To Exca:
Yes Exca the FX 1.0 is allowed in many exams, but in Portugal ( I?m a Brazilian living on Portugal ), when I go to a exam, the teachers only check if the calculator is a ?approved? model, they never check the memory, or if I have additional software, ( as you know we can install the CAS2 and Algebra2 ), and ( in a very remote probability ) if they ( the teachers ) reset the calculator, this will not affect the Flash memory, they never reset the calculator from the System menu, to delete the Flash memory they must initialize the calculator from the system menu, and to ?help us? they don?t know about the hidden menus, They only do it on the reset bottom.
If you have Basic files whit some ?helpful stuffs?, just make a backup of those files to
the Flash memory, in my case when I go to a exam, I remodelled the main menu to have the FX 1.0 original main menu, but some ?original icons? are linked to the CAS, and Algebra programs ( for example the CONICS and LINK icons ), only in the case of a teacher wants to check if the main menu its ?the original FX 1.0 main menu?.
To MathManiac: Sorry guys is in Portuguese
Pois ? Matemaniaco ( nome curioso este heim voc? ? assim doido por mat? ), bem ? pena ( se tiveres uma AFX essa not?cia veio tarde n? ), como sabes e bem as AFX n->o s->o acess?veis em Portugal, pra ser sincero acho o pre?o um absurdo, no Brasil elas custam 396 Reais ( 120 Euros ), mas enfim, siga em frente e compre a FX, mas aten?->o neste momento, como deves j? ter notado, estou tentando ter ?acesso? ao software Plus que tenho quase a certeza est? ?escondido? nos arquivos Partbl*.exe, visto eu ter confirmado que os Saltire* est->o fora de jogo ( at? j? pus o Roeoender a ?trabalhar? no assunto ), por isso n->o deve demorar muito??.
Eu n->o quero dizer pra desistires da compra da FX Plus, mas se puderes segurar a bola por mais algum tempo at? a confirma?->o de que n->o ? poss?vel por o software Plus a correr na FX.
N->o seria m? ideia n?, sempre poupas mais algum??
To all:
I think that?s this is a very important thing, because if we wants to have one AFX, we just need to by a FX, I already convinced 3 of my friends to by the FX in the place of the AFX, I linked the CAS, Algebra and TUTOR programs whit the icons in the same AFX position for they and they are very ?happy? with they FX ?tuned? to a AFX.
And of course the FX 1.0 is cheaper, in comparation with the AFX???.
Note: If you by a original CASIO SB-87-w cable and the FX 1.0, they will be more cheap if you by only one AFX 2.0 whiteout the original CASIO cable??
Now I tried to ?tune? the FX 1.0 to FX 1.0 Plus ( see on the main forum ?FX 1.0 Plus Software on FX?, all help from ?you? will be well come ).