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Rotating An Object

rotate lua 3d

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#1 flyingfisch


    Casio Maniac

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    fx-CG10 PRIZM

Posted 28 November 2012 - 01:18 PM

OK, I am trying to learn how to do 3D using this guide, and have gotten to the part for rotating around a point.

The problem is, all it seems to be doing is skewing my cube.

Here is my code:

-- base functions
local clear = zmg.clear
local drawCircle = zmg.drawCircle
local drawLine = zmg.drawLine
local drawPoint = zmg.drawPoint
local drawRectFill = zmg.drawRectFill
local drawText = zmg.drawText
local fastCopy = zmg.fastCopy
local keyMenuFast = zmg.keyMenuFast
local keyDirectPoll = zmg.keyDirectPoll
local keyDirect = zmg.keyDirect
local makeColor = zmg.makeColor
local floor = math.floor
local sin = math.sin
local cos = math.cos
local pi = math.pi

-- major vars
local key = {f1=79, f2=69, f3=59, f4=49, f5=39, f6=29, alpha=77, exit=47, 
optn=68, up=28, down=37, left=38, right=27, exe=31, shift=78}
local color = {bg=makeColor("white"), fg=makeColor("gray")}
local exit=0

-- 3d vars
local move = {x=50,y=50} 
local piv = {x=0, y=0}
local angle = {z=0}
local roffset = {x=0, y=0}
local x = 0
local y = 0
local xd = 0
local yd = 0
local scale = 1

-- 3d arrays
local cube = {x,y}
cube.x = {-20, 20, -20, 20}
cube.y = {-20, -20, 20, 20}

-- functions
local function d2r(angle)
	return angle*(pi/180)

local function drawCrosshair(x, y, size, color)
	drawLine(x-size, y, x+size, y, color)
	drawLine(x, y-size, x, y+size, color)

-- 3d
while exit~=1 do
	for i=1, 4, 1 do
		xd = cube.x[i]-piv.x
		yd = cube.y[i]-piv.y
		roffset.x = xd*cos(d2r(angle.z)) - yd*sin(d2r(angle.z)) - xd
		roffset.y = xd*sin(d2r(angle.z)) - yd*cos(d2r(angle.z)) - yd
		x = (cube.x[i] + roffset.x) / scale + move.x
		y = (cube.y[i] + roffset.y) / scale + move.y
		drawCrosshair(x, y, 5/scale, color.fg)
	if keyDirect(key.left)>0 then move.x = move.x-2 end
	if keyDirect(key.right)>0 then move.x = move.x+2 end
	if keyDirect(key.up)>0 then move.y = move.y-2 end
	if keyDirect(key.down)>0 then move.y = move.y+2 end
	if keyDirect(key.f1)>0 then scale = scale*1.02 end
	if keyDirect(key.f2)>0 then scale = scale/1.02 end
	if keyDirect(key.f3)>0 then angle.z = angle.z-1 end
	if keyDirect(key.f4)>0 then angle.z = angle.z+1 end
	if keyDirect(key.exit)>0 then exit=1 end
	drawText(1, 1, angle.z, color.fg, color.bg)

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: rotate, lua, 3d

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