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CAS, Algebra and TUTOR programs on FX!

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#161 ATCG



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Posted 21 March 2006 - 04:59 PM

;) For the FX1.0 Plus, you just have to run the joint2.exe (it is on drive F) with the arguments CAS, ALGEBRA or TUTORIAL ( just link it to the menu with FlashCom1.4 or 1.5 avaliable at the File Sharing ), if you still can?t do it, just wait for i made a tutorial for it ( using the FlashCom ), in the next week I will release it.

:banghead: There is the possibility that you can't have those programs, for what I know only the FX 1.0 Plus whit ROM 1.03 can be "cracked", but anyway I will try to do it :D

:lol: I only have made it for the FX 1.0 ROM 1.02 and FX 1.0 Plus ROM 1.03 B)

thks mate i apreciat that ..i will start working in that tutorial as soon as i get ...thks a big hug..

#162 Brazzucko


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Posted 29 March 2006 - 12:40 PM

:lol: Enabling CAS ALGEBRA and TUTOR ? English version :D

B) For the FX 1.0 Plus ( ROM 1.03 )

1 ? Get the FlashCOM 1.5 ( in the File Sharing or in any CASIO dedicated web page ).

2 ? Run it

3 ? Connect your calculator whit the PC ( using the link cable ).

4 ? In FlashCOM, in ?COM Number? set the number of your Com port *.

5 ? Select ?System?, and click on ?Receive?

6 - Select the folder and file name and save the system file in your had disk.

* If you don?t know the COM number, just put numbers from 1 to 9 and click on ?Receive? until it works.

7 - Now click on ?Open System?, and then click in ?Number? until it reaches the same number show at ?Total?.

8 ? Click FIRST in ?Total? to increase the number one time only then click in ?Number? to increase it one time.

9 ? In ?Bitmap? click at the white square ( in the right side), and select CAS icon ( it will be more easier if the file name is CAS.BMP ), after that you can see the selected icon in the white square, then write the icon name in the white rectangle above the ?Bitmap? ( for example CAS.BMP ).

10 - In ?Name? write JOINT2.EXE, then in ?Drive? write F:\, Now finally in ?Arguments? write CAS, there is no need to put something in the ?Version?.

11 ? Now increase the number again first in ?Total? and then in ?Number?

12 ? Repeat the Steps 9, 10 and 11 to add the Algebra and Tutor, the ONLY THING THAT YOU WILL CHANGE IS THE ?Argument? ( ALGEBRA for the algebra program, and TUTOR for the tutorial program ), the icon and the respective icon name ( for example ALGEBRA.BMP and TUTOR.BMP ).

13 ? Whit those 3 new icons, click in ?Save System?, select the directory and file name, and finally save the new system file.

14 ? Click in ?Send? ( ATTENTION make sure that ONLY the ?System? is selected ), Select the changed file system, then wait for the transfer ends.

15 ? If everything works fine you are now a owner of a ?cracked? FX1.0 Plus ;)

B) For the FX 1.0 ( ROM 1.02 )

1 ? Get the FlashCOM 1.5 ( in the File Sharing or in any CASIO dedicated web page ).

2 ? Run it

3 ? Connect your calculator whit the PC ( using the link cable ).

4 ? In FlashCOM, in ?COM Number? set the number of your Com port *.

5 ? Select ?System?, and click on ?Receive?

6 - Select the folder and file name and save the system file in your had disk.

* If you don?t know the COM number, just put numbers from 1 to 9 and click on ?Receive? until it works.

7 - Now click on ?Open System?, and then click in ?Number? until it reaches the same number show at ?Total?.

8 ? Click FIRST in ?Total? to increase the number one time only then click in ?Number? to increase it one time.

9 ? In ?Bitmap? click at the white square ( in the right side), and select CAS icon ( it will be more easier if the file name is CAS.BMP ), after that you can see the selected icon in the white square, then write the icon name in the white rectangle above the ?Bitmap? ( for example CAS.BMP ).

10 - In ?Name? write CAS.EXE, then in ?Drive? write D:\, there is no need to put something in the ?Version? and ?Arguments?.

11 ? Now increase the number again first in ?Total? and then in ?Number?

12 ? Repeat the Steps 9, 10 and 11 to add the Algebra and Tutor, the ONLY THING THAT YOU WILL CHANGE IS THE ?Name? ( ALGEBRA.EXE for the algebra program, and TUTOR.EXE for the tutorial program ), the icon and the respective icon name ( for example ALGEBRA.BMP and TUTOR.BMP ).

13 ? Whit those 3 new icons, click in ?Save System?, select the directory and file name, and finally save the new system file.

14 ? Click in ?Send? ( ATTENTION make sure that ONLY the ?System? is selected ), Select the changed file system, then wait for the transfer ends.

15 ? If everything works fine you are now a owner of a ?cracked? FX1.0 ;)

#163 huhn_m


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Posted 29 March 2006 - 04:56 PM

Added to tutorials section! Thanks a lot brazzucko

#164 Brazzucko


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Posted 31 March 2006 - 05:53 PM

:blink: I have received a E-mail asking about what to do with ROM 1.05, well at on ?first look? is the same as we have to do for the ROM 1.03, but I thing that CASIO have changed the JOINT2.EXE :banghead: (I?m 100% not sure), for we can?t crack it :rant: , probably they change the arguments, until now I never have get on my hands one FX 1.0 Plus with ROM 1.05 :blink: , but when I get it and if you guys still can?t crack it I will try to do it :lol: .

The only think that I can say now is to try to use the ?ROM 1.03 method?, if they doesn?t work please tell us, for we try to figured why?

Good luck :lol: .

#165 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 21 May 2006 - 05:04 AM

i followed your instructions above and now my casio fx 1.0 plus only displays the CAS Algerbra and tutor icons. it doesn't have an icon for transfer or any others!!!
how can i fix this?

please help me because as of now my calculator is useless!!!!!!

#166 huhn_m


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Posted 21 May 2006 - 07:28 AM

you have to reset the calculator.

Press [A/B/C] and hold it now press <span class=F6' /> also and hold it too. Now press AC/on and you are in the hidden menu. Now press the key for Flash and this will reset the Flash memory. Restart your calc.

You made a mistake when altering the menu. You should ADD the new icons to an existing system menu. You should NOT remove the old ones!

#167 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 21 May 2006 - 06:40 PM

thanks a bunch!

whew that was close ;)

now i've tried to follow the example by Brazzucko but my calculator continually get a recieve error when i hit recieve or transfer from it. do this have anything to do with what happended to me earlier? can i fix it or am i just not following directions again :unsure:

sorry about so many post in a row......

um i fixed it and was successfully able to get the CAS program on my calc. w00t

i must have been really wasted last night to have messed my calc up that bad and f'd up those directions.

well thanks anyway! u guys r really helpfull:rock:

#168 Andy.Davies


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Posted 21 May 2006 - 08:25 PM

glad you got it working :)

i have merged your posts for clarity :)

#169 cyma_6mm



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Posted 28 May 2006 - 11:04 AM

thanks a bunch!

whew that was close ;)
now i've tried to follow the example by Brazzucko but my calculator continually get a recieve error when i hit recieve or transfer from it. do this have anything to do with what happended to me earlier? can i fix it or am i just not following directions again :unsure:

sorry about so many post in a row......

um i fixed it and was successfully able to get the CAS program on my calc. w00t

i must have been really wasted last night to have messed my calc up that bad and f'd up those directions.

well thanks anyway! u guys r really helpfull:rock:

It's happening the same receiving problem to me. How did you solve it?

#170 Jo



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Posted 03 November 2006 - 03:14 PM


I have a Casio Fx1.0 Plus with ROM 1.05...

I am trying to "crack" it using the ROM 1.03 tutorial.. evrything works except the icons don?t lead anywhere.. they appear in the menu but simply doesnt work...

I use Joint2.exe for name, drive F:\, the bitmap and argument CAS , ALGEBRA and TUTOR...

Any ideas what is going on?

Thank You...

#171 Masterwork



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Posted 20 January 2007 - 02:26 PM

Same here Jo->o.
Se j? tiveres conseguido diz-me como fizeste!

#172 farid



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Posted 30 April 2007 - 01:31 PM

When I click receive nothing happens
can you send me a link for downloading flashcom?
may be my flash com has some problems
when clicking recieve the calc must be on or off?




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Posted 13 May 2008 - 04:18 PM

:lol: Today I talk whit a CASIO employer ( he is a real CASIO employer ), and he tell-me that it's possible that the FX 1.0 have more clock speed in comparison whit the AFX 2.0, but he isn't sure because he don't work whit this model, but he promised to me that they will give that info??.

I meet him at the driving school?.. :D

#174 Guest_Guest of KSA_*

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Posted 07 June 2008 - 01:47 PM

Hi guys

i want guide for Algebra FX2.0Plus calculator ???

i search in google but .........!!! :nonono:

plaeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee immediate

to my email a_banaja AT hotmail.com & thanks alot

#175 Gualberto Soto Sivila

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Posted 07 June 2008 - 03:40 PM

Guide for Algebra FX 2.0 Plus http://world.casio.c...load/en/manual/

#176 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 08 June 2008 - 03:19 AM

Guide for Algebra FX 2.0 Plus http://world.casio.c...load/en/manual/

Thank's alotttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt Gualberto Soto Sivila

#177 rafighetanha



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Posted 13 June 2008 - 10:45 PM

help me?????????????? :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

I did a beam analyisis program way faster than VIGA CAS (that sucks btw). but doesn't solve hiperstatic (redundant restraint) problems.. Also i did made a truss solver for the AFX2.0+ calculator
software such as anlaysing trace, frame, beam. section builder. moment and vertical force diagram and ...
for Algebra fx2.0 plus
moment distribution method?for civil (casio algebra fx2.0)

#178 rafighetanha



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Posted 13 June 2008 - 10:54 PM

:profanity: :profanity: :profanity: help me ?
:profanity: :profanity: :profanity: help me?
:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: my god

#179 kucalc


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Posted 14 June 2008 - 03:14 AM

Lol, please post in the right sections, make a separate thread and don't post in big lettering. :) Help comes to those who are patient.

Please take a look at the AFX Mathematics section: http://www.casiocalc...s.maths#totitle

#180 rafighetanha



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Posted 14 June 2008 - 06:58 PM

help me :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
help me :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
program for analyze beam& frame (casio Algebra Fx 2.0 plus)
for example program truss of iran ( analyze truss)
link for download

program civil Engineering for analyze *** :nonono: beam & frame :nonono: ****???????????????????
or (bending moment distribution or sloper deflection or kanies method)

example for(AFX Mathematics section: http://www.casiocalc...maths#totitle )

#181 rafighetanha



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Posted 15 June 2008 - 01:57 PM

help me?????????????? :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

program for analyze beam& frame (casio Algebra Fx 2.0 plus)???

#182 kucalc


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Posted 15 June 2008 - 03:18 PM

Dude, stop.

Perhaps no one has written such a program so far.

#183 Bebeoix



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Posted 20 June 2008 - 07:38 AM

I have the ROM 1.05

And : 6 - Select the folder and file name and save the system file in your had disk.

* If you don?t know the COM number, just put numbers from 1 to 9 and click on ?Receive? until it works.

it's dont work, what to do in the calculator at this moment ? go link and send ? or what ? just connect is ? not run the calc ?

#184 kucalc


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Posted 21 June 2008 - 05:44 PM

Hello Bebeoix and welcome to the UCF! :D

The calculator should be in receive mode, by going to LINK. If you're using FlashCOM, you need to indicate what type of cable you are using.

#185 Brazzucko


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Posted 27 July 2008 - 11:50 PM

Hello guys… :greengrin:

I didn’t come here for a lot of time… :( The university takes-me all my free time.

I have receive a lot of questions, but only today I have read them.

So let’s answers some of them…

To “crack” the FX 1.0 you have to do exactly what a write in the tutorial, if you can’t it’s probably because the Com Port it’s not correctly selected, or there is a conflict whit the software (I have that problem whit the Win98).

I don’t have the ROM 1.05, and if I have it, there is no way to change the ROM of a CASIO FX 1.0 or 1.0 Plus, the only way to “crack” is by changing the system file.

I know that there is two different ROM’s for the FX 1.0 Plus, the 1.05 cam be easily “cracked”, as I describe in the tutorial, but there is a “new” version that makes think difficult… I never have that calc in my hands to try…….

If there is more questions post here, I will try to visit more times the forum B) .

PS: Sorry for the bad English.


#186 Guest_Dava_*

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Posted 03 November 2008 - 07:07 PM

Hi, I've just bought a Casio cfx 9850GB, is there anyway that I can get CAS?

#187 kucalc


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Posted 04 November 2008 - 01:14 AM

Sorry Dava, but there is no way to get CAS on a CFX-9850.

#188 Guest_Mardoxx_*

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Posted 11 December 2008 - 12:49 AM

Would there be any way of getting this working on the fx-9860g/SD?
Because thie supports C/ASM does it not?

#189 Guest_3298_*

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Posted 11 December 2008 - 08:53 AM

Look into the filesharing, there you can find a fx-9860 add-in, Symbolix CAS.

#190 Guest_Mardoxx_*

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Posted 11 December 2008 - 04:58 PM

Thanks, but I meant the CAS system from the AFX 2.0 on the fx-9860g
Is this possible?

#191 kucalc


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Posted 12 December 2008 - 12:30 AM

No, it's impossible to put the CAS from the AFX into the fx-9860G.

#192 Guest_Mardoxx_*

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Posted 12 December 2008 - 03:34 PM

How come? Does it run a slightly different OS or is it to do with the architecture of the cpu?

#193 kucalc


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Posted 05 April 2009 - 05:06 PM


The OS's and CPU are not slightly, they are extremely different.

#194 cardesign



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Posted 30 October 2009 - 10:50 AM

I want a ready program for calculate determin and inverse matrix (5*5 or n*n) for casio algebra fx2 ?
where can i find it?
please help!

#195 Guest_pom_*

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Posted 06 November 2009 - 10:29 PM

Determinant is just Det Mat X (where X is matrix's letter), inverse matrix is Mat X^-1.

#196 Guest_MrCasio_*

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Posted 19 June 2010 - 03:05 PM


Casio ALGEBRA FX 2.0, How Can I save an equation for a program? am working on a program that build some equation but i am having some diffeculties in saving them so i can use them more than once in the program

i can save numbers in A-Z , what about equations? i can save them manually in CAS , but i need them in a program


#197 Guest_zizoo_*

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Posted 26 June 2010 - 11:35 AM

can i use the function memory in programming?

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