thx, already looked there, only Serial_open is explained well... could you post an example? the rest i can solve by my self i think
Revolution-fx V1.0
Started by
, May 17 2008 08:05 AM
47 replies to this topic
Posted 22 January 2013 - 08:48 PM
Posted 23 January 2013 - 09:41 AM
Here is an example from (translated german page).
#include "fxlib.h" int Serial_BufferedTransmitOneByte( unsigned char ); int Serial_Open( void*sm ); int Serial_Close( int mode ); int Serial_ReadOneByte( unsigned char* ); int AddIn_main(int isAppli, unsigned short OptionNum) { char open_mode[6]; int xpos=1; int xpos2=1; unsigned char c, d; int i; open_mode[ 0 ] = 0; // always 0 open_mode[ 1 ] = 9; // 0=300, 1=600, 2=1200, 3=2400, 4=4800, 5=9600, 6=19200, 7=38400, 8=57600, 9=115200 baud open_mode[ 2 ] = 2; // parity: 0=no; 1=odd; 2=even open_mode[ 3 ] = 0; // datalength: 0=8 bit; 1=7 bit open_mode[ 4 ] = 0; // stop bits: 0=one; 1=two open_mode[ 5 ] = 0; // always 0 Serial_Open( &open_mode ); c = 'A'; while( IsKeyDown( KEY_CTRL_EXIT ) == 0 ){ if ( c++ > 'Z' ) c = 'A'; Serial_BufferedTransmitOneByte( c ); locate( xpos++, 1 ); PrintC( &c ); PrintC( " " ); if ( xpos > 20 ) xpos = 1; for ( i=0; i<1000000; i++ ); if ( Serial_ReadOneByte( &d ) == 0 ){ locate( xpos2++, 4 ); PrintC( &d ); PrintC( " " ); if ( xpos2 > 20 ) xpos2 = 1; } Bdisp_PutDisp_DD(); } Serial_Close( 1 ); return 1; }
Posted 23 January 2013 - 02:02 PM
Edited by AlShikan, 23 January 2013 - 04:49 PM.
Posted 23 January 2013 - 04:49 PM
okay now i got one last problem... how to add a src file? in the example, theres written i have to add so sourcecode into SYSCALLS.SRC. sorry for these questions, but this is my first try with syscalls
Posted 23 January 2013 - 05:02 PM
Right-click on the window with headers and source files.
Posted 23 January 2013 - 05:14 PM
ah okay.. fail
Posted 23 January 2013 - 05:45 PM
You couldn't know that. The firs time I saw system calls in a .src file, I tried to add the code on top of my c program .
Posted 23 January 2013 - 07:05 PM
that's what i did then i tried to add it into another .c file ;D
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