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#1 Simprobe



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Posted 23 August 2003 - 03:56 PM

Attention UCN-Members:

It is official now, the Universal Casio Network WILL be closing due to the
fact that me (simprobe), and all of the older more experienced admin staff
(killer83z, bytefish) dont feel like we can properly support it anymore, and
generally things are just going out of control.

Closing Agreement
1. Its not debateable
2. All you members have 6 weeks to choose yourself a worthy member to take
3. The current site webmasters and administrators will provide aid in the
development of the new forum to a CERTAIN extent.
4. If we do not feel good about the person who volunteers and is elected to do the job, we are free to deny him any help.
5. I, Simon Dobretsov, will transfer all the sql files to your posession.
These include all the member registrations, pm's, forum databases.
6. If you want, I will provide you with the unfinished (but almost) ucn website
scripts, images, and database... about 95% done.. in ASP.
7. The casiocalc.org domain will be transfered to your NS host, but only for 1 year.
If you want it after that, you will have to transfer it..and pay for it.
9. If no candidate is chosen in 6 weeks, then this site will be delted fully.

You may ask Why we are doing this. Well.. generally it is because it all doesn't
feel right. We are the last of the original crew (including bytefish). Older and
Newer generations of casio members dont mix too well. Thus we have decided to leave
the well developed casio community to you, in hopes that it will be just as well managed
and promoted. Me and killer discussed this topic in depth, and feel that this is the right
thing to do, due to all our memmories of the past and all our old friends. This is not
implying that everyone in this forum has negative aspects. WE WISH YOU THE BEST OF LUCK.

#2 Exca


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Posted 23 August 2003 - 04:06 PM


Exca over and out

#3 CrimsonCasio


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Posted 23 August 2003 - 05:26 PM

ok, I can accept that. I wouldnt mind taking over, I have the time to work with it and I'm not going anywhere. If someone else with more experiance at this kind of thing wants it though I wont protest. (perhaps a poll would be good)

it appears that this is the end of an era. :unsure: Posted Image

2072, if I understand correctly we will need a place to host the forum, is there a chance that who ever runs graph100.com would be willing to take us on at least temporarily while we look for a new place?

#4 Guest_Bytefish Productions_*

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Posted 23 August 2003 - 06:45 PM

I hope you all understand this. :)
Thanks for all your work from all you guys. :)
But I think we have to do this step.

Of course you all can stay in contact with me (aim / icq / email).

Have a nice life guys. Bye.

#5 Bob Vila

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Posted 23 August 2003 - 10:33 PM

my vote goes to crimson

#6 CrimsonCasio


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Posted 23 August 2003 - 10:41 PM

lets not vote yet, we have 6 weeks, give people a chance to offer their services without feeling pressured by others. plus, if you vote before people have a chance then you might not have an oppertunity to change your vote later.

if he was around a little more I think a good candidate would be Netforce, he already has Casio Corner and seems to be doing a good job with it.

thanks for your vote though bob :)

#7 rstweb


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Posted 24 August 2003 - 07:11 AM

@ crimsoncasio

hosting of the forum wouldn't be a problem for me. but i can't do anything with the portal in asp! sorry, because my host only supports php and mysql.

#8 BiTwhise


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Posted 24 August 2003 - 07:28 AM

This is kinda sad :(

Is everyone of the old admins leaving? Mohamed?

#9 Roeoender


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Posted 24 August 2003 - 08:05 AM

I am the one of the older company
(I actually remember when Simprobe joined CPA forum).
To newer members:
You may think that the "golden era" of the Casio Community was at some distant past,
In my opinion THIS IS NOT TRUE, the community evolved and with every month it became better.
The best moment of the community was about month ago
(just before the info about UCN closing), so if we handle this change
the community will keep well.
So don't panic.
I don't think that by some magic force some of the most important members/moderators will loose interest in this forum (Mohamed surely won't quit).

Anyway we need to find some hosting.
Maybe it is the time to merge with graph100 community? I don't know.

Anyway thank you Simprobe that you declared to transfer your sql data and other work for the new hosting.


#10 huhn_m


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Posted 24 August 2003 - 10:46 AM

Its sad but in this way I can accept and honor your decission.

Well I would be able to host it but i can't afford the money for a bannerles host.
My site is www.mh-development.de and has a pop under. This could be blocked with and pop-up stopper. (maybe
also the code someone suggested would work.)

My account has:

Unlimited bandwidth
50 MB of discspace
Don't know about my sql but will ask provider.
Running MySQL & PHP4

I have also a forum running but would delete it.
I can also either take over the www.casiocalc.org or make an own one (ucn.mh-development.de).

see: www.mh-development.de

I would guarante that the page stays english and that I'll make all members an admin that are now.
I would only need help on installing the SQL database as I never did sth. like that. My host supports
phpMyAdmin (to work with the database).

I think my friend would transfer the database and partly finished page (95% :) ) he has a DSL connection with 768 kbit/sec.

I would also make the main page editable by all admins so everyone can contribute to the design etc ...

The page could stay for at least 3 years (then I'll begin to study and can't promise it since i don't know how to do it then nut i could give the webspace the ucn url (not my url: www.mh-development.de!) to someone else then.

Tell me if it would be ok and so on.

Does your hoster support that i take over the adresse on another provider?

#11 CrimsonCasio


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Posted 24 August 2003 - 12:25 PM

huhn, is there any way you could get rid of that pop up, thats the only thing I would say no to.

#12 huhn_m


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Posted 24 August 2003 - 12:38 PM

I'll try as soon as i find my passwort :)

#13 CrimsonCasio


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Posted 24 August 2003 - 12:39 PM

cool, that would be good.

its good that you already have a forum just like this one, it will probably make the transition much smoother.

#14 Simprobe



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Posted 24 August 2003 - 12:44 PM

Yep, its called domain transfer :-p

#15 Simprobe



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Posted 24 August 2003 - 12:46 PM

Oh yeah..i dunno what to do with everyones subpages, you guys can converse among yourselvs and tell me what to do with them.

#16 CrimsonCasio


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Posted 24 August 2003 - 12:56 PM

well my page will be no great loss, I was in the middle of remaking it from scratch when I decided to check the forum and saw this :lol: , and I have all the games and pictures backed up on my computer. Im going to get a php file I wrote off the site then I'll be set.

Perhaps huhn (or whoever) can continue the hosting, even it just by folders (www.casiocalc.org/crimsoncasio/) if thats the case I can probably get everyone that wants it a .co.nr domain.

#17 huhn_m


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Posted 24 August 2003 - 01:07 PM

I can also give up to 500 redirectrions from my url

The Forum I have is only V 1.0 so I'll need to upgrade it but i thing this is not a problem. It was easy installing the
original one. I can'T host the subpages
but hey can be run on the same server if there is some of the 50Megs left afterwards :) but will be removed if
the space is needed for other things directly concerning the ucn. And I'll keep the konditions of this forum.

*A webpage must be already set up on another server and MUST be working (at least a little)

#18 CrimsonCasio


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Posted 24 August 2003 - 01:21 PM

is your page hosted for free?

if you hosting things doesn't work perhaps I could find an alternative.

#19 Guest_farmboy_*

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Posted 24 August 2003 - 02:25 PM

Bytefish told me you all were leaving so I thought I would drop in for a bit.

I am sorry to here that Simprobe and a few of the others are leaving, but its not the first time he has mentioned it if I rember correctly.

huhn_m: simprobe could verify it but 50megs might not be enough if the forum continues growing...I am not sure how much space it takes up ATM. What I would recomend you all do is go over to www.webhostingtalk.com and go to the "Web hosting request" and post that you need ae "Looking for a sponsorship", get the usage details from Simon and list those as well as saying its for a casio community forum. There are some hosts that will do this if you allow them to put a banner ad or something on your webhost...its a little bit more reliable then going with you run-of-the-mill host.

Good Luck.

#20 Simprobe



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Posted 24 August 2003 - 02:28 PM

50mb will NOT be enough, mysql db alone is very large. Plus all the images that come with this forum. 200mb would put you on the safe side.


#21 CrimsonCasio


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Posted 24 August 2003 - 02:54 PM

hey simon, will this work? http://www.ipowerweb.com/

#22 Netforce


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Posted 24 August 2003 - 03:43 PM

Sorry for my late respons, but I was on holiday.
First of all I want to thank simprobe and all the moderators for the great things they've done for the Casio Community. It was a very good idea to begin a Universal forum.
When I had taken over CasioCorner, I first wanted to start my own forum, but when I saw UCF i'd decided to make a link to this forum.

It is possible to get on with this forum on CasioCorner.com. I've hosting, domain-names and databases, so it must be possible.
Because it will take a lot of my time, I want to ask the members if there want to be someone who could help me as moderator or admin on CasioCorner (maybe the people who are now admin).

Let me know what you think about this idea. You're always able to contact me at info AT casiocorner.com.
Thanks again for the great job!

#23 CrimsonCasio


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Posted 24 August 2003 - 03:57 PM

I think the current admin that are staying will be more that willing to help anyone who takes over (me,bitwise,2072,mohamed...), and we may want to elect another admin to help replace those that are being lost (obviously whoever takes over will automatically be an admin). if we merged CasioCorner and UCN it would be combining two of the biggest and oldest casio sites out there...

simon, i think we need you expert opinion again.

#24 2072


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Posted 24 August 2003 - 05:28 PM

Well I'll ask to Bugbug but at graph100.com we have unlimited database size... so there is no problem hosting the forum.

#25 CrimsonCasio


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Posted 24 August 2003 - 05:50 PM

arg... so many choices. as I see it, there are three possibilities at the moment:

1) huhn_m: forum will probably stay like it is now, with only superficial changes.
2) BugBug (if he wants it): Graph100.com and the UCF will be much more closely related, while we would have to keep the english and french forums seperate, it would be alot easyer to share infromation and features.
3) NetForce: CasioCorner and the UCF will be much closer, making CasioCorner pretty much the main page the forum has been missing so long, admin from the forum would also be able to administrate CasioCorner, keeping both pages up to date. this has some interesting posibilities...

#26 Netforce


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Posted 24 August 2003 - 06:22 PM

I'm sponsored by a reliable Duch hosting-company and I know those people for a long time. If I ask them politely for some more space, there's a good change I will get it! ;)
CasioCorner will be updated to phpNuke version 6.7. phpBB is included in this version.
As CrimsonCasio said, I think there are a lot of advantages by merging CasioCorner and the UCF. Members only need to register once (one database is used) and admins/moderators are able to administrate the UCF and CasioCorner.
Forum and Mainpage could be combined, so that News posted in the forum will be displayed on the mainpage. CasioCorner is already in English, so there are no language-problems.

#27 Mohamed


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Posted 24 August 2003 - 06:25 PM

That's very depressing, I hate losing people like Killer and Bytie, maybe I'll talk with them sooner.
I really am astonished and can't think very well right now, so I'll not suggest anything now.
I have only one request, whatever happens, we want to have all the community going there in the new place with the same rules in this forum, that would be the most important thing for me to go on.

And I really like the idea of hosting at Graph100, I think there should be separate forums, with separate moderating teams, let's say everyone will go on as it is, all what changes will be the host.

Still my mind isn't working well now, but I'll think deeply in this and reply.
Hopefully Killer will join there? Bytefish? Simon?
What about your Cassiopeia site?

Arghhhhh, these news destroyed my day, but hopefully it won't be that bad.

#28 Bob Vila

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Posted 24 August 2003 - 10:02 PM

shouldnt we have like a poll or something?

#29 CrimsonCasio


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Posted 24 August 2003 - 10:06 PM

we will start a poll tomarrow or the day after, gives everyone a chance to present there case.

#30 Bob Vila

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Posted 24 August 2003 - 10:08 PM

well if ya want to do it that way... :P

#31 Guest_farmboy_*

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Posted 24 August 2003 - 10:20 PM

hey simon, will this work? http://www.ipowerweb.com/

ipowerweb.com has a reputation...and its not a good one.
They horribly oversell and crowd servers, so they are extremley slow.

If you are planning on getting a seperate account give me your price range, and I will see what I can find...I have quite a few contacts in the hosting industry, and more importantly I know the hosts to watch out for.

But, first check out www.pair.com if you can afford them then they are considered one-of if not the best webhost out there (but you pay for it).

#32 CrimsonCasio


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Posted 24 August 2003 - 11:03 PM

right now my budget is $10 a month, when I get a job it will be more, but hopefully I wont have to host... I'd much prefer to be a last resort.

#33 Guest_farmboy_*

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Posted 24 August 2003 - 11:26 PM

http://www.ipshostin...m/?forumhosting, you will have to host your site somewhere else (a free host should do that fine) and then you can host the forum there. They will help can help you with transfering and everything, for your price range that would be the best bet.

#34 CrimsonCasio


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Posted 24 August 2003 - 11:37 PM

yeah, I could actually afford that :D

got any suggestions for a good place to put a normal page?

#35 Simprobe



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Posted 25 August 2003 - 01:54 AM

ok, to netforce.. .phpnuke.. you can't combine this with this forum without loosing the user database in either the forum or either phpnuke.. so.. its up to you.

Umm... well.. us admins are debating candidates .. you will probably hear what WE think is the best option, but.. you are all free to set your own path and determine your host. Only thing is .. if you choose someone who me,killer, and bytie do not support..then you will NOT get support from us. I doubt any of us are joining the forum once it is transfered..i might keep my account.. just incase..but.. other than that.. you wont see too much of us around.

Sorry about all the bad news, it had to happen sometimes...

I just hope people like us will appear that are as dedicated as we were... I'm sure you will find just as descent of an admin as me.

#36 Guest_farmboy_*

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Posted 25 August 2003 - 02:14 AM

I'm sure you will find just as descent of an admin as me.

Someone has an ego :P , but it was true.

Crimson: http://www.jdshosting.com/virtual.php the $11.95/mnth package would work for you. I am with that company ATM, they are fairly new (I have known the owner from a pervious webhost where he was an employee...long story) but so far the owner as well as the support people have been extremly good going above and beyond what they need to.

#37 casiokingdom


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Posted 25 August 2003 - 06:38 AM

A lot can happen in just a day, i can see. i remember last time when i missed a day on the UCF, Simon announced that Ross was going to take over.

Anyway, thanks Simon for providing this forum. Although i'm quite new, this forum has inspired me to continue programming.

BTW: what is going to happen to the UCF competition?

#38 Netforce


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Posted 25 August 2003 - 07:28 AM

ok, to netforce.. .phpnuke.. you can't combine this with this forum without loosing the user database in either the forum or either phpnuke.. so.. its up to you.

Hmm, that's not nice.
Maybe it is a solution to begin from the scratch (it's just a IDEA!!).
I know that there are a lot of people who don't like it, I just want to tell what the advantages are.
We're able to start again, to make a new forum-structure and to use one user-database for CasioCorner and UCF (lots of members of the UCF have already been registered on CasioCorner). The integration with CasioCorner has a lot of advantages (same users, same mods, same news, same style, refers.
99% of the messages on the UCF will never be read again, it only takes much of the database-space. Beside that, a lot of the members are never been seen again on the UCF, so we can make a clean start.
On the new forum it's then possible to make a sort of FAQ-section, so that the important and useful messages will be transfered to this section.
If we decide to do this, we can put this forum as a temporary archive beside the new forum, so that you can read the old messages as well. Very important topics could be copy-pasted in the new forum by some moderators (if they will...). After a time the old forum will be deleted...

That's option one, which I prefer (It's temporary annoying, but I think it will be better for the UCF and CasioCorner), the second one:
The UCF-forum will be a 'stand-alone-application' beside another site. Messages will be preserved and it will continue as it is now.

#39 casiokingdom


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Posted 25 August 2003 - 07:32 AM

Whatever you think is best Netforce

#40 Guest_Bytefish Productions_*

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Posted 25 August 2003 - 08:06 AM

Well, i don't like CasioCorner for now.
The structure is quite too complicated to me, plus i dont like phpnuke.
Starting from scratch with a new site, would be great, but it'll take much time i know.
CasioCorner and UCF together would be great in my opinion, but don't forget the option to switch over to graph100.com (what we always wanted...).

I dont know, since both options need a lot of work and a lot of time.

Bye Bytefish.

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