CAS, Algebra and TUTOR programs on FX!
Posted 30 January 2003 - 04:39 AM
In a way, the 1.01 setup is better because the LCD interrupt runs at full speed, and on non-1.01, it seems to run 1/3 speed. It also makes it easier to deal with when you know everything is driven from one interrupt. I think 1.01 may be slightly buggy though. I've encountered an occasional lockup in the casio basic editor.
The other thing that makes me pretty sure the hardware (or at very least, an internal CPU setting configured in the factory) changed is that one cannot warm boot a 1.01 BIOS on a 1.00 calculator, or vice versa. (I tried this by loading the other system segment into one of the flash blocks, reconfiguring the C000 - D000 block to use that flash block, and jumping to the reset vector at FFFF:0000.) It always locks up. If I remember, it works when you put the original BIOS into a flash block though.
I hope someone can figure out a way to set the LCD refresh interrupt to fire every refresh on non-1.01... it would improve greyscale a lot.
Someone should try a 1.02 BIOS on a 1.00 calculator...
Posted 30 January 2003 - 10:31 PM

So I make a very extensive search for the true??..
And the true is:
The AFX 2.0 is older in comparison with the FX 1.0, I have found in the official CASIO site the table with the date of ?birth? of the Calculators:
Model and year
9750 - 1997
9850 - 1996
9850+ - 1997
9850GB+ -1998
9950 - 1996
9950GB+ - 1998
9970 - 1998
AFX 2.0 - 1999
FX 1.0 - 2000
As you can see for example the CFX9850 is more older in comparison whit the FX 9750, the only difference between this 2 calculators it?s the monitor, the 98* use a 3 colour screen, and the 97* use a monochromatic screen, and for surprise the CFX9950
And the CFX 9850 are the oldest CASIO calculators.
( I have the CASIO FX 9750G, CFX 9850GB Plus and FX 1.0 )
So why the CASIO do that?
The answer is simple the market do that, the CASIO start whit the AFX 2.0, but in many countries this model it?s not allowed in exams, ( USA, Brazil, Portugal, Germany ?..), this model was made for the students of the university?s, so the CASIO has to adapted this model then they ?created? the FX 1.0 ( this explains why this calculator has ONLY the ROM 1.02, and the same AFX software ).
About the FX 1.0 thing like this, if they are the first model so why they has the same AFX software?

Posted 30 January 2003 - 10:45 PM
I have a FX 1.0 version 1.02. How do I add CAS, ALG and TUTOR ?
Posted 30 January 2003 - 10:53 PM

I will send to you this file and program and a help file to explain it ( to you have the same main menu of the AFX )

Posted 02 February 2003 - 09:48 AM
Posted 03 February 2003 - 12:34 AM
Posted 05 February 2003 - 10:09 PM

I have seen something about a fake system program, for me it?s very important to have this program, because I have heard something that the teacher in my school have orders to delete all the memories of all he calculators??
Can you please send it to me ( a fake system program for the FX 1.0, and the source if it?s possible ).
To Matmaniac?.
So you have a FX 1.0 Plus?. Can you please send to me the Plus files of this calculator, in y FX 1.0 I have those files ( please send the files that I don?t have )
Please send to me all the files of drive A:\.
To all?.
I have 3 CASIO calculators ( my FX 1.0, my sister CFX 9850GB Plus, and my brother FX 9750G )
In the backside of my FX 1.0, I have ?found? the version of my hidden menu, my hidden menu is the ZX947, and in the backside of the calculator, I have this number Z947 ? 01?.
The CFX 9850GB Plus hidden menu version is ZX939, and in the backside, I have Z939 ? 92
The FX 9750G ( for who don?t know the difference between the 9750 and the 9850 is the Plus software, and the screen, the 9750 has a monochromatic screen, but whit the same 128x64 pixels of resolution ), the hidden menu version is ZX934, but in the backside don?t have nothing?.
Some one can explain-me if this is a estrange coincidence, or if is a way to identify the hidden menu version?..
Now the 01, and 92 of the FX 1.0 and CFX are the year 01 ? 2001, 92 ? 1992?
P.S. What is TCPA?

Posted 05 February 2003 - 11:35 PM
on my AFX2.0, it says Z945-91
I really don't think the -91 has anything to do with which year it was released (91 seems way to old for the afx)
Could perhaps be a revision no/area code/country code or something like that.
Posted 06 February 2003 - 03:00 PM
And i didnt reveive the files from Mohamed ( or

Posted 07 February 2003 - 01:36 AM
--> put the cursor on the file then press F3 then C
Posted 12 February 2003 - 09:10 PM

I can get the fake SYSTEM of the G100/+, if you know C++ can you make the changes for they have the same look of the FX 1.0, in English and Portuguese?
And yes I want to know what is the software differences between the FX and FX Plus, if you can tell-me that I really appreciate that?..
To Mohamed?.
If you read this please send to me and to mathmaniac the Fake SYSTEM and the source?..
To 2072?.
Do you say to do that in what explorer, if I press F3 in the EXPLORER, the speed menu of the transfer option will appear?.
The C key is the [ Ln ] key right??
What is CRC32
To BradN?..
So they are hardware differences between the FX 1.0 and the FX 2.0 ( of the ROM 1.00 and 1.01 )?
If yes what is the differences?..
To BiTwhise?..
Ok tanks for you explanation about the backside ?menssage??.
To all?
Can you tell-me how many options we have in the ZX* menu, and what are they function?
So to know what means the second part of the backside ?code? let?s do this, please put here the version of your hidden menu and model, and the place of acquisition ex:
FX 1.0, Z947 ? 01 ? Portugal
CFX 9850GB Plus, ZX939 ? 92 ? Portugal
I will verify if in the CASIO site has anything about this.
Tanks for your collaboration??

Posted 13 February 2003 - 06:13 PM
CRC32 is a number that is specific to each file so if on 2 files this number is the same it means that the content of the 2 files are identical.
CRC32 is used by archiver like RAR or ZIP to check the integrity of files.
Posted 13 February 2003 - 06:46 PM
In (VERY) rare cases two different files might end in the same checksum though..
Posted 14 February 2003 - 12:29 AM
This primarily involves the ROM version, not the calculator version... there may be FX 1.0's with 1.00 or 1.01 ROM, maybe even 1.02, and I know there are FX 2.0's with 1.00-1.02 ROM versions.
The hardware change seems fairly minor (but significant to possible greyscale methods), and only seems to affect how different things trigger interrupts. 1.01 runs almost everything off of one interrupt (the NMI, triggered by the LCD refresh) - this drives the auto power off feature, as well as telling the calculator to check for keypresses.
On 1.00 and other versions, these tasks seem to be handled by separate interrupts, and the interrupt that causes the keyboard to be read (seems to be based on the LCD refresh) only seems to trigger once every 3 refreshes, making greyscale by page flipping flicker badly. One thing that would be nice to know, is exactly where this division by 3 is taking place... if it is done inside the CPU, perhaps there is a register somewhere that can be changed to make it fire every refresh, making greyscale not suck as badly on it.
So, just to restate, I don't think this is a matter of FX 1.0 vs FX 2.0, just the particular ROM version used. Now, as to why casio would change this stuff, I have no idea. It seems like excessive changes like these would make writing some add-in software a nightmare.
Posted 14 February 2003 - 06:03 PM
Possible official answers from casio:
-You could discover that fx1=afx2, with three non linked apps in the menu (so fx1.0 is an afx1)
-We want to play with the roms (Japanese toys!!)
-Casio Basic is enough! Who want to make faster programs? and why?

-Only genious make Add-ins (such as our CAS2 "upgrade"

-Don't you read the licence agreement when you use add-ins installer? All the cfx files are made by casio! (even if it is not!!)

-We are waiting that Microsoft launches Window Casio- XP, and it will "eat" all the available FLASH, so you dont need an add-ins creator (if you create some kind of smaller <{GNULINUX}> or mac os we and microsoft will sue you!)
By the way the fx1.0plus i had in my hands had a 1.03 rom (i remmember that), and was a gy*** model (probably 347, but i am not 100% sure)
and my afx2.0plus has a 1.03 rom and is a GY350)
OBS: Microsoft and Casio are copyrighted trademarks. They belong to their owners.
Posted 14 February 2003 - 09:02 PM

I have a great new for all of you guys??
I have see that no one was interested in ?my topic? about the tune of the FX 1.0 to FX 1.0 Plus, but when I see the message of matemaniac, I decided to do a new thing, force the calc to the system stays unstable.
I do that to provoke bugs to understand how the software works.
The best way to do that it?s using the MAXMEN from Roeoender.
I just use too high values, then I launch the files from SysExplore.
Using this method I launch the SYSTEM program.
I really don?t know what I have exactly done ( because I was watching TV ), but when I lock back to my calc I have the FLASH MEMORY MANAGER menu!!!!!!!!!!!
I have the following options:
Which area do you want to erase?
F1:All Flash Area
F2:All Add-in Area
The problem is that the calc has stopped.
And for help me I can?t ( yet ), reproduce this ?bug?.
If some one has any idea to make them work, or opinion please put it here??..
I don?t know why but the G100 need a cracker to launch the TUTOR program, this is the case for the FX 1.0 have the Pus software?
Another question, why I don?t have the option to disable the TUTOR program, like the AFX, I thing that these programs needs something to ?say? which model they are installed, or I?m wrong??.
Olha matemaniaco muito obrigado pela sua considera?->o heim??
J? agora posso enviar-te por E-mail quest?es relacionadas ao Turbo C++ da Borland?

Posted 14 February 2003 - 10:10 PM
Hein? S? agora vi que o meu mail foi devolvido... (eu mandei-te um mail, mas parece que O MEU ISP -lusoweb- anda meio lixado)
[N->o recebi o mail do Mohamed, n->o enviou o teu...]
Manda, (se eu n-> receber mudo de isp

Manda para Matemaniaco AT clix.pt e para cpmat AT hotmail.com (um dos dois vai receber...pelo menos espero!)
N->o vou responder logo (muito trabalho) mas vou...
Ainda n->o vi a fx1.0plus (tenho de pegar na m?quina do meu irm->o, e ?ltimamente a minha casa tem sido mais dormit?rio que casa...)
Se tens acesso a ICQ ou MSN Menseger ser? mais facil apanhares-me...em tempo real
Weird mail problems
...And by the way, wich of my posts did you read?
Posted 17 February 2003 - 10:25 PM

So many people here have very different opinions about the RM Algebra FX 2.0?.
Once again after a VERY LONG research for the ?true? I have found this?..
The RM-Algebra FX 2.0 has EXACTLY the same specifications of the Algebra FX 2.0 ( the manual it?s the same ).
The RM-Algebra FX 2.0 Plus packages include:
- OHP Projection Unit ( OH-15 )
( Main AC adaptor equipped whit unit AD-A60024 )
- Data communication cable ( SB-62 )
- PC Link cable ( SB-87 )
- Carrying case
- AC adaptor
( External AC adaptor for the calculator )
- Hard case
- Four AAA-size batteries
- Algebra FX 2.0 Plus user?s guide
- RM-Algebra FX 2.0 Plus user?s guide
( This manual have instruction to use the OH-15 projection unit, and to change the software of the calculator, it also include a CD ROM whit software for the calculator )
There is no information about the hardware of this calculator.
For the users of the RM-Algebra FX 2.0, it is easy to upgrade they calculator to the RM-Algebra FX 2.0 Plus, just install the following data using the PC link cable SB-87:
You can find the instructions to install this software here:
The problem it is that you only can run the installer program under Windows 95/98
Note that if you want, you can install in the RM-Algebra FX 2.0 the FX 1.0 Software.
For what I have see the installer will change all the ?ROM? memory programs ( including the ?language files?, Autoexec.bat, Command.com and *.sys files.
The *.bi_ file ( the file that the installer needs to upgrade the RM-Algebra FX 2.0 ), have all the ROM programs and files of the Algebra FX 2.0 Plus
I have tried to install this software on my FX 1.0, but this message appears:
You need a new version of the installer to install the software
This message only can means two things:
- I can upgrade my FX 1.0 to the Algebra FX 2.0 Plus, but I need a new installer, because the hardware is different.
- I cannot install this software, there is no error message for who are tried to install this software in a different calculator.
If you want you can tried to install this software on your calculator.
Now about the FX 1.0
Some one can tell-me what arguments I have to use whit SYSTEM.EXE to access to the Flash memory manager menu, I have tried but I can?t reproduce the bug??.
About the G100+
To access the TUTOR program on G100+ and FX 1.0 Plus , we must use the TUTOR, as argument , it?s probably the same that I have to do to access normally the Flash memory manager menu right?
The same is for the STAT.EXE, in the Plus models the STAT.EXE have more options, whit the correct argument, in theory I can have the same options right?
However, what arguments I have to use for this two examples?
One more thing the AFX 2.0 use arguments to execute some or any ROM program?
I will keep trying to reproduce the bug, to tell you guys how to do it.
P.S. ? I already have tuned 15 FX \Plus 1.0 to AFX 2.0 \ Plus, they all by the FX 1.0 \ Plus after a very persuasive friend tell they to do it, and 4 from the internet?..
In Portugal the FX 1.0 has disappeared from the shops, now you only find the FX 1.0 Plus.
The FX 1.0 still more cheap, I really don?t know why they disappear??
P.S 2 ? For matemaniac?..
Sorry guys it?s in portuguese, I do that to express my ideas whiteout limitations, because my English is very bad, and because, me and matemaniac don?t know why our E-mails are ?lost???..
Olha matemaniaco eu estava me referindo ao t?pico FX 1.0 Plus software on FX 1.0.
Eu tinha desistido dele devido a falta de interesse da galera, mas o seu coment?rio levantou o meu astral, e acabei descobrindo o Flash memory manager menu, por isso agradeci o seu coment?rio, pois sem ele n->o sei quando ? que teria feito tal descoberta.
? e algu?m tinha de manter o t?pico vivo ?.
Quanto ?s d?vidas em rela?->o ao Borland 3, eu descobri qual era o problema que me impedia de compilar os programas, o problema agora est? em aprender C, eu estou fazendo o mesmo que fiz em rela?->o ao CASIO BASIC, alterando os jogos e vendo os resultados, assim eu o aprendi.
Acabei fazendo jogos e programas, e agora sou eu que ensino aos outros.
Eu estou fazendo o mesmo no jogo Pacman do Duobab.
Eu estou criando novos n?veis ( que ser->o maiores e mais dif?ceis ), nesta primeira fase.
Numa segunda pretendo usar a ?tecnologia? grayscale.
Se tudo correr bem eu entrarei em contacto com o Duobab pedindo autoriza?->o para distribuir essa nova vers->o que chamei Pacman 2.
Assim que compilar a primeira vers->o beta eu lha enviarei para dares a sua opini->o.
Pra al?m disso que livros e m?todos aconselhas para aprender C++?
Podes-me enviar o arquivo System da sua calculadora ( se for uma AFX 2.0 Plus ).
Obrigado pela sua disponibilidade em me ajudar??..

Posted 23 February 2003 - 08:25 PM

I ask this because I want to know how the software knows in which calculator they are installed, Roeoender has send to me his AFX 2.0 ROM 1.01 and I haven?t see any differences from my FX 1.0 ROM 1.02??..
What are the RM Algebra FX 2.0 hardware specifications?
I only get info about the software for this calculator?
One more thing, why there is different energy consumption from the FX 1.0 and the AFX 2.0, ( see your manual for more details ), this is the prove that the hardware it?s different?
To all?..
So anyone have success to install the Plus software?

Posted 25 February 2003 - 08:29 PM
I can't see any reason that there should be any exclusive hardware difference between the FX 1.0 and 2.0.
What exactly is the difference in power consumption?
Posted 28 February 2003 - 09:55 PM

AFX 2.0
LR03 (AM4)
- 230 hours ( continued screen visualization )
- 150 hours ( continued calculations, 5 min of calculations and 55 min of screen visualization
R03 (UM4)
- 140 hours ( continued screen visualization )
- 90 hours ( continued calculations, 5 min of calculations and 55 min of screen visualization
FX 1.0
LR03 (AM4)
- 200 hours ( continued screen visualization )
- 140 hours ( continued calculations, 5 min of calculations and 55 min of screen visualization
R03 (UM4)
- 120 hours ( continued screen visualization )
- 80 hours ( continued calculations, 5 min of calculations and 55 min of screen visualization
Maybe I?m wrong, but I thing that this difference explains how the software knows in which calc. they are installed, I have ?installed? the files from A:\drive ( thanks Roeoender ) from one AFX ROM 1.01, and I haven?t see any difference, I still whiteout the option to disable the TUTOR program??..
What?s your opinion?

Posted 03 March 2003 - 09:56 PM
To Brazzuco: o programa do sr. M ? interessante e facilmente adapt?vel...
To everybody:
Someone should explain the differences. If the hardware is the same, how can we explain this?
Ok, that's something that should be explored. Who has a fx1.0 and has time to explore that and post those informations here?
Posted 04 March 2003 - 10:08 PM

Qual ? o programa a qual te referes??? sr.M???????
To all:
The portuguese manual has these info, your manual has this info too?

Posted 08 March 2003 - 03:10 PM
(n->o comprei a minha afx2.0plus em Portugal...saiu-me mais barato comprar na Alemanha, mas o manual ingl?s tambem traz essas informa??es)
Na minha opini->o estas diferen?as devem-se a ligeiras altera??es no software da calculadora (em rela?->o ? 2.0)
To the non-portuguese speakers: i didnt say anything really usefull

The AFX2.0 manual is fully available to download in english (pdf format) in casio's website
You can find the differences there.
Posted 08 March 2003 - 04:43 PM
Posted 08 March 2003 - 09:30 PM

Now this means that?s the FX it?s more faster, ( and this justify the battery consumption ), or there is some ?bug? in the AFX ROM 1.01
What you thing?

Posted 08 March 2003 - 09:47 PM

Oh yes I receive then?.
But now I?m working whit a friend to made a new fake system?. All write on C

Posted 08 March 2003 - 09:48 PM
Posted 08 March 2003 - 09:50 PM

Posted 08 March 2003 - 10:33 PM
Posted 09 March 2003 - 09:07 PM

Posted 09 March 2003 - 09:10 PM

I have tested one program today in one AFX 2.0 and the result are the same in the AFX 2.0 ROM 1.01!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 13 March 2003 - 10:30 PM

I meet him at the driving school?..

Posted 15 March 2003 - 09:27 AM
Posted 15 March 2003 - 06:52 PM

You must to launch from the main menu the joint2.exe file whit the arguments CAS ALGEBRA and TUTOR.......
I will send to you by E-mail the FlashCom 1.5, the System file and instructions to do it on your calc. on this sunday.... whait ok......

Posted 22 March 2003 - 10:44 PM

So the FX 1.0 has the same AFX 2.0 ROM 1.02 software??
To upgrade the ROM programs we simply can install then, but they are too large, and easily occupy all the available flash memory?..
I have read a much time ago here that one guy have the flash memory chip damaged, when he removes the chip the calc works fine, but whit the ship on the place the calc always crash, when he start the calc??
If I?m not wrong the flash disk has exactly 1Mb, and the 131Kb for each drive ( 6 on this case ) are only one software limitations ( by CASIO ), the chip are not a ?package? of 6 flash chip?s whit 131Kb.
So it?s possible to install for example a 2 Mb flash chip and using new PC link programs, install software on the new 7 available drivers, and execute then?
For who is interested this is a nice test to check the calc speed, simply do this on CAS
( 297! x 2 ) + ( 297! / 2 )
The elapsed time ( when I press EXE and the result appear ), on my FX 1.0 ROM 1.02 was:
12 sec.
23 sec.
Tell me your results if you have one AFX 2.0, AFX 2.0 Plus, FX 1.0 Plus, G100 and G100+

Posted 22 March 2003 - 11:05 PM
Posted 22 March 2003 - 11:15 PM

1- - FX 9750G ( this calc has the same CFX hardware whiteout the color screen )
2- - CFX 9850GB Plus
3- - FX 1.0
Posted 07 April 2003 - 01:16 PM

The tuned calc works perfectly, and of course you can use one AFX 2.0 in a exam where the AFX are not allowed, it's my case......
So DON'T THING for solong, if you need a AFX 2.0, just buy the FX 1.0, the Fx 1.0 is a CHEAPER AFX 2.0........
Posted 07 April 2003 - 07:40 PM
*edit* besides, the FX 1.0 is a cheaper FX 2.0 for people having the cable, if you search a little here, you'll find 3 or 4 topics about people falling in great messes with the cable or not able to find it and buy it.
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