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CASIO fx-5800P, still going strong!


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#1 secutor



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Posted 20 June 2018 - 10:08 AM

Don't underestimate this little calculator. Except for graphics and string manipulations, the Casio Basic included has most of the features - including Getkey and Locate - found in the more expensive models. It has even a few features lacking from the graphics calculators:

To prompt for input, the normal way is:
Will display N? and store the input in variable N.

Casio fx-5800P also allows this:
Will display N? but also shows the variable N. If no change, then you can press EXE right away. Very handy!

It has a FILE key on the keyboard making it easy to run any program outside Program Mode. With my Casio fx-CG50 I have to switch to Linear Mode, then retrieve the Prog command from the catalog and finally type the program name on the keyboard enclosed in quotation marks. Very awkward.

Often used programs and formulas can also be added to a favorite List, another useful feature.

I also like the CALC and SOLVE keys available to quickly enter an equation and solve for any variable:
E.g. BMI=weight (kg)/height (m)^2


Type B-W/H^2, press SOLVE key, enter W and H, highlight B and press SOLVE again. Done!

The single AAA battery lasts one year if calculator is used 1 hour a day. It draws only 0.12W.

The biggest drawback is that it might be too slow for some. The same prime factorization program used on both the fx-5800P and fx-CG50 gives me:
N=6666666667 (19 x 1627 x 215659)


fx-5800P: 25.4 s
fx-CG50: 2.5 s


N.B. Casio fx-5800P gives the same precedence to multiplication, division and implicit multiplication. That's why


6/2(1+2) = 9


If you try this with a newer CASIO calculator (or one with updated firmware), you will get


6/2(1+2) = 1


As Casio now gives higher precedence to implicit multiplication, so it treats the above expression as:




The calculator was introduced in 2007, I really hope Casio could upgrade it with a faster processor, more memory and a PC-link.


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#2 sentaro21


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Posted 21 June 2018 - 07:16 AM

Hi secutor
I have fx-5800P, too. :D
It is a very convenient programable scientific calculator.
The good point of fx5800P takes it in C.Basic. :greengrin:
The CcLinker of PC-link for fx-5800P was developed by takumako in last year, became more convenient. :)
Unfortunately I do not yet hear the rumor of next-generation model, 
but I'm looking forward to the next model which super evolved. ^_^

#3 Tritonio


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Posted 08 September 2019 - 11:50 AM

I broke the hinge of my fx-5800p so I couldn't carry it with me for quite some time now. But I just ordered another one since I really missed some of the programs that I had written on it. Plus I'll be able to use the old one as a backup storage now and maybe even try to look into the protocol that they use to communicate with each other. I hope to find a way to make the communicate with a raspberry. I need to look into that "CcLinker of PC-link for fx-5800P" that sentaro21 mentions above.

#4 pan.gejt


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Posted 08 September 2019 - 07:07 PM

CcFxTools together with dongle are great tools. I ordered mine a month ago, communication with seller is OK and the tracking number is provided. The delivery was really fast - the package was sent on friday in Japan and was delivered to Czechia on next Monday.

I wrote program for 4pts lagrange polynomial last friday (posted in this website) in CCeditor and send it to calculator by CClinker and all is working like a charm.

Edited by pan.gejt, 08 September 2019 - 07:08 PM.

#5 Tritonio


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Posted 08 September 2019 - 07:15 PM

I just found out the page for the dongle but I don't know if I want to spent $30 for it. It's not a bad price but I don't mind typing on the calc itself and for backup I have a second calc anyhow. But the program looks pretty neat!

#6 Krtyski


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Posted 11 November 2019 - 08:36 AM

Hi everyone


I've used CcLinker and CcEditor since its early version.


I made plenty of programs that could not saved in single fx-5800P.

I had 2 5800Ps with broken hinge. so those were used as an just back up memories. This is actually one way.


CcLinker dongle is less expensive than fx-5800P. I need 2 5800Ps for just storing my programs, so CcLinker is very cost effective.


Anyway I could buy hinge as repair parts from Casio. It was very cheap (about 1 USD).


I also bought cover and sticker as repair parts with the hinge, and replaced them all, so my calcs became quite new out-looking. Please try...

Edited by Krtyski, 11 November 2019 - 08:38 AM.

#7 Tritonio


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Posted 12 November 2019 - 05:37 PM

Anyway I could buy hinge as repair parts from Casio. It was very cheap (about 1 USD).


I also bought cover and sticker as repair parts with the hinge, and replaced them all, so my calcs became quite new out-looking. Please try...


Where did you buy them from? Got a link? I'd love to fix my old one as well!

#8 Krtyski


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    fx-CG20, fx-CG50,

Posted 13 November 2019 - 12:24 AM

Hi Tritonio


I could get the hinge as repair parts at big electronics shop (Yodobashi Camera) in Japan which is like Fry's in US. They usually do not have those parts in stock. I think such big shop can accept your repair parts order. Small shop who has good relationship with Casio may take the order.


I'm not sure whether Casio web site could accept repair parts order.


I hope there is such shop nearby your residence.


Just for your info., I wrote an article about repair of fx-5800P in Japanese, Google translation may help you;



The hinge part has 4 metal C-pins (spring pins) that has cross section in C-shape. 

Edited by Krtyski, 14 November 2019 - 02:02 AM.

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