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3D Engine For Fx-9860Gii

3d engine graphics fx-9860gii fx-9750gii calculator casio c++

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#1 Viliami


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Posted 03 July 2016 - 08:29 AM

This is what I have been working on lately, download the source code from my github: https://github.com/V...3d-engine-casio

the matrix and vector classes in mathlib.cpp is a direct port of the euclid.py python library.




To use this in your programs you will need to first download all of the source code from my github and since I made it in C++, you will have to put extern "C" around the main function and any other C code.


extern "C"{
    int AddIn_main(int isAppli, unsigned short OptionNum)

        return 1;

You will also need to put the extern C braces around any function from the fxlib library as that library was made in C.

Then include the engine.h file and you're ready to go.

#include "engine.h"

The 3d engine is object oriented so here is how to set it up:

Engine eng = Engine(); //create the engine class
Camera cam = Camera(); //create the camera class
Mesh meshes[20];       //create an array that will store all the meshes
Mesh mesh; //creating an example mesh

//here are the vertices and faces for a 3d cube
mesh.vertices[0] = Vector3(-1, 1, 1); 
mesh.vertices[1] = Vector3(1, 1, 1); 
mesh.vertices[2] = Vector3(-1,-1,1);
mesh.vertices[3] = Vector3(1,-1,1);
mesh.vertices[4] = Vector3(-1, 1, -1);
mesh.vertices[5] = Vector3(1,1,-1);
mesh.vertices[6] = Vector3(1,-1,-1);
mesh.vertices[7] = Vector3(-1,-1,-1);
mesh.faces[0] = Face(0, 1, 2);
mesh.faces[1] = Face(1, 2, 3);
mesh.faces[2] = Face(1, 3, 6);
mesh.faces[3] = Face(1, 5, 6);
mesh.faces[4] = Face(0, 1, 4);
mesh.faces[5] = Face(1, 4, 5);

mesh.faces[6] = Face(2, 3, 7);
mesh.faces[7] = Face(3, 6, 7);
mesh.faces[8] = Face(0, 2, 7);
mesh.faces[9] = Face(0, 4, 7);
mesh.faces[10]= Face(4, 5, 6);
mesh.faces[11]= Face(4, 6, 7);

meshes[0] = mesh; //add the mesh to the meshes array

   eng.clear(); //clear the screen

   meshes.rotation.x += 0.02; 
   meshes.rotation.y += 0.02; //rotate cube around x and y axis
   meshes[0] = mesh;          //update the mesh in the meshes array

   eng.render(cam, meshes); //render all of the meshes from the cameras point of view

   eng.present(); //display the pixels

That is a simple demo program for making a rotating cube as shown above.


This is still a work in progress, I will continue to add a lot more things soon such as:


-different render modes

-loading .obj files and other 3d formats

-adding grayscale


and I will also be making some games using this, starting off with a simple game like bloxorz

Edited by Viliami, 03 July 2016 - 08:32 AM.

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#2 frankmar98


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Posted 04 July 2016 - 07:54 AM

Cool, now it works in my fx-9750GII SH4-A upgraded.


Now, I have an idea about the power of the fx-9750GII using compiled SH3 code instead of Casio Basic. I think I can use this to make a 3D gun simulator (3D parabolic movement), impossible in Casio Basic. I've already made one in Casio Basic, but it is in 2D.


I'm also enjoying the vanhoa's 3D graph adding, is better than the 3D addin for the HP Prime

  • Viliami likes this

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: 3d, engine, graphics, fx-9860gii, fx-9750gii, calculator, casio, c++

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