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More Cplua Doubts (0.9e)

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#1 jmayor2



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Posted 23 October 2007 - 12:25 AM

Estimados Srs,
Intento subdividir un programa CPLUA en partes que se llamen unas a otras, pero no lo consigo. Mas detallado: desde una aplicaci?n principal que es un objeto window en cplua (y que ?nicamente posee un menu) intento acceder a otra parte de mi aplicaci?n (al pulsar un item determinado del menu debe aparecer un objeto dialog). Cada uno de esos objetos se encuentra en un sitio distinto, o sea, "MiCarpeta/Principal" y "MiCarpeta/Dialogo1". Como he dicho anteriormente, no lo consigo.
?Podr?a alguien aconsejarme?

Here are several doubts (CPLua 0.9E):

1) Which is the best way to structure my programs?. I have a folder. Inside I save every block (part) of my program (the same way I did with CPBasic). By example, the main window of my application (including only the menu) is ?MyFolder/Principal? where a menu item opens (it would have to open) an input window (dialog); and this one is ?MyFolder/Dialog1?. Well, I?m not able to do it. Which is the best practice? (I tried the ?require? function writing it in ?Principal?, but when I run ?Principal? the ?Dialog1? is automatically executed ??Principal is omitted-).

2) I use CPLua 0.9E, but I only have an English manual about LUA 5.1 (is there any one in another language: Spanish, Portuguese?). And What about CPLua, Is there any one in any languages?


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