It seems in the posted code that getkey( &key ) is telling getkey to read the key value from some i/o port named key. Is that the intent? Or, is the programmer trying to tell getkey() where to put the key value received from getkey()?
I would say the latter. I assume that when GetKey is called, it waits for a key to be pressed and the returns the keycode to whatever address was passed.
This is the declaration of GetKey from fxlib:
int GetKey(unsigned int *keycode);
When called, whatever key is presssed, its keycode is put into the address of what you passed so take the following example:
unsigned short key;
while (1)
GetKey(&key); //Whatever key is pressed, its keycode is put where the variable address points to, which is key in this example
if (key == KEY_CHAR_1) //if key is equal to the keycode of number 1 button, so if (key == 0x31) is also correct
//else repeat, be aware that GetKey pauses the entire function and waits for a key to be pressed
unsigned int key;
key = getkey(); //getkey() gets its input from STDIN and puts the character code in variable key
I don't have any books with me at the moment, but I am fairly confident that you are still passing key's address to GetKey.
But looking at the code, it would traditionally run an error, because the parameter are not being met for the GetKey.
Looking at documentation, I am unsure of how your example works, because it would only return 1 (if the key pressed was a numeric key) or a 0 (if the key was a control key)
I've never used it in the way you describe, and I don't have a windows computer currently with me to test.
I suppose you could do it this way, it is not the same as you mentioned. Maybe the compiler is optimizing it in a way that I have not read (and who wants to read a 600 page instruction manual on SuperH compiler?)
#include "fxlib.h"
#include "stdio.h"
int AddIn_main(int isAppli, unsigned short OptionNum)
unsigned int key, c;
unsigned char string[20];
c = GetKey(&key);
sprintf(&string, "%x", key);
switch (c)
case 1:
PrintXY(0,0,"Key is numeric",0);
case 0:
PrintXY(0,0,"Key is numeric",0);
return 1;
Edited by GodOfCows, 05 September 2018 - 12:37 AM.