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CAS, Algebra and TUTOR programs on FX!

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#81 Brazzucko


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Posted 09 April 2003 - 12:29 PM

:lol: Ok I know that.........

I have my on problens to find the cable.....

#82 Brazzucko


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Posted 09 April 2003 - 01:12 PM

:) But anyway, the FX 1.0 and the original Casio SB-87 cable still cheaper??

#83 krauli


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Posted 16 March 2004 - 08:30 PM

Desculpem l?, mas eu n entedi ? afinal como ? k se chama o programa mm em si(o nome mm do ficheiro), lol, para eu depois por no programa k faz os atalhos...
podias me dizer aonde esta o cas(em k drive, kal ? o noem completo cas2.exe???)
do tutor e acho k ? s?..

j? agora sabes pq ? k eu n consigo por a lingua portuguesa?? ? k ele diz smp k ha erro na comunica?->o.. e mais uma coisa, ha ai uns jogos k da erro de memoria alguem sabe o k ???

Inteh :crazy:

#84 Andy.Davies


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Posted 16 March 2004 - 08:46 PM

erm does someone know this language? cos we need someone to translate it.....

#85 betoe


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Posted 16 March 2004 - 09:22 PM

portuguese i think:
Babelfish says:
They forgive there, but I n entedi is after all as it is k if name mm calls program mm in si(o the filing-cabinet), lol, for I later for in program k makes the shortcuts... you could say where this to me it cas(em k drive, kal is it noem complete cas2.exe) of the tutor and I find k is alone. already now you know pq is k I n I obtain for lingua Portuguese? it is k says smp k ha error in the communication. e plus a thing, ha ai games k of the error of memoria alguem knows the k is? Inteh

Betoe's free translation says:
They forgive there, but i understood is after all as it is coz if name mm (mm=main memory??) calls program mm in si(o the filing-cabinet), lol, for I later for in program that makes the shortcuts... you could say where this to me it cas(in wich drive, kalc is it noem complete cas2.exe) of the tutor and I find that is alone. already now you know pq (pq=because) is that I n I obtain for lingua Portuguese? it is that says smp(smp=always?) that exist an error in the communication. And plus a thing, ha ai games k of the error of memory somebody knows the what is? Inteh

Please Krauli if you back again try to write without abreviations or ortographic errors, so we can translate it to english for understand you.

#86 Andy.Davies


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Posted 16 March 2004 - 09:26 PM

that dosent make alot of sence to me....

#87 ictfs



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Posted 16 March 2004 - 11:15 PM

(I am learning English)

Hello to all, I have a question about CAS on FX: ?CAS on FX do all the same calculus as the AFX's CAS do?, ...about the diferences from CAS and CAS 2, which CAS version does the FX has? (I am not sure, but i think I had readed (I don't reminder where), the CAS 1 does not use matrix, vectors and lists, but CAS 2 do).
Could I update the CAS on the FX?, Why CAS is not avaliable for FX on CASIO page?


#88 betoe


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Posted 17 March 2004 - 02:46 AM

CAS is the default software, CAS 2 has bugs fixed and more functions (like you said). Its useles have the CAS for download. Read the complete topic for learn how to use the CAS mode in the FX, i had never do that so i cant help you more, but as i know this software is in the memory of the calculator, you must only put a program for call them.

#89 krauli


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Posted 17 March 2004 - 01:05 PM

UPs. I'm sorry, for writting in POrtuguese...
What I mean is I have an FX1.0... And as I read here i Can put cas and tututor in it.. and I already know how... but I need to know the especific name of the programas, and where are they(in what drive)... Sorry one more time for writing in portuguese... but I saw a lotr of ppl using it here and I thoung that a lot of ppl would understand it.. :crazy:

#90 krauli


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Posted 17 March 2004 - 02:06 PM

well I have already put them to work ;) this is great... but Now I dont have the icons... I have only the icon for cas can anyone give the tuturial and the algebra icons?? btw what is the diference between algebra and cas?? :crazy:

#91 betoe


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Posted 17 March 2004 - 09:39 PM

No problem for write in portuguese, this topic is old and the only portuguese member of the forum is Brazzucko, also he comes a few times per month to this forum, he is so busy with him studies. The good thing is that i speak spanish and understood you :rock:

As i remember some file explorers (as linl, the one i used) have the option for make a "desktop shorcut" or icon for programs.

#92 Andy.Davies


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Posted 17 March 2004 - 09:45 PM

going slightly offtopic, is potuguesse similar to spanish?

#93 krauli


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Posted 17 March 2004 - 09:49 PM

yeha, spannish ir smilar to portuguese, but portuguese is a little bit more difficult.. :blink:
Can u give me the link do linl??? I already have the icons :D there is anyway to install addin software from casio without the CASIO Add-in Installer??
:rock: :rock:

#94 Andy.Davies


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Posted 17 March 2004 - 10:54 PM

right goto my site, or crimson's site, you can downloa a .pdf on how to transfer icons and programs to the calc quickley, (half a minute max?) not the quickest link prog, but the easiest to use, all the programs required are on my site and crimsons site.

#95 CrimsonCasio


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Posted 18 March 2004 - 01:12 AM

yeha, spannish ir smilar to portuguese, but portuguese is a little bit more difficult..  :blink:
Can u give me the link do linl??? I already have the icons :D there is anyway to install addin software from casio without the CASIO Add-in Installer??
:rock:  :rock:

no, unfortunately :(

#96 Andy.Davies


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Posted 18 March 2004 - 09:19 AM

oh, sorry, i missread your post, i thought you meant user made progs :(

#97 krauli


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Posted 18 March 2004 - 10:50 AM

a little bit off topic: After I put every progs on my calc, I'm no allowed to do back ups.. why?? no space?? :(

#98 R00KIE


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Posted 18 March 2004 - 12:21 PM

Hei :hammer: Brazzucko isn't the only portuguese member of this forum :profanity: i'm portuguese too !!!

Ent->o pessoal tudo na boa ?! :D
o pessoal que fala portugues ou que vive em portugal que se manifeste :nod:
fiquem bem !

#99 Brazzucko


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Posted 19 March 2004 - 11:14 PM

:D It?s cool to see this file back they were the first in the UCF history to reach the 1000 views?.

Bem eu fui o um dos primeiros membros e at? agora o primeiro e ?nico membro brasileiro, mas dos que falam portugu?s fui o segundo o primeiro foi o metemaniaco, da qual nunca mais obtive not?cias.

Eu estou estudando em Portugal na universidade de ?vora, estou tirando o curso de Engenharia Civil, e esta fase ? terr?vel cheia de exames e visitas ? obras, com conseq??nte relat?rios, enfim ? a vida?

Eu visito o f?rum poucas vezes por m?s, mas estou dedicando muito tempo ? jogos BASIC, no domingo colocarei o Gang Fight2 vers->o 2.8 e o nov?ssimo jogo Rad Racer vers->o 1.4.

E j? estou trabalhando no Little Adventure um nov?ssimo e revolucion?rio jogo em BASIC esperem pra ver?. :P

#100 R00KIE


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Posted 22 March 2004 - 10:33 AM

Pois, tou a ver eu estou a estudar em Tomar e estou no curso de engenharia electrotecnica e este semestre ? s? trabalhos e claro est? os respectivos relatorios por isso n->o tenho muito tempo livre para fazer jogos :cry:

#101 betoe


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Posted 22 March 2004 - 09:26 PM

I'm studing electronic engineer, so watch my site and the andy davies one, for some programs. I dont have time for make games, only single programs, and only in vacations.

#102 Brazzucko


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Posted 14 July 2004 - 02:17 PM

:D For who have problems to turn they FX 1.0 to one AFX 2.0 or one FX 1.0 Plus in one AFX 2.0 Plus, just read this post, here you will get all that you need To do it :lol:

It was a little difficult to find this post :huh:

#103 Brazzucko


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Posted 25 May 2005 - 12:56 PM

:D Here is all you guys need to turn the FX in to a AFX.

I receive some E-mails asking about all the info in this topic :P

#104 huhn_m


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Posted 25 May 2005 - 01:31 PM

the topic is temporarily pinned. We'll watch the
page views and if they don't increase by a certain amount
every month this topic gets unpinned again.

(If you want to suggest sth. to IPBs producers then that they could automate such a feature :) )

#105 Brazzucko


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Posted 23 June 2005 - 05:06 PM

Hi guys

:o I have some complains of some guys that don?t get any help to ?crack? their FX 1.0 and FX 1.0 Plus to AFX 2.0 and AFX 2.0 Plus

:huh: I generally receive 3 e-mails per week asking-m how to do it.

:unsure: But I only can help the FX 1.0 user?s, I don?t have the System file for the FX 1.0 Plus, some one can send it to reza12344321 AT yahoo.com, (whit the FlashCom and instructions for he know how to do it ), I don?t have internet access in my house, only in the university, please guys help them B) .

:lol: After all is this the reason for keep this forum, to help other?s :lol:

#106 Andy.Davies


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Posted 23 June 2005 - 05:42 PM

If you like i will try to write a guide with the system files etc. in it.

#107 huhn_m


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Posted 24 June 2005 - 06:57 AM

I also got these mails but had no time to reply yet.

I'll write something that is easy and comprehensive (with screenshots) on how to do it yourself...

#108 Guest_Guest_Ihmemies_*_*

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Posted 17 August 2005 - 08:10 PM

"In the FlashCom, type you Com port on the “ COM number: “ ( generally is 1 ).

Them click on the “ System “.

Put your calculator in receive mode.

Now you are ready to download the System file from your calculator to the PC, the system file contains all the icons and arguments to launch the entire program available in your calculator

To download the System file to your PC click on “ receive “ ( when do you do that one window will appear to you select the name of the *.cfs file and the directory to save the file, put that name “ Original system file “ )

Wait for the download…….( if a communication error mesage appear on your calc screen, see at the end of this E-mail one solution for this problem )

Now do you have the System file of your calculator stored in you hard disc, but we have to tune the file of you FX 1.0 Plus to AFX 2.0 Plus………

On the FlashCom click on “ Open System “

Another window will appear, select the “ Original system file.cfs “

Now a nice thing will happen, you have in the “ Total: “ the number of all the icons available in your FX 1.0 Plus system file, in “ Number: “ you see the number 1 corresponding to the first icon of the system file, the RUNMAT icon.

In “ Key: “ you read 1 this is the key that if is pressed, will launch the program ( whiteout selecting the icon and pressing EXE.

The “ Bitmap: “ will show you the icon corresponding for that program ( you will see to the name of that icon “ RUNMAT.BMP “ ).

In “ Name: “ you will se the name of the selected file for that icon “ RUNMAT.EXE “

And for end in the “ Drive: “ you see the drive where the program are “ D:\ “

You will see to the “ Version: “ of that program ( in my case is 1.03 ), and the “ Argument: “ window are free ( in my case they are, in your I don’t know ).

Now lets change this system file……..

In “ Total: “ add more 3 number ( in my case the original total are 11, and I put it to 14 for have “space” for more 3 icons )

Let’s imagine that your total are 4, so you have to add “spaces” until reaches the 7. ( I will use that example for now )

In the “ Number: “ select the number 5 ( you will see that everything are in blank )

Note that you can’t change the “ Key: “

In the “ Name: “ type “JOINT2.EXE”

In “ Drive “ type “F:\” ( ATTENTION you must type exactly F:\ )

Then type the version ( you can type any version but type 1.02 ).

Now there is the “patch” to make them work in “ Argument: “ type “CAS” ( whit this argument that icon will launch the CAS program ).

To select a icon for this program you have to click on the blank space in the “ Bitmap: “, a window will appear for you select the monochromatic bmp select the CAS.BMP that I send to you. ( the FlashCom it’s unable to change the icons like the Add in installer of CASIO, so to your CAS icon have the number 1-9 or the A-Z symbol “the key that will launch the file”, you can open the Paint, put the key, and save then, you MUST to SAVE the BMP file as a MONOCHROMATIC image file ).

Don’t forget to put the icon name, in this case CAS.BMP.

For the ALGEBRA and TUTOR program, do the same thing.

For the ALGEBRA, the argument is ALGEBRA.

For the TUTOR, the argument is TUTORIAL.

When you finish to add the 3 icons, don’t forget to save then ( you must save the modified *.cfs file to download it back to the calculator.

Save the file as “ AFX 2.0 Plus.cfs “

Now to download it back to the calculator, set the COM Number, then click on the System, and Send.

A Window will appear, select the AFX 2.0 Plus.cfs file.

Wait for the download…….( if a communication error mesage appear on your calc screen, see at the end of this E-mail one solution for this problem )

Now you have your FX 1.0 Plus tuned to the AFX 2.0 Plus………

Whit the same process you can add more icons ( max of 35 icons “ 1- 9, A-Z ), or change they order ( to have for example the same icons positions of the AFX 1.0 Plus ).

If you do something wrong, when you click on the icon nothing will happen, verify the System file to find the error….."

You can get the icons (which you have to modify yourself), flashcom etc from http://mbnet.fi/zakath/casio_stuff.zip

Everything written by Edwin.

#109 Guest_Guest_Ihmemies_*_*

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Posted 17 August 2005 - 08:19 PM

And yes, I have FX1.0+ (bought 2 years ago) modded to AFX2.0+ ... I only lack the silvery function buttons :)

#110 CakkuZ[FIN]


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Posted 19 August 2005 - 03:53 AM

:unsure: But I only can help the FX 1.0 user?s, I don?t have the System file for the FX 1.0 Plus, some one can send it to reza12344321 AT yahoo.com, (whit the FlashCom and instructions for he know how to do it ), I don?t have internet access in my house, only in the university, please guys help them  B) .

I have FX 1.0+ and you can "hack" it in a same way than 1.0, don't really know what's the difference between 1.0+ and 1.0 :P

#111 huhn_m


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Posted 20 August 2005 - 01:12 PM

the plus has newer software.

Thanks for the guide! I totally forgot about this.
I actually wanted to do sth.

#112 johnnyoc3


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Posted 22 September 2005 - 01:15 AM

i have a fx 1.0 plus and want to enable alg, cas, tutor programs on my calc but i dont have a computer to calc link cable. is their any way to do this?

#113 huhn_m


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Posted 22 September 2005 - 05:47 PM


#114 johnnyoc3


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Posted 23 September 2005 - 12:21 AM

so i guess i have to buy the link cable

#115 2072


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Posted 23 September 2005 - 12:29 AM

You should check the Link cable FAQ

#116 Guest_Guest_Brazzucko_*_*

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Posted 23 September 2005 - 12:03 PM

:banghead: It?s stupid I can?t login :banghead:

The problem is a software installed in the Computer in my university (according with a friend).

Well the difference between hacking the FX 1.0 and the FX 1.0 Plus is that the FX 1.0 has the CAS.EXE, ALGEBRA.EXE and the TUTOR.EXE in the drive D:\, but in the FX 1.0 Plus, they are packed in one single file, in the FX 1.0 we don?t need to use arguments to launch those 3 programs.

#117 johnnyoc3


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Posted 24 September 2005 - 05:39 AM

sorry but i have a couple n00b ?'s about my fx 1.0 plus.

will the computer link cord from http://pfranc.com/pclink/pcl9.htm
work or will a sb-155 work.

will i be able to add the cas and ofther fuctions b/c thier all in one file (as said by Brazzucko)? and can i get cas 2? i read about it earlier in the post.

can i use add in programs with my calculator and the cable?

finally, can i rewrite my calculator (flash my ROM?) to always have cas enabled if it is reset.

thanks for helping out a n00b to casios,

#118 huhn_m


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Posted 24 September 2005 - 06:54 AM

1) The cable seems to be OK
2) Yes, you can add the programs. The linked file only needs some arguments (see the previous posts). The Plus does already have CAS2
3)You can install add ins
4) You CAN'T FLASH the ROM. There is no ROM burner included in the calc. YOu would have to unsolder it :D

#119 johnnyoc3


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Posted 25 September 2005 - 06:22 AM

1) The cable seems to be OK
2) Yes, you can add the programs. The linked file only needs some arguments (see the previous posts). The Plus does already have CAS2
3)You can install add ins
4) You CAN'T FLASH the ROM. There is no ROM burner included in the calc. YOu would have to unsolder it :D


but about question 4 what i mean is, can make my calculator always have cas enabled in the menu if i reset it using the button on the back or through the system icon in the menu.

thanks for all your help

#120 huhn_m


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Posted 25 September 2005 - 09:56 AM

The button on the back does not reset the calc but only RAM. The menu is stored on Flash however. As long as you do not initialize the calc you won't delete the icon.

However. If you initialize it the icons will ALWAYS be gone.

But this has the advantage that you can NEVER break your calc.

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