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Link Cable FAQ

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#41 Sn0rKy



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Posted 10 November 2002 - 08:59 AM

i tried to make a cable and it doesnt work.
i didnt everything connected everything correctly and it doesnt work,.
i tried to make this one http://www.casiocorn...a-122_small.jpg

i plug in the cable to my comp and try to go to receive on my calculator my calc say "receive error"

whats wrong?

#42 Sn0rKy



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Posted 12 November 2002 - 05:49 AM

anybody know whats wrong?

#43 Casto Productions

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Posted 12 November 2002 - 07:48 AM

What OS are you using? That can make a big difference.

#44 MathManiac


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Posted 12 November 2002 - 12:25 PM

and the program you're working with too...

#45 Thunderhead


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Posted 12 November 2002 - 05:32 PM

Be carefull, there's a lot a different plan to make a cable, you've a read thoroughly what it says...that's why I haven't to make a cable...cause it might make your calto get troubles perhaps...

#46 j2n



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Posted 17 November 2002 - 05:05 AM

try to make my cable, it works for me.
good luck.

#47 Thunderhead


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Posted 17 November 2002 - 01:29 PM

I believe that it is worth buying a cable in internet ! It's as cheap as the cable you make !

#48 rmt7400



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Posted 20 November 2002 - 03:48 AM

As I am fairly new to programmable calculators, I have a question that I hope somebody can answer.

Mine is a Casio and the package it cane in said that the calc to pc cable was optional. I bought the calc and came home and called all kinds of places (Radio Shack, Best Buy, Comp USA and so on) to find a cable. Nobody seems to have it. When I found them on the new they are like 50 bucks which is crazy.

I remember seeing some TI calcs at the place I bought mine, and they had TI cables there for about 15 dollars.

I suppose I wil have to buy a Casio cable since I have no confidence in my ability to make one, even with all the instructions I have found on the net.

I guess my main question is why are these so expensive when the TI ones are so cheap? What am I missing?

#49 Casto Productions

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Posted 20 November 2002 - 04:13 AM

You aren't missing anything, TI cables are more readily accessible in stores. I had the exact same problem when I bought my first Casio Calc. If you go through the official wires for a cable, it will cost you an arm and a leg. However, there are many smaller companies that will make a cable for you much cheaper. I got mine for about $15 after S/H costs, and I went through a company named Purple Computing. My cable is still working perfectly. You can download free software from the internet to download and upload from the calc (such as FA-123.exe). I don't have the address anymore though (was about 5 years ago for me). I'm sure some people on this forum could even build you a cable for cheap, SPEAK UP NOW GUYS :D

#50 rmt7400



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Posted 20 November 2002 - 04:31 AM

Your answer was very helpful. I found Purple Computing by doing a google search.

The current link is http://pfranc.com/pclink/a.shtml

in case anybody needs it.

Thanks again!

#51 Casto Productions

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Posted 20 November 2002 - 04:34 AM

good to see they are still in service, and their quality is very nice. Good luck.

#52 Zan



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Posted 24 November 2002 - 07:53 PM

i tried to make a cable and it doesnt work.
i didnt everything connected everything correctly and it doesnt work,.
i tried to make this one http://www.casiocorn...a-122_small.jpg

i plug in the cable to my comp and try to go to receive on my calculator my calc say "receive error"

whats wrong?

I made it too, and transmitting from calculator works fine, but receiving doesn't work. I see if I can solve the problem. I'll let you know if I success.

#53 Zan



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Posted 24 November 2002 - 08:15 PM

Hello again. I found this page, that could help. I haven't read it yet, but it talks about the same problem and about a solve to it. Let's see....


See you soon.

#54 Zan



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Posted 25 November 2002 - 07:12 PM

OK, got it working (if anybody cares...). You must remove the 78L05 and add a wire from it's leg 1 to leg 3 if you know what I mean. What you call it? A jumper? You can't use the 9V power supply anymore, but the cable starts working. And add one 1N4148 diode to MAX232's leg 13 so that the current can flow from db-9 to max232 (the "ring" of the diode is towards MAX232).

Hope somebody understands... :-P

Ok, got schematics of my cable. url is: http://sponge.leesio.../CasioCable.jpg


#55 Rabble_Chinchilla



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Posted 27 November 2002 - 12:28 AM

Highly Dangerous!!!! Please take care with that interface!!! Measure your casio connector before you use this way!!! If it goes strongly above 5 Volt, you should NOT use it or you will loose or alter the electronic components inside your calculator OR your the max232 chip itself!! Never use this interface at another computer if it is working on your one! Probably your PC uses wrong (non standard) power levels.

#56 Killer83Z


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Posted 27 November 2002 - 07:33 PM

Wow - now this was...big...and red...

I'm glad that I have not tried to mess with trying to build a cable...jeez.

#57 rstweb


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Posted 27 November 2002 - 07:50 PM

don't care about this "warning"!

the rs232-interface has to be build after a standard otherwise it isn't a rs232-interface. because of the power pack there couldn't be a higher voltage than 5 volt! if the power pack has at the 5volt-connector more than 5volt, all hardware of the pc (particularly the motherboard) will be broken.



#58 Rabble_Chinchilla



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Posted 27 November 2002 - 09:24 PM

Are you fucking crazy? I've no clue where you got your stupid knowledge, but you better visit school again!

If you drive like the schematic wants it, you can get up to 15 volt at your max232 power lines, which will kill your chip for sure!
i'm not kidding!
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#59 Thunderhead


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Posted 28 November 2002 - 08:01 AM

So who's right ? You've different speech about this... ;)

#60 Casto Productions

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Posted 28 November 2002 - 09:53 AM

Well, a good way to find out who is right would be to find out if the computer got fried, hope not! Update us if something bad happened and best of luck :)

#61 Thunderhead


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Posted 28 November 2002 - 10:18 AM

But if I ain't lucky ? ;)
Your way is above all crazy !! I don't wanna break my computer !!

#62 Rabble_Chinchilla



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Posted 28 November 2002 - 01:06 PM

There are different ways to find it out:

1st go and measure!!
2nd :r-t-f-m: :r-t-f-m:! there are a lot of rs232 ressources on the net - just google!

#63 rstweb


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Posted 28 November 2002 - 07:23 PM

measure - no 15v!!!!!!!!!! 5v!!!

with 15v you mean the RS482-interface. this interface has the same protocol like the rs232, but the voltage is 12v.
i think you mean this! we talked ybout the rs232-standard!



#64 Rabble_Chinchilla



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Posted 28 November 2002 - 10:26 PM

No! You are talking 'bout TTL !! Please go to Maxim-IC.com for example and take a search if you dont believe me!!


And btw, its called RS485 and not RS482 nowadays!!!

#65 rstweb


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Posted 29 November 2002 - 06:11 AM

sorry for this only one wrong number!
and don't shout!!!!!!

do you talk about the same? i mean the voltage of the rs232-connector on the pc.



#66 Thunderhead


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Posted 29 November 2002 - 07:35 AM

anyway, it's pretty dangerous to make a cable cause you can broke your calto if your cable doesn't work...

#67 Rabble_Chinchilla



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Posted 08 December 2002 - 12:42 AM


Sorry for my late answer, but the board was down.

rstweb: I am still talking about your V.24 Port called RS-232 serial male connector of your PC!
and once again to 485/482... the number wasnt wrong, but version 2 isnt used today anymore

if anyone needs a cable, and is unable to make it by itself, let me know - i can sell you professional home end user cable for a fair price (better cable quality than the original ones)

#68 buckshot



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Posted 10 December 2002 - 01:15 AM

I followed your link to purple computing. Called and talked to Larry. Got my cable on the way. Thanks so much for posting this info. InvaluABLE!

#69 Zan



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Posted 27 December 2002 - 09:16 PM

OK. I searched for the rs232 interface and got followng info:

* Signal voltages: -5V to -15V (logical 1), +5V to +15V (logical 0) on the sender side, -3V to -15V (logical 1), +3V to +15V (locical 0) on the receiver side. Typically on a standard PC +/-12V is used.


Signal State Voltage Assignments - Voltages of -3v to -25v with respect to signal ground (pin 7) are considered logic '1' (the marking condition), whereas voltages of +3v to +25v are considered logic '0' (the spacing condition).

( http://www.camiresea...2_standard.html ).

Dunno if my schema is dangerous or not, but it works fine on my comp. I think that if the cable doesn't work with that regulator, your com uses voltage lower than 7,5V (regulator "eats" 1,5Volts, and max232 needs 5) and it would be safe to use. I don't know for sure, but I think so.

And sorry for this late post. Haven't been reading this forum for a long time.

#70 Rabble_Chinchilla



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Posted 28 December 2002 - 01:07 AM

man, you get the job! .. :) :) :)

anyway... any source above 5.6 volt will alter your max232 (without regulator and lower voltage.. mostly found in notebooks)

#71 us8h3sc



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Posted 02 January 2003 - 01:08 PM


As an information for you all, I today checked the wiring diagrams of MAX233A IC Circuit needed for communication cable between PC and my Casio 2.0 Algebra FX calculator.

I noticed that the actual IC has no effect to signal behaviour, so I made direct cable like this:

D9 connector for PC 2.5mm plug
pin 2 Tx (tip of the connector)
pin 3 Rx (middle of the connector)
pin 5 Ground (end of the con.)

So no capacitors or IC Chip needed, I tested the cable and works well, only effect of the Max233A IC is shown here, as Max232A works as an buffer, I now need to use cable lenght less than 30cm and baud rate as low as possible to remove the risk of signal lost.

us8h3sc :)

PS. I really hope that this wiring doesn?t crack my calculator... Maybe I still should buy the cable from casio :(

#72 Killer83Z


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Posted 02 January 2003 - 04:06 PM

Well, I don't know much about all this stuff, but recently there was another thread about a modified cable.


Some talk about frying your calculator with too much power and so on. The safe choice surely is to buy the original cable from casio (or the affiliated company yellow software in europe). If you fry your calc with that cable you can at least sue casio. What a pleasure :lol:

#73 Rabble_Chinchilla



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Posted 02 January 2003 - 07:55 PM

Oh Guys..... let me say some words once again...

at first.. if something goes wrong with the "yellow" calbe, you can't blame casio.. you have to blame yellow!

ok, on the next you should wire your calculators directly to you com-port, because that lets alter your equipment definately...
maybe its not burning at the moment you plug in, but what will happen after weeks of use... where nobody can say for sure if your calc or your cable was wrong...

then its better to connect such a max chip between your pc and calc.... it not just a buffer.. its a voltage level converter!

#74 rstweb


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Posted 02 January 2003 - 11:52 PM

sorry to say so, but i seems to me that you make a little bit too much advertisement of your cables here in the forum. i don't have anything against you but it disturbes me a little bit.

#75 Rabble_Chinchilla



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Posted 04 January 2003 - 02:29 AM

Erasing Stupid Guy <span class=×' /> Yes / [ ] No. :ph34r:

#76 Guest_Bytefish Productions_*

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Posted 04 January 2003 - 10:33 AM

haha :lol:

#77 rstweb


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Posted 04 January 2003 - 12:08 PM

who is the stupid guy? are you talking abut you, rabble?

#78 Killer83Z


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Posted 04 January 2003 - 12:15 PM

Please don't reply to this thread if it's got nothing to do with it. Thank you.

#79 Zan



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Posted 12 January 2003 - 10:40 AM

If you wan't to be sure about the voltage levels, then you should add a few zener diodes (a little lower than 5V, 4.7 maybe?) between voltages and ground. So that if there is a voltage greater than 5V the zener will short-circuit(?), and only 5V is left for the max232 or for the calculator.

Ok. nobody can understand this, but...

#80 sebastian_nurmela



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Posted 24 January 2003 - 08:59 PM

Anyone who can help me how to use the Language add on with the
FXI cable on my FX2

its seems like the self executing file dosent like my FXI cable.

im running WinXP

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