit's to using Steve Konig's work and again it's copyrighted. And now you accuse me of having a "disproportionate ego" because I asked vanhoa to follow the GPL and include the source with the program or to first ask permission from the original author? That's just wrong...Vanhoa might have transgressed copyright laws, but you sure have a totally disproportionate ego.
No GaumerieLib's doesn't, vanhoa had to take copyrighted code.Now I'm not exactly sure if the original GaumerieLib could give 3 or 4 grayscales, and what changes vanhoa made on it.
Oh no, you've mistaken me for vanhoa, who he thinks has more rights and power than the rest us and thinks he can copy code and continue to violate the GPL as long as he wants.You don't create things to help the community, you make them to gain recognition from everyone.
There's now no need to get into crude language. You really want to know what's "pissing" me off? Nothing.TAnd the real thing that is actually pissing you off, is vanhoa possibly using your work while pretending it was made by someone else.
Posted 10 September 2007 - 09:05 AM
/****************************************************************************** * * [Title] TMU-TimerRoutines-Demo * * [Model] PocketViewer 1600 * * [Version] Ver1.00 * * Copyright (C) 2002 Stefan K??nig (SDwarfs) ******************************************************************************/ #include "define.h" #include "libc.h" #include "L_define.h" #include "L_libc.h" #include <stdio.h> #include "TMU.h" int timer=0; // a timer-counter... void IntHandler() { // The Int-Handler... ++timer; // just increments the timer-counter doneHandler(0); // we finished the Handler } int line_cnt=0; void debugout(char *s) { LibPutProStr(IB_PFONT1,0,30+line_cnt*10,(byte*)s,160); LibPutDisp(); LibWait(IB_1SWAIT); // Wait a second... ++line_cnt; } void main(void) { char s[50]; // Some space to store a C-String... LibInitDisp(); // Inits Display LibClrDisp(); // Clears Virtual Screen... sprintf(s,"Initializing... (%d,%d,%d)",get_imask(),*TSTR,*IPRA); LibPutProStr(IB_PFONT1,10,10,(byte*)s,100); LibPutDisp(); LibWait(IB_1SWAIT); // Wait a second... InitTMU(); // Initialize TMU debugout("Installing Handler.... "); // Install IntHandler on TimerChannel 0 with 44,1kHz // Handled by Subroutine "IntHandler()" installHandler(0,44100,&IntHandler); debugout("Starting... "); // Start the Timer (Channel 0) startTimer(0); debugout("Checking Timer... "); if (timer==0) { debugout("Failure... Cleaning up! "); ReleaseTMU(); return; } debugout("Entering Loop... "); do { // Display current value of "timer" on the display... sprintf(s,"Timercounter: %d",timer); LibPutProStr(IB_PFONT1,20,20,(byte*)s,100); LibPutDisp(); } while (timer<44100*10); // Repeat for 10 Secs... debugout("Stopping Timer... "); stopTimer(0); // Stop the Timer LibWait(IB_1SWAIT); // Wait a second... debugout("Releasing TMU... "); ReleaseTMU(); // Release TMU debugout("Finished... Returning to Menu"); }
Posted 10 September 2007 - 01:32 PM
Again, as I've said with Orwell, I didn't say that. I made the point that you did take copyrighted work.I didnt use any part of your Rev in GnuBoy, dont think that GrayScale is the thing only you can do it!
We all know that it isn't GPL and you know this, we can all see the source code. There is no need to inject false thoughts. But it is copyrighted. You still have to give credit. And if there is a tutorial, then why didn't you give us a link in the first place? Is it just another excuse or are you just irresponsible? And when I'm talking about GPL, I'm referring that gnuboy is released under the GPL. Funny that you don't even answer my question, if Steve Konig is given credit in gnuboy....And next, Stefan K ?nig didnt release the project as a GPL copyrighted, he release it as a tutorial!
You really think that Stefan K ?nig copied your Rev?
Recently I prefer learning+building website+writing blog to programming for the calc, I dont want to talk much about this, but you are wrong kucalc!
Posted 10 September 2007 - 01:42 PM
Posted 10 September 2007 - 11:05 PM
You start by a direct provocation huh? I wasn't expecting less than thatHuh? Did I? Why are you so eager to say that I did, when I actually didn't. There's a clear difference from or and and. Look them up in the dictionary.
You may have been confused because I said both Revolution-FX and Steven Konig. I was trying to show that these are the only logical places where vanhoa could have stolen the code and that both works are copyrighted. And that was the point, vanhoa did take copyrighted work. He has to ask the original author for permission first.
So basically, because vanhoa used 4 grayscales, and because he's totally unable to discover/implement new things on his own, he obviously stole the code from someone else. This is your point, right? After all, you seems to be the only one here who is able to discover such things.No GaumerieLib's doesn't, vanhoa had to take copyrighted code.
Stefan's work was a demo... What's the point in writing a demo if users need to ask the permission to use it?It's not might, he did. He even admit's to using Steve Konig's work and again it's copyrighted. And now you accuse me of having a "disproportionate ego" because I asked vanhoa to follow the GPL and include the source with the program or to first ask permission from the original author? That's just wrong...
"help him"? I don't think so.You can't deny that I was trying to help vanhoa do the right thing. vanhoa is violating the GPL and I was just trying to help him do the right thing.
Posted 11 September 2007 - 12:24 AM
I do understand the problems between expressing thoughts through different languages. That's why I don't play with words, I choose them carefully. But most people who can read can tell that there is a difference between "and" and "or" and I'm pretty sure that you can too. But it seems that anger must have overtaken thought. Remember computer programming? "Logical AND" and "logical OR" are completely different.But don't play with words, I guess you got the idea. Btw, since you are speaking about dictionaries (and languages by extension), try to write your next long post in French and I will answer in French too; or better, try to do it in Vietnamese, you'll see how it is to argue with someone in another language. It may seems as an easy excuse, but don't forget that it is really frustrating to be unable to express exactly what you want and make you understand by others.
No, I have never said I have invented anything. But it's funny that you only talk about grayscales as it's some big thing. I've been mentioning for a long time that vanhoa also failed to provide the source code along with the program which is required by the GPL.We know about this technic for more than 10 years. Do you really think you have invented something?
Well, why didn't you say that in the first place? You've could have said this many posts and even months ago.Stefan's work was a demo..
You're actually right. I will admit I made mistakes, but a good friend, Andreas, told me what I was doing was wrong in how I was distributing GNU Rev-FX GCC. And he didn't say it in a rude way or anything, but as good guidance. Thanks to him, I've learned a lot and now I carefully read the licenses and do my research to ensure that what I've done is right and won't disappoint others. vanhoa however, is my inverse, unable to learn. If he feels that someone is trying to help him, he thinks he's dropping from the top ranks, which vanhoa thinks is unacceptable for himself. As I've said before, he needs to learn humility. Have you even tried educating vanhoa about the GPL? Have fun.I may be wrong, but I think you didn't know that much about the GPL 6 months ago.
I've never said vanhoa was wrong or right either. The first thing I pointed out, was that the source for gnuboy has to be distributed along the binary itself as that's what the GPL requires. A couple of posts later he says something to suggest that he will do it, and I thought, "Yay! Maybe vanhoa isn't so bad after all and maybe I was wrong..." But another release later, he still doesn't do it. vanhoa continued to persists and believe that his actions are right. And this was even way before we talked about grayscales. You can read the first page of this thread if you need to. I admit, I was angered, but that was because vanhoa was arguing about giving credit with PAP when vanhoa wasn't obviously doing the right thing himself. I believe you won't disagree with me on that.I never said vanhoa was right. I can't approve what he did. And I must admit he does not often listen to the other's advices. But this is going too far.
It's not only a good idea, but would have prevented many troubles that we now have.But of course a note in the program's credits would have been a good idea.
Let me extend and share with your thought. I should stop also. No matter how many times I post, there is no way I'm going to persuade vanhoa to do the right thing. Now I'm laughing at myself. PAP tried and failed, and so have I... Man, I wasted a lot of time, energy and effort trying to help a brick.And I guess I should better stop here before getting more contaminated
Posted 11 September 2007 - 08:08 AM
Posted 05 October 2007 - 08:46 AM
Posted 13 December 2008 - 03:23 PM
Posted 13 December 2008 - 04:03 PM
Posted 12 February 2009 - 01:31 PM
Posted 13 June 2009 - 01:39 PM
Posted 18 June 2009 - 05:29 AM
Posted 20 June 2009 - 11:25 PM
Help,vanhoa......My classpad always says "insufficient system memory to run".......Even if I had initialized my classpad,it still shows the messege!Could you tell me why?!!
whenever i try to open up a rom in this i get the following error message:
"unsupport ROM size D4FF2"
what am i doing wrong?
i'm using the classpad 300 btw
Posted 21 June 2009 - 06:16 AM
Posted 18 July 2009 - 11:16 PM
Posted 26 September 2009 - 06:02 AM
Posted 17 February 2010 - 02:36 PM
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