A few comments about minor bugs.
1) mode Sci4/E, editing alpha variables (var),
input: 8E-4
result: 800.0000.....01μ (should be 800μ).
tried to edit: ►,
result: Syntax ERROR
input: 0.06526
result: 65.25999.....9m (should be 65.26m)
tried to edit: ►,
result: 0.000E0
These features sometimes do not allow to use in program an engineering format for displaying results.
Lbl 1 "N="?➝N Disp RndFix(N,3) Goto 1mode Nrm10
2a) If you apply a record like ?➝N, the character ? is not translated on a new line.
2b) input: 7.6575 -> result: 7.657
input: 3.6575 -> result: 3.658
The instability of the rounding rules sometimes leads to the fact that when analyzing the data, they fall into the wrong interval.