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CAS, Algebra and TUTOR programs on FX!

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#1 Brazzucko


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Posted 20 December 2002 - 11:02 PM

:) Hi guys

I have the Casio FX model, and using the explorer programs I ?found? in drive D the programs CAS, Algebra and TUTOR.

I don?t know why but when I try to use these programs from LINL, SysExplorer, or Touche the calculator always ?crash?.

But using the FlashCom software I add 3 new icons to the main menu, ( the CAS, Algebra and TUTOR icons ), and finally I have this 3 programs, ( all the 3 programs works correctly without problems or ?crashes? ).

For those that don?t have a CASIO calculator and want to buy one, the FX has the preference because is more cheap, and you can use the same software of the AFX.

For those that?s already has a FX model, just add the new icons to the main menu using FlashCom.

There is one small limitation, in the system menu I don?t have the option to disable the TUTOR program, but honestly who need this?????

Tanks to Mohamed for his BIG help??? :D

#2 Killer83Z


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Posted 21 December 2002 - 01:31 AM

Are you refering to the FX1.0? I think exca already discovered the hidden programs...

#3 Mohamed


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Posted 21 December 2002 - 05:32 AM

Yes Killer, he means the FX 1.0.
Wht did Exca do? Was he able to use them? Does he have an FX 1.0?

I'm glad you decided to join here finally. :)

#4 Exca


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Posted 21 December 2002 - 08:58 AM

Yea, I have fx 1.0, and I found the systems and yes they crash if started from explorers. I never tried adding the icons to the menu as I installed the new versions (about 2 years ago).

They're not allowed in matriculation exam so I'm going to do every calculations without cas.

#5 Brazzucko


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Posted 22 December 2002 - 04:20 PM

:D yes the programs works well......

For those that`s have a FX 1.0, must check if they has the ROM version 1.02 ( is the ROM version of my FX 1.0 and the same ROM version of the AFX )

Yes Mohamed I take so long to join but finally here I`m :)

J? agora h? algum Brasileiro por aqu

#6 superna


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Posted 28 December 2002 - 08:12 PM

the fx1 roms is the same as an afx2 rom 1.00 calc
casio sold it for a test i think
it's Bizzar !

#7 Exca


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Posted 28 December 2002 - 10:34 PM

Superna, nope. The roms are same always. The only thing they have different is that fx 1.0 doesn't have cas/tutor/algebra linked in default.

#8 superna


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Posted 29 December 2002 - 02:44 PM

exactly, the roms are same

for information, our Graph100 IS a n Afx2 because cas, is linked
but something i ca,'t understand is why tutor and algebnra aren't linked ?

#9 MathManiac


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Posted 04 January 2003 - 11:02 PM

Ok, that's something usefull.
I bought a fx 1.0 plus to my brother...
But i think that if someone finds cas application on fx1.0 there will be a problem...

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :blink:

#10 MathManiac


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Posted 04 January 2003 - 11:03 PM

...and probably this is why they don't give us some asm/c/c++ support

(everybody would buy a FX 1.0 instead of a fx 2.0)

#11 Brazzucko


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Posted 10 January 2003 - 10:26 PM

Hi guys :)

I think like this, a company has to make a product cheaper as possible for the Company; the CASIO Company is not an exception.

So why they have to made four different models of calculators ( FX 1.0, AFX 2.0, FX 1.0 Plus and AFX 2.0 Plus ), if they just can made one model, put a different chase, and ?icons in the main menu????..

The prove is the CAS, Algebra and TUTOR files in the FX 1.0, and G100??

#12 Exca


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Posted 11 January 2003 - 09:08 AM

The plus models are different from the ones without the plus. Their rom can be upgraded cause it's flash memory (if I remember right)

The difference between 1.0 and 2.0 (in both plus models and normal) is that 1.0 doesn't have linking to cas, algebra and tutor. And that way it's allowed in many exams.

#13 Brazzucko


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Posted 12 January 2003 - 09:04 PM

:D To Exca:

Yes Exca the FX 1.0 is allowed in many exams, but in Portugal ( I?m a Brazilian living on Portugal ), when I go to a exam, the teachers only check if the calculator is a ?approved? model, they never check the memory, or if I have additional software, ( as you know we can install the CAS2 and Algebra2 ), and ( in a very remote probability ) if they ( the teachers ) reset the calculator, this will not affect the Flash memory, they never reset the calculator from the System menu, to delete the Flash memory they must initialize the calculator from the system menu, and to ?help us? they don?t know about the hidden menus, They only do it on the reset bottom.

If you have Basic files whit some ?helpful stuffs?, just make a backup of those files to
the Flash memory, in my case when I go to a exam, I remodelled the main menu to have the FX 1.0 original main menu, but some ?original icons? are linked to the CAS, and Algebra programs ( for example the CONICS and LINK icons ), only in the case of a teacher wants to check if the main menu its ?the original FX 1.0 main menu?.

To MathManiac: Sorry guys is in Portuguese

Pois ? Matemaniaco ( nome curioso este heim voc? ? assim doido por mat? ), bem ? pena ( se tiveres uma AFX essa not?cia veio tarde n? ), como sabes e bem as AFX n->o s->o acess?veis em Portugal, pra ser sincero acho o pre?o um absurdo, no Brasil elas custam 396 Reais ( 120 Euros ), mas enfim, siga em frente e compre a FX, mas aten?->o neste momento, como deves j? ter notado, estou tentando ter ?acesso? ao software Plus que tenho quase a certeza est? ?escondido? nos arquivos Partbl*.exe, visto eu ter confirmado que os Saltire* est->o fora de jogo ( at? j? pus o Roeoender a ?trabalhar? no assunto ), por isso n->o deve demorar muito??.

Eu n->o quero dizer pra desistires da compra da FX Plus, mas se puderes segurar a bola por mais algum tempo at? a confirma?->o de que n->o ? poss?vel por o software Plus a correr na FX.

N->o seria m? ideia n?, sempre poupas mais algum??

To all:

I think that?s this is a very important thing, because if we wants to have one AFX, we just need to by a FX, I already convinced 3 of my friends to by the FX in the place of the AFX, I linked the CAS, Algebra and TUTOR programs whit the icons in the same AFX position for they and they are very ?happy? with they FX ?tuned? to a AFX.

And of course the FX 1.0 is cheaper, in comparation with the AFX???.

Note: If you by a original CASIO SB-87-w cable and the FX 1.0, they will be more cheap if you by only one AFX 2.0 whiteout the original CASIO cable??

Now I tried to ?tune? the FX 1.0 to FX 1.0 Plus ( see on the main forum ?FX 1.0 Plus Software on FX?, all help from ?you? will be well come ). :)

#14 Mohamed


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Posted 15 January 2003 - 10:20 AM

Hey Brazzucko,
Tell you about a couple of tricks we (me and one of my relatives, he is called paradisedevil on the UCF) did prior to our exams.
The instructors learned enough about the FX 2.0 to go to the system menu and initialize it, so we had to find a solution, there were two:

1- paradisedevil's: He made a C program to look exactly as the system menu and would go through all the stuff, and show the Initializing box and then displays the CASIO logo then main menu, as if a real initialization happened, and he linked it to the system icon instead, so the guys were fooled. :D

2- mine's: I simply linked TOUCHE's Math functions to the system icon and changed the look of the icon to some math related stuff.
And when someone would ask me where the System's menu, then I'd say I don't know, my calculator didn't come with one. :lol:
The strange thing is that after I did this, no one ever checked my calc again.

I'm glad to see you such an active member, I have read the other topic about the files, and I was happy. :P

It's the first time for me since the change to access the forum, I usually linked the UCF directly in my favorites, so when I tried it, it showed the error page, just today I thought, that's too long for a downtime then I tried casiocalc.org and I found the new address. :)

#15 MathManiac


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Posted 17 January 2003 - 09:05 PM

... He made a C program to look exactly as the system menu and would go through all the stuff, and show the Initializing box and then displays the CASIO logo then main menu, as if a real initialization happened, and he linked it to the system icon instead, so the guys were ...

Can i get the source code? (if there is a way of making it available to all the languages, i believe i could give some use to it)

#16 rstweb


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Posted 18 January 2003 - 01:43 PM

Where could I get a FX 1.0 Plus? is this calculator original without cas and algebra? does this calculator support asm and c/c++?

#17 Exca


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Posted 18 January 2003 - 03:34 PM

It supports asm/c.
And it has algebra and cas, but you need to add the links manually. It's just like fx2.0+ but with different default menu (3 missing icons)

#18 rstweb


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Posted 18 January 2003 - 08:24 PM

thanks! that is the calculator i need! because in exams we have to use a calculator that can't algebra. the fx 1.0 can't algebra, so i'm allowed to use it.

but there's a problem:
where can i get a fx 1.0?

#19 Mohamed


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Posted 19 January 2003 - 02:27 PM

MathManiac: Sure I will, I'll look for them.
You'd have the source in the mail in a max. of 10 hours.

#20 Brazzucko


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Posted 19 January 2003 - 05:21 PM

To Exca:
You forgot one thing the FX 1.0 has the TUTOR program to??

To rstweb:

You want to by on the internet?, or in a shop?

#21 rstweb


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Posted 19 January 2003 - 07:52 PM

it doesn't matter. i want to buy it there where i could buy it... :lol: :lol: :lol: :D :D :D

#22 MathManiac


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Posted 20 January 2003 - 07:42 PM

Honestamente, o tutorial n->o ? grande coisa.
I dont think the Tutorial Feature is that great. What's the big deal of having a step by step equation solver? People who really need that are really...Ignorant!!

#23 rstweb


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Posted 21 January 2003 - 02:13 PM

no! a step by steop equation solver teaches you to solve equations! if you didn't understood it at school than you could learn it with the calculator at home, again.

#24 rstweb


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Posted 22 January 2003 - 04:58 AM

nobody could tell me where i could buy a FX 1.0?
I need one because it supports asm/c and he has official no Algebra so that I could use this calculator at school....

#25 Exca


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Posted 22 January 2003 - 01:14 PM

From Finland :)
I bought mine from www.lukiolaistenkirjakauppa.fi

That company sells only to finns although :/

#26 rstweb


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Posted 22 January 2003 - 04:12 PM

:huh: that's not good...

how much cost there the FX 1.0?

#27 Exca


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Posted 22 January 2003 - 05:05 PM

Casio FX 1.0 plus goes out for 139 euros

#28 rstweb


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Posted 22 January 2003 - 05:56 PM

???? I could get the AFX 2.0 Plus for 90Euro!!!

these prices are too high!

#29 Brazzucko


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Posted 23 January 2003 - 07:01 PM

:) To rstweb:

The CASIO FX 1.0 has EXACTLY the same software and hardware of the AFX, so what the AFX do, the FX do to?..

Where you live you can?t by a FX 1.0?

If you can, you can go to the CASIO site and select your country and search for the nearest CASIO shop.

To all:

This is curious but I decided to by the AFX, but in the shop they had a FX and a AFX for test, so I compare the two models and I check a existence of a Algebra memory on the FX, that was interesting, because I know that we can make changes on the calculator ( wasn?t a UCF member yet, so I have asked Mohamed about that from his web page, but his can?t answer the question because he don?t know about the FX 1.0 models, and I don?t give much information to him ), so I betted on the FX, I by the SB-87-w cable and at home I make the necessary modifications and Voil? I have now a AFX ( very very cheaper, in comparison with the ?original? AFX ).

I already convinced ( in a total ) 12 friends ( some are friend of my friends ), to by the FX 1.0 and not the AFX.:D

#30 rstweb


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Posted 23 January 2003 - 07:47 PM

The CASIO FX 1.0 has EXACTLY the same software and hardware of the AFX, so what the AFX do, the FX do to?..

Where you live you can?t by a FX 1.0?

If you can, you can go to the CASIO site and select your country and search for the nearest CASIO shop.

I can't buy a FX 1.0 here in Germany or better said: I don't know where to buy. I looked into shops and they only have the AFX 2.0+, but I'm not allowed to use an Algebra Calculator, so I have to use the FX 1.0....

I watched at the official site of casio (www.casio-europe.com/de/), but I couldn't find any possibilty to find out where the nearest shop is.

Where do you live?

#31 Killer83Z


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Posted 24 January 2003 - 03:24 PM

They took out the fx1.0 from sale in germany and replaced it with the afx2.0

They want to push the new calcs, not the old ones.

#32 Brazzucko


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Posted 25 January 2003 - 11:56 AM

:P To rstweb:

I?m a Brazilian, but just now I liven in Portugal, and here there is the FX 1.0 on the CASIO shops, but one more thing The FX 1.0 is not an old model, the FX 1.0 and AFX 2.0 has the same ?age?.

The problem maybe, is the fact that in Germany don?t have market for this model, if I find any site on internet for you by one FX 1.0/Plus I tell you??.

:P :P

#33 Brazzucko


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Posted 26 January 2003 - 03:06 PM

:D To rstweb:

I have found what you want a FX 1.0 Plus at $95.95 see:

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

#34 MathManiac


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Posted 27 January 2003 - 02:50 AM

I can't buy a FX 1.0 here in Germany or better said: I don't know where to buy.

They dont sell FX1.0 on all Germany. I got the information from a German Casio seller last year.

#35 Killer83Z


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Posted 27 January 2003 - 02:35 PM

I already said that. ;) They want to sell the (newer) afx here.

one more thing The FX 1.0 is not an old model, the FX 1.0 and AFX 2.0 has the same ?age?.

Wrong. The FX1.0 is older than the AFX2.0. Not so much, but the afx was released after the fx. (because the rom of the FX1.0 wasn't flashable, a complete new calculator with only a few new programs, or as we found out, more programs that are linked to the main menu, was produced - odd casio)

#36 Exca


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Posted 27 January 2003 - 03:21 PM

Wrong Killer.

Fx 1.0 was released at the same time when afx2.0 got to rom number 1.02 (that's why you can't find any 1.0's with rom 1.00 or 1.01)

And for my knowledge 1.0 was made because 2.0 is not allowed in many exams due to cas.

Correct me if I'm wrong :)

#37 Killer83Z


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Posted 27 January 2003 - 08:53 PM

Wrong Exca.

One doesn't count DOWN with model numbers, at least not casio. Starting from 1.0 going to 2.0, doesn't that sound reasonable? :rolleyes: Just like 97400, 9800, 9850 and so on.

Apart from that I can remember that the FX1.0 actually was at the german casio homepage before the AFX2.0 replaced it.

Maybe they messed the order up in finnland :lol: Or where do you got that theory from? <_<

#38 Exca


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Posted 27 January 2003 - 09:01 PM

Have you seen any FX 1.0 with rom 1.00? or 1.01?

That's how I got my theory :)

#39 rstweb


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Posted 28 January 2003 - 05:08 AM

My Theory:

the fx 1.0 with rom 1.00 and 1.01 had too many bugs so that this calculator never had left the testlabs. When FX 1.0 came out, Casio developed at the AFX 2.0 and some times after the release of teh FX 1.0 they released the AFX 2.0 and took the FX 1.0 in Germany away, because the AFX is more powerfull.

I think that the FX 1.0 with rom 1.00 and rom 1.01 had never left the test labs, because they had too many problems with asm/c. The FX 1.0 was completely new developed. He doesn't have anything same with the 7400, 9850, 9950,....

#40 superna


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Posted 28 January 2003 - 08:49 AM

error, the calc sytem of the fx1 is the same as the afx2 one
so here is my theorie
Casio made the first AFX2 1.00 (grate thing from casio !) sold as Graph100 in france.
After, they decided to do an full hardware update (complete change) with the Afx2 1.01 (or graph100 aswell) (we know the comm very slower and the screen faster)
Due to exams wich dont accepted Afx2 because of CAS the decided :
1. To come back to the old 1.00 hardware and to update the software to do the 1.02 rom (graph100 aswell)
2. to sell a Afx2-Light calc : the Afx1
After, they decided to put a new software version (including Params into Menu, joint1, joint2...) in a 1.03 rom
They made a Afx1+ (without such Eq-Diff..) and Afx2+ (and Graph100+)

heres is my versionof the story, i took all elements a had for 2 years of G100 community and programming
Also i know the software and hardware changes between versions (the 1.02 rom which has the same hardware as the 1.00 is an idea from BradN)

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