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Games for Fx-9750gii


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#1 NotSoSmartGuy



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Posted 15 July 2017 - 10:21 PM

First I would like to say sorry if this is not the play to put this discussion. I am wondering why fx-9750gii games look so much worse than those for fx-9860gii? Is it because the can't accept the .g1a files? And if so, is there a way to make it accept the .g1a files. Again sorry if this is not the right place to put this and also sorry for my lack of knowledge on this stuff.

#2 Viliami


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    FX-9750 GII upgraded to FX-9860 GII

Posted 16 July 2017 - 01:51 AM

Yes, the OS installed in the 9750gii doesn't accept .g1a files. The only games you can install in them are the games programmed with BASIC, and the BASIC interpreter is pretty slow.

The actual hardware difference between fx-9860gii and fx-9750gii is pretty small (backlight was added), other than that they are the same, and you can install an upgraded version of the OS on your 9750gii.

There are lots of tutorials on Youtube on how to do this. e.g


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