Oddly enough, Casio left out Vector Operations on the FX-9750GII Calculator, although it is included on other calculators such as the FX-9860 (or even FX-115ES). I chose the FX-9750GII because it includes unit conversions.
However, Vectors can be added to the calculator with a self-written program. Here's a version that uses 380 bytes: http://www.rlassoc.o...Vector_Prgm.pdf
(The comments in the program are for illustration purposes, and could use too much memory if actually included).
It is meant to conserve memory but cover the essential vector operations, which are addition, dot product, cross product, and angle between vectors. Some contend there isn't really vector subtraction, only adding vectors with the sign sense of the i,j,k components (check physical applications). The program is designed for three dimensions, and if you are working in the two-dimensional plane, you simply input a zero for the k-component. It allows multiple data input on a single line - simply separate the data with commas and enclose with curly brackets. The program routine does the above four operations every time you run it, and you can simply pass an operation's result by pressing 'EXE' (if you are only interested in the Dot Product, for example). Again, these measures are to conserve memory versus a program that is menu driven using multiple branchings and much more bytes of memory.