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Classpad Vs. Ti Nspire: Which Is Better Folks?

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#121 Guest_Astro271L_*

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Posted 13 June 2010 - 09:55 PM

Thank you Tycho. Your apology posted above is appreciated. By the way, I am not the same astro that you are referring to.

While I try to consider everything carefully, it is hard to be neutral when in response to the question:

"What does the nspire lack as of the newest os update that other calcs have had for "many years?"

The reader is given the following factual information:

"Well for starters, the touch screen, and 3d graphing, and Laplace transforms and inverse Laplace transforms, and Fourier transforms, and please understand that none of that stuff is kiddie math like pie charts. In addition, what is seriously lacking is some standout math capability that would make nspire the more desirable product. It just doesn't have such features and because it lacks what other calculators have, it is obvous that the other calculators are the better buy."

Then a few posts later 2010guest ignores every thing that has been said and says:

"I have to say that much of is what is posted above is people own beliefs and a little research will prove them wrong."

That is just plain insulting and it is obvious to me (and apparently to others) that guest2010 did not come here to learn anything, or contribute any thing of value, or have an honest discussion, but is just trolling and simply wants to argue. I have to agree that we are better off with out that kind of disengenuous behavior, and I have to agree that because 2010 ignores the facts and simply wants to tout his beloved nspire, he is better off doing it with other people who want to ignore the facts, for example the people at the google nspire site who won't even allow a comparison between nspire and Classpad. Just my opinion.

To clarify, I meant it is insulting to the person who took the time and went to the effort to answer the question, and to have his answer ignored and to have 2010 claim that "a little research will prove them wrong" go's way beyond being unreasonable.

#122 Guest_2010nspire_*

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Posted 14 June 2010 - 11:12 PM

Astro271L Posted Jun 13 2010, 07:49 PM

QUOTE (Tycho Brahe @ Jun 13 2010, 04:20 PM) *
Sigh. No, I guess I just felt that Astro was basically bullying the other poster. I mean honestly, the guy's not going to purposefully choose a lower rated Nspire to make his point. There are so many models in the Nspire family that it seemed obvious to me that he was using the word generically. But pointing out a contrived error in some sort of attempt to make him feel/look like a moron just wasn't a nice thing to do. Just my opinion obviously and I apologize if I pissed anyone off. I mean well but probably have a short fuse.

Thank you Tycho. Your apology posted above is appreciated. By the way, I am not the same astro that you are referring to.

While I try to consider everything carefully, it is hard to be neutral when in response to the question:

"What does the nspire lack as of the newest os update that other calcs have had for "many years?"

The reader is given the following factual information:

"Well for starters, the touch screen, and 3d graphing, and Laplace transforms and inverse Laplace transforms, and Fourier transforms, and please understand that none of that stuff is kiddie math like pie charts. In addition, what is seriously lacking is some standout math capability that would make nspire the more desirable product. It just doesn't have such features and because it lacks what other calculators have, it is obvous that the other calculators are the better buy."

Then a few posts later 2010guest ignores every thing that has been said and says:

"I have to say that much of is what is posted above is people own beliefs and a little research will prove them wrong."

That is just plain insulting and it is obvious to me (and apparently to others) that guest2010 did not come here to learn anything, or contribute any thing of value, or have an honest discussion, but is just trolling and simply wants to argue. I have to agree that we are better off with out that kind of disengenuous behavior, and I have to agree that because 2010 ignores the facts and simply wants to tout his beloved nspire, he is better off doing it with other people who want to ignore the facts, for example the people at the google nspire site who won't even allow a comparison between nspire and Classpad. Just my opinion.

No its not that simple as you say; you give reasons and a few post down I say you gave no reasons. First I have already admitted that the nspire does lack 3d graphing. Secondly I said for high school students which is where ti aims there product, laplace and fourier is not big deal and for those that it is there are third party programs for that. And as for the set up of the nspire I can probably enter information faster without a touch screen than with one. And my response to "In addition, what is seriously lacking is some standout math capability that would make nspire the more desirable product. It just doesn't have such features and because it lacks what other calculators have, it is obvous that the other calculators are the better buy." is "So you call a 320*240 16 shade gray scale 3.5 inch screen, 90 MHz ARM9 32-bit RISC processor, 27.8 megabits of memory, a touch pad for navigating, a rechargeable battery, and the ability to wirelessly connect to hundreds of other nspires at once through a sever, a thing of the past?" It lacks math function not really neseccary for high school students but still offers them a very capable machine, and definantly not a reason to abandon it. Saying that nspire should be abandoned and calling it second rate is your own belief and not fact. Now I want you to know that I am not saying that the classpad is bad. I'm saying it is not the best choice for high school students.

#123 Guest_2010nspire_*

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Posted 14 June 2010 - 11:13 PM

sorry for the mispost.

#124 Guest_Dark Cloud_*

Guest_Dark Cloud_*
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Posted 15 June 2010 - 01:26 AM

Ok, I could say that the hardware you mention is of no consequence because the capability of a calculator is a function of its OS/cas, not its hardware, but then we would simply argue with no positive outcome, so let me admit right off that when you say that nspire "lacks math function not really neseccary for high school students but still offers them a very capable machine, and definantly not a reason to abandon it," you are correct from the point of view of what a high school student needs at the time he/she is in high school.

Now lets take a longer term view of things and assume you will go to college at some time in the future. What then? I can tell you from experience it is going to be very difficult and you will need every advantage you can get, and to be equipment limited is really not a smart thing to do. In addition, when you go to college, unlike high school, you will be mentally exhausted just dealing with the wealth of complicated technical material that you will be required to master, and it's unlikely that you will have the spare time or the energy to master a new calculator. So while you are in high school and have the time, you really should pick the calculator that will give you the most help in college and then master it's use "before" you go to college.

Having offered you some good advice, let me point out that what calculator you use doesn't affect me one way or the other, so it won't bother me at all if you totally ignore what I said. You do owe it to yourself however, to consider what advantages the various calculators will give "you" in "your" future if you decide to go to college, and I would warn you that the students who use the Hp or the Classpad have a definite advantage over those who attempt to get by with the Classpad.

#125 Guest_Astro271L_*

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Posted 16 June 2010 - 02:37 AM

I want every one to notice that 2010 again made the statement:

"So you call a 320*240 16 shade gray scale 3.5 inch screen, 90 MHz ARM9 32-bit RISC processor, 27.8 megabits of memory, a touch pad for navigating, a rechargeable battery, and the ability to wirelessly connect to hundreds of other nspires at once through a sever, a thing of the past?"

Totally ignoring the response that was given to him that previously that:

1. Its a calculator, a device for doing math, and gray scale doesn't improve that ability or the ability to see an equation. Gray scale would be a definite plus for picts but not for math work unless a significant 3d graphing ability were available with the nspire which it is not.

2. The processor speed is likely a by product of a change required because the older processor used in the previous models must be getting difficult to get. For it's indendended purpose, high school math, there is no problem with the slower processors previously used. When was the last time that you heard someone complain about the speed of the ti-89?

3. By todays standards, 27.8 megabits of memory really isn't very much.

4. A touch pad for navigating is 1990's technology. A wireless mouse would be more up to date.

5. The nspire doesn't come with rechargeable battery. As always you have to buy that separately.

6. Who in their right mind would use the ability to wirelessly connect to hundreds of other nspires at once through a sever. To suggest that as a feature or benefit is rediculous.

7. As for Casio and Hp, their calculators are many years older than nspire but have significantly better math capabillities. Folks, we are talking about calculators, not pc's, so its the cas and user interface that are important.

This guy is obviously a troll who just wants to argue and we need to ignore him till he goes away. Just remember that it is not possible to reason with someone who refuses to be reasonable. In that regard, he is consistent in that he doesn't rebut the replies that he gets he just ignores them. So lets give him some of his own medicine and ignore him.

#126 Guest_2010nspire_*

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Posted 16 June 2010 - 04:18 PM

I agree with you Dark Cloud but I must say that much of what you said I had already posted before. I had already said that nspire may not be your best choice for college, but I also said that for high school go for the nspire. And even for college the classpad may not be your best choice since even some college test such as AP do not allow the use qwerty keyboards. The hp which is more powerful than the classpad is probably your best choice for college. And in college you can use computer programs that do far more far better than any calc is capable of doing.

Yes I ignore the responce that ASTRO271L gave because much of it is nonsense and anyone with sense ought to be able to see it.

1 "Its a calculator, a device for doing math, and gray scale doesn't improve that ability or the ability to see an equation. Gray scale would be a definite plus for picts but not for math work unless a significant 3d graphing ability were available with the nspire which it is not."

A higher resolution screen and gray scales is always better than a lower resolution monochrome display. Even when graphing three or more functions and especially with shading, graphing in a close domain become quickly indestinguishable on the ti 89, but not on the nspire. And furthmore you spend less time trying to interpret the graph with a higher resolution screen.Posted Image Notice how clear the graph is.

2. "The processor speed is likely a by product of a change required because the older processor used in the previous models must be getting difficult to get. For it's indendended purpose, high school math, there is no problem with the slower processors previously used. When was the last time that you heard someone complain about the speed of the ti-89?"

There are many equations wherein the ti 89 takes a few second and sometimes even minutes to complete whereas the nspire does them instantly, and I have seen many people taking note of this.

3. "By todays standards, 27.8 megabits of memory really isn't very much."

First whoever said it was a lot. Second name another calculator whoes internal memory compares with it.

4. "A touch pad for navigating is 1990's technology. A wireless mouse would be more up to date."

A wireless mouse is an overkill for a calculator. And you already complain about the price of the nspire so are you ready to shell out the extra bucks for the wireless mouse? I don't think so, for you even complain about paying extra for the battery. Its just someting extra to get loss and tear up. You can use it more effectively and efficiently with a touchpad, and so what if its 1990 technology. Casio's touch screen is 1970 technology.

5. "The nspire doesn't come with rechargeable battery. As always you have to buy that separately."

Well if you don't want to pay don't buy it. Regular batteries last long enough.

6. "Who in their right mind would use the ability to wirelessly connect to hundreds of other nspires at once through a sever. To suggest that as a feature or benefit is rediculous."

Many educators who use the nspire for teaching a classroom of students and create lesson for them on the calculator, use the wireless connection system. Anyone who doesn't see the benefit of connecting to a classroom of calcs at once as opposed to having to connect one by one, needs to ....

#127 Guest_NVMNTTN_*

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Posted 17 June 2010 - 02:09 AM

Hi, I know you're in the middle of somehow "discussing" (after spending the most two hours go through 4 pages [O_o]), may i ask you (both side of Ti and Casio) that:

Would i rather buy between Ti-89T and fx-9860GII? What are their advantages or disadvantage?

Since you're super expert on this particular field and i have no clue and knowing that much about calculator. And by the way, I'm going to college in chemistry major, if this helps!

Sorry if this is misposted. Thank you in advance! :greengrin:

#128 Guest_Dark Cloud_*

Guest_Dark Cloud_*
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Posted 22 June 2010 - 10:29 PM

Hi, I know you're in the middle of somehow "discussing" (after spending the most two hours go through 4 pages [O_o]), may i ask you (both side of Ti and Casio) that:

Would i rather buy between Ti-89T and fx-9860GII? What are their advantages or disadvantage?

Since you're super expert on this particular field and i have no clue and knowing that much about calculator. And by the way, I'm going to college in chemistry major, if this helps!

Sorry if this is misposted. Thank you in advance! :greengrin:

Yeh, you posted in the wrong place. You might get a better response if you repost under the correct thread. If I am not mistaken, this is the second time you have posted that message in the wrong place. Clearly no one here is interested in comparing the Ti-89T and fx-9860GII.

#129 Guest_Guest_mccoy_*_*

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Posted 24 June 2010 - 11:34 AM

Hi, I know you're in the middle of somehow "discussing" (after spending the most two hours go through 4 pages [O_o]), may i ask you (both side of Ti and Casio) that:

Would i rather buy between Ti-89T and fx-9860GII? What are their advantages or disadvantage?

Since you're super expert on this particular field and i have no clue and knowing that much about calculator. And by the way, I'm going to college in chemistry major, if this helps!

Sorry if this is misposted. Thank you in advance! :greengrin:

you don't need any casio graphing calculator to do chem...use your head. However, ti 89 should be enough for basic chemistry math. Quantum chemistry will requires mathcads etc, not casios and ti's.
hope that help.

#130 Guest_Dark Cloud_*

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Posted 27 June 2010 - 06:28 PM

you don't need any casio graphing calculator to do chem...use your head. However, ti 89 should be enough for basic chemistry math. Quantum chemistry will requires mathcads etc, not casios and ti's.
hope that help.

you don't need any TI graphing calculator to do chem...use your head. However, the Classpad should be enough for basic chemistry math.

#131 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 02 August 2010 - 05:38 PM

you don't need any TI graphing calculator to do chem...use your head. However, the Classpad should be enough for basic chemistry math.

What you say is certainly true. I have just done a study of the nspire, nspire cas, ti89, and the Classpad and the Classpad won hands down. No doubt about it. If you want real value for your money then buy the Classpad. BTW, my high school math teacher doesn't understand that, but if he was very bright he would not need a calculator to teach math. So be aware that some very dumb high school math teachers make poor choices when they pick a calclulator to help them do math. So don't take their recommendations seriously.

#132 supergems


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Posted 03 August 2010 - 10:33 AM

Hi, I know you're in the middle of somehow "discussing" (after spending the most two hours go through 4 pages [O_o]), may i ask you (both side of Ti and Casio) that:

Would i rather buy between Ti-89T and fx-9860GII? What are their advantages or disadvantage?

Since you're super expert on this particular field and i have no clue and knowing that much about calculator. And by the way, I'm going to college in chemistry major, if this helps!

Sorry if this is misposted. Thank you in advance! :greengrin:

HP 50g is much better to study chemistry --> http://www.hpcalc.or...ence/chemistry/ :greengrin:

#133 Guest_Jose_*

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Posted 06 August 2010 - 05:37 PM

Referencing http://groups.google...9ac54b193d483d5 there seems to be two methods for determining the intersection of lines when using the nspire, and if I understand that reference correctly, they do not always agree.

I was going to buy an nspire but that is just one to many problems with that product. I'll buy the Classpad.

Also, I've learned about a lot of problems with nspire by reading that site and it makes me wonder if the teachers that insist on using that product are gettin some sort of financial incentive to do so. Does anyone know if they get freebies or some sort of special treatment from TI? Just wondering. Hopefully some math teacher who knows what is going on will respond.

#134 Guest_Brad_*

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Posted 22 August 2010 - 01:56 AM

WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After reading many of the comments here ( especially from Casio Addict ) in regard to bad math teachers, I have to wonder what the heck you people are smoking, what pretend throne of judgement you are sitting on with your supposed superior mathematics knowlege, or better yet, what crappy part of America you live in.

I have been a math teacher for 23 years in Toronto Ontario and also a calculator fan ( I have a ti83, ti84, ti85, ti86, ti89, tiNspire CAS, Casio 112ES, some Sharp models, and have had older Sharp 7000, 8000 and 9000 Calculators).

I have never in my teaching career come accross your fantasy idea of incompetent teachers called "Push button Math Teachers" but have run into poor teachers that could be better.

I would put my grade 12 Calculus and better yet my old Grade 13 calculus students from years ago when we had grade 13 in Ontario against most of you know-it-alls, knowing they would school the bulk of you in proper mathematics ( derivative and integral calculus, first and second partial derivatives, multiple integrals, areas and volumes of revolution, Infinite series and sequences, etc ). Lets get back to reality people, you may dream of your supperiority over your poor incompetent teacher from high school, but it certainly is not the case in the schools that I have taught in or with most of the mathematics teachers that I have dealt with.

Part #2

I would love to love the N-Spire, but have several complaints about it. I find it too clunky, the buttons too small and lacking the tactile feel of other calculators, would love to see high resolution and colour, and believe it could be much better. That being said, it still is a very powerful machine and there are some things I do appreciate about it.

Part #3

Why does TI hold the calculator market so tightly, are there kickbacks for teachers, etc. Think people !!! TI owns the market because they wrapped up all of the mathematics book publishers and got them to use their calculators instead of worthy other competition. How is it possible that years after it was made, students were still paying $130 for the TI83 when both Casio and Sharp had graphing calculators that blew it away for about 70 - 90 dollars. I once met a Casio calculator dealer in the educational market who told me that he had no chance of cracking the high-school market in Ontario due to this fact. If Ti had not created this monopoly, the NSpire would be a much better calculator then it is.


#135 Guest_JBB_*

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Posted 22 August 2010 - 05:49 PM

HI Brad,
It's refreshing to hear that they still teach math in Canada. The situation is mixed at best here in the U.S. I teach college math and it is common to see students do basic arithematic such as adding 6 plus 8 by counting on their fingers. In addition, it is common to get students who complain that they should be allowed to use calculators on tests and shouldn't be required to learn things like taking a derivative because they learned in high school how to to that by using calculators.

It is sad to see how mathematically incompetent U.S. high school students are, especially considering that this situation didn't exist a couple of decades ago, before calculators were being used in our educational system. Quite frankly, I don't blame TI for the sad state of affairs in math education in the U.S. It is the fault of the teachers who are allowed by the school administrations to teach calculator operation instead of mathematics, and it goes beyond high school and now starts in the early grades.

I am certain that if something isn't done soon, we are gong to have a whole generation devoid of engineers and scientists because of the incredibly bad math education that this generation is receiving. The solution of course is very painful and includes getting rid of math teachers who cannot do math without the crutch of using a calculator, and it includes requiring students to master math principles before they are allowed to use calculators in school. That would cut into TI's business so they will fight such an evolution and perhaps delay or prevent it from happening. Oh well, thats life in our exceedingly greedy society where corporate profits are more important than providing children with a good education, which is very short sighted of course. Very short sighted indeed.

BTW, I'm told a high school teacher that TI gives them special treatment that ordinary customers don't recieve. For example when they call Ti with a question, after identifying themselves as a teacher, they get the next available customer service representative and don't have to waste time waiting on hold. Also, I was told that at a TI meeting introducing the touch pad upgrade, teachers were allowed to trade their nspire calculators for the later model for free. So, I have to wonder what is going on behind the curtain of silence, with respect to modivating teachers to use TI nspires in their teaching activities? Obviously the teachers who are benefiting are not going to speak up and just as obviously the silence speaks volumes, especially when there are mathematically better calculators and better software than the technologically obsolete stuff that TI peddles, and by this I mean that mathematically, the nspire cas has essentually the same capabillities as the 15 year old TI-89 design, but without 3d graphing. Your mention of the nspire being too clunky, the buttons too small with a lack of tactile feel that other calclulators have, along with the lack of color are good examples. I would sum it up by saying that nspire looks and feels like exactly what it is, a very low qualilty device.

I think that in years to come, business schools will require their students to learn the case studies regarding the demise of the TI calculator. By producing such a low quality design, in every aspect from math functionality to keyboard feel, TI has done themselves in, and people are realizing that they are much better off with a multipurpose smart phone with a math app on it, than with a single purpose low tech calculator from TI. Sure TI, with their band of loyal teacher/supporters, along with the testing establishment will fight the change but it will happen anyway. In fact I see signs of it already happening. When asked, students tell me that they don't want an nspire with it's low tech screen, they want an iphone or Droid, and their parents won't pay for both. In addition, I am seeing students use math apps on their phone when doing homework in places like the library.

I recently had a teacher suggest that while smart phones will probably take over eventually that will take a decade or so to happen. My reply was "just because it takes TI a decade or so to come out with a new design, that is not the pace of the rest of the electronics industry." New smart phones are introduced at least annually, and good math apps are already available. In fact I expect Mathematica or Maple to have an app available for the Droid or iPhone soon, and whole classes of students to rebel and refuse to buy the low tech but expensive TI-nspire that some teacher recommends, and I expect to see some really awesome high tech products from Casio. As for TI? They decided their fate with the low tech nspire design. They are history and people are buying better products. As for myself, I own a few callculators including a TI voyage 200 but I doubt that TI will ever produce another product that I will find worth buying. In fact I think it much more likely that any day now I will be buying a Droid with Maple on it. Now for use in class but for enjoyment.

Best Regards, from the U.S.

WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After reading many of the comments here ( especially from Casio Addict ) in regard to bad math teachers, I have to wonder what the heck you people are smoking, what pretend throne of judgement you are sitting on with your supposed superior mathematics knowlege, or better yet, what crappy part of America you live in.

I have been a math teacher for 23 years in Toronto Ontario and also a calculator fan ( I have a ti83, ti84, ti85, ti86, ti89, tiNspire CAS, Casio 112ES, some Sharp models, and have had older Sharp 7000, 8000 and 9000 Calculators).

I have never in my teaching career come accross your fantasy idea of incompetent teachers called "Push button Math Teachers" but have run into poor teachers that could be better.

I would put my grade 12 Calculus and better yet my old Grade 13 calculus students from years ago when we had grade 13 in Ontario against most of you know-it-alls, knowing they would school the bulk of you in proper mathematics ( derivative and integral calculus, first and second partial derivatives, multiple integrals, areas and volumes of revolution, Infinite series and sequences, etc ). Lets get back to reality people, you may dream of your supperiority over your poor incompetent teacher from high school, but it certainly is not the case in the schools that I have taught in or with most of the mathematics teachers that I have dealt with.

Part #2

I would love to love the N-Spire, but have several complaints about it. I find it too clunky, the buttons too small and lacking the tactile feel of other calculators, would love to see high resolution and colour, and believe it could be much better. That being said, it still is a very powerful machine and there are some things I do appreciate about it.

Part #3

Why does TI hold the calculator market so tightly, are there kickbacks for teachers, etc. Think people !!! TI owns the market because they wrapped up all of the mathematics book publishers and got them to use their calculators instead of worthy other competition. How is it possible that years after it was made, students were still paying $130 for the TI83 when both Casio and Sharp had graphing calculators that blew it away for about 70 - 90 dollars. I once met a Casio calculator dealer in the educational market who told me that he had no chance of cracking the high-school market in Ontario due to this fact. If Ti had not created this monopoly, the NSpire would be a much better calculator then it is.


#136 Guest_JBB_*

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Posted 22 August 2010 - 05:57 PM

Sorry about the spelling mistakes in the previous post. I got in hurry and didn't proof read and correct it before posting. That was very unprofessional and I regret making that mistake.

#137 Guest_Brad_*

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Posted 22 August 2010 - 10:37 PM

Sorry about the spelling mistakes in the previous post. I got in hurry and didn't proof read and correct it before posting. That was very unprofessional and I regret making that mistake.

Good to hear from a fellow Mathematics Educator.

I have always banned calculators in my class, unless I specifically require the students to use them to master a procedure that they have already been taught and worked through. For example, once we have gone through the quadratic formula in great detail using relatively clean numbers, then I introduce problems with decimal solutions and have the students work through them on their respective calculators and get me the result rounded to a specific number of digits.

When I tutor, I do not allow students the use of a calculator to do tasks that they clearly should be able to do without them, ( ie. adding and subtracting positive and negative numbers). I find this most annoying!!

The sad thing, is that I love calculators and what they can do for you, and find one of my great payoffs in teaching, is getting the student to master a process that may be long and detailed, and then once they are fully competent in the method, showing them a quick way to do it with a CAS calculator. The inevitable "why did we not do this in the first place" never is asked because they have been taught from day one that it is the process, not the final answer that is important. That being said, I also stress that their answers must be correct as well ( thus the calculator to VERIFY their work not do it for them ). After all, if they build the bridges that people are to drive over some day, they better get it right.

Funny you mentioned the trade up to the new black touchpad CAS N-Spire from the old white one. This is exactly what TI just did for me because I am a teacher. It did cost me $21 in shipping, but the new one is a bit better than the old white version with the terrible buttons on it. Obviously, TI knows who to please in order to sell their products to students. Microsoft is no different as they offer teachers very cheap versions of Office with strict instructions to never make it available to students.


#138 Guest_JBB_*

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Posted 22 August 2010 - 11:41 PM

[quote name='Brad' date='Aug 22 2010, 11:37 PM' post='49431']
Funny you mentioned the trade up to the new black touchpad CAS N-Spire from the old white one. This is exactly what TI just did for me because I am a teacher. It did cost me $21 in shipping, but the new one is a bit better than the old white version with the terrible buttons on it. Obviously, TI knows who to please in order to sell their products to students. Microsoft is no different as they offer teachers very cheap versions of Office with strict instructions to never make it available to students.

Yes, but two wrongs don't make a right and I don't like doing business with people whose moral values I don't trust so I'll just pass on owning an nspire or nspire cas. I'm

#139 Guest_JBB_*

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Posted 23 August 2010 - 12:15 AM

Opps I hit the wrong key and all of a sudden my incomplete statement got posted. What I was going to say was:
Yes, but two wrongs don't make a right, and I don't like doing business with people whose moral values I don't trust, so I'll just pass on owning an nspire or nspire cas or any other TI products in the future. They aren't that great anyway.

I'm quite old now and I have found over the years, that when a company doesn't treat everyone equally and fairly, there will come a time when you are on the losing end of things, so they and their products are just not worth the screwing that they will give you later. Just my opinion. A similiar situation occurred with my cell phone. I wanted an iphone for a while, but because ATT does not provide service in my area I could not buy one, and now that the Droid is available I would not take an iPhone if Steve Jobs personally offered me one for free. So what comes around goes around.

I am certain that the day will come when TI screws those very same math teachers that they are presently sucking up to. In fact, I don't think the nspire business is a good profitable business for TI to be in, and it would not surprize me at all, if TI all of a sudden quit that business and left those teachers high and dry with no service or support for the products that they talked their school district into buying.

#140 Guest_Jose_*

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Posted 23 August 2010 - 09:29 AM

Opps I hit the wrong key and all of a sudden my incomplete statement got posted. What I was going to say was:
Yes, but two wrongs don't make a right, and I don't like doing business with people whose moral values I don't trust, so I'll just pass on owning an nspire or nspire cas or any other TI products in the future. They aren't that great anyway.

I'm quite old now and I have found over the years, that when a company doesn't treat everyone equally and fairly, there will come a time when you are on the losing end of things, so they and their products are just not worth the screwing that they will give you later. Just my opinion. A similiar situation occurred with my cell phone. I wanted an iphone for a while, but because ATT does not provide service in my area I could not buy one, and now that the Droid is available I would not take an iPhone if Steve Jobs personally offered me one for free. So what comes around goes around.

I am certain that the day will come when TI screws those very same math teachers that they are presently sucking up to. In fact, I don't think the nspire business is a good profitable business for TI to be in, and it would not surprize me at all, if TI all of a sudden quit that business and left those teachers high and dry with no service or support for the products that they talked their school district into buying.

I like the way you explained that. I like to compare the calculator situation to automobiles. While the U.S. companies lied and cheated for years selling poor quality products to unsuspecting buyers, the foreign companies constantly improved their product quality and as a result, now the U.S. companies have less than half of the market in their own country and some of them will be forced out of business because no one wants their products any more. I think that TI is doing things the same way and that the same thing will happen to them. They have lost a lot of customers with their low tech, poor quality nspire products and it would be very difficult to win them back. Although it might be possible, I don't think their big egos will allow them to do the things it would take to win their previous customers back. They would have to admit that they made a big and mistake by ignoring most of their customers and only listening to a small group of selfish self centered teachers who take the additude that "I've got mine and the hell with you" and then they would have to redesign the nspire so that it appeals to every one and not just a few vocal teachers but TI is not humble enough to do that so most certainly they will be forced out of the calculator business and that is as it should be. They will reap what they have sewed.

#141 Guest_Joe_*

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Posted 26 August 2010 - 12:43 PM

Excellent analysis. I think you nailed it. Another consideration is that smart phones are selling like mad and there is no reason to have a dedicated hand held for math when you can use a smart phone with math programs like Space Time on the iPhone. Sure the testing police need to approve that combo but it will happen because in the future people are just going to say not to expensive dedicated hand helds for math.

I like the way you explained that. I like to compare the calculator situation to automobiles. While the U.S. companies lied and cheated for years selling poor quality products to unsuspecting buyers, the foreign companies constantly improved their product quality and as a result, now the U.S. companies have less than half of the market in their own country and some of them will be forced out of business because no one wants their products any more. I think that TI is doing things the same way and that the same thing will happen to them. They have lost a lot of customers with their low tech, poor quality nspire products and it would be very difficult to win them back. Although it might be possible, I don't think their big egos will allow them to do the things it would take to win their previous customers back. They would have to admit that they made a big and mistake by ignoring most of their customers and only listening to a small group of selfish self centered teachers who take the additude that "I've got mine and the hell with you" and then they would have to redesign the nspire so that it appeals to every one and not just a few vocal teachers but TI is not humble enough to do that so most certainly they will be forced out of the calculator business and that is as it should be. They will reap what they have sewed.

#142 Guest_Charlie_*

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Posted 26 August 2010 - 01:35 PM

Very interesting message. I don't post much myself but I do read a lot and I find the teachers that are on the nspire google site to be a group of immature miss-fits. Like spoiled kids, they are constantly whining about something and seem to think that their nspire calculator is some kind of magic teaching machine which it is not. Of course TI cheers on that kind of mistaken enthusiasm and that keeps those people from coming to grips with the fact that their beloved nspire is just another calculator and a rather poor one at that. They just don't have any rational perspective and by cheering each other on perhaps they never will. Clearly a case of misstaken enthusiasm.

Yes, you are right that there is no rational reason why someone should use a single purpose device for math when all the other functions are grouped together in smart phones, but of course people like those I've mentioned above will keep their baseless emotional high going as long as they can, and do what they can to prevent the natural transition to multipurpose devices, by requiring defenseless children to waste their parents money on an overpriced poor quality single purpose calculator. Normally I would just dismiss such stupid people as wacko's but in this case they are in a position to influence our children with their poor decision making, and someone, namely the school board members, need to rein them in or get rid of them. Is any one listening?

Excellent analysis. I think you nailed it. Another consideration is that smart phones are selling like mad and there is no reason to have a dedicated hand held for math when you can use a smart phone with math programs like Space Time on the iPhone. Sure the testing police need to approve that combo but it will happen because in the future people are just going to say not to expensive dedicated hand helds for math.

#143 Guest_Charlie_*

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Posted 26 August 2010 - 08:52 PM

Is anyone listening?

Very interesting message. I don't post much myself but I do read a lot and I find the teachers that are on the nspire google site to be a group of immature miss-fits. Like spoiled kids, they are constantly whining about something and seem to think that their nspire calculator is some kind of magic teaching machine which it is not. Of course TI cheers on that kind of mistaken enthusiasm and that keeps those people from coming to grips with the fact that their beloved nspire is just another calculator and a rather poor one at that. They just don't have any rational perspective and by cheering each other on perhaps they never will. Clearly a case of misstaken enthusiasm.

Yes, you are right that there is no rational reason why someone should use a single purpose device for math when all the other functions are grouped together in smart phones, but of course people like those I've mentioned above will keep their baseless emotional high going as long as they can, and do what they can to prevent the natural transition to multipurpose devices, by requiring defenseless children to waste their parents money on an overpriced poor quality single purpose calculator. Normally I would just dismiss such stupid people as wacko's but in this case they are in a position to influence our children with their poor decision making, and someone, namely the school board members, need to rein them in or get rid of them. Is any one listening?

#144 MicroPro


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Posted 27 August 2010 - 05:14 PM

(Not to take any specific calculator brand's side) students are NOT allowed to use smartphones on exams, while calculators are allowed.
This is true that although many teachers/schools know students have written notes, formulae etc on the calc they still let them use it on the exam. While you can't use your symbian smartphone (no cas applications for them afaik).

(Now i'm speaking pro-casio! --> ) Also, I'm curious to know how the nspire is allowed on exam by some "testing police" while students can connect to each other wirelessly?! Maybe only through a server? I really like to take one of those exams... :lol:

#145 Guest_Chuy_*

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Posted 28 August 2010 - 06:02 PM

It seems that the "testing police" are actually crooks who approve TI calculators while not approving other calculators that are just as worthy. Sound familiar? Like maybe your teacher is of the same crooked mentality? It's called unfair trade practices. If you live in a such a free country why does your government allow such corrupt practices? How many smart phone math programs are allowed for instance. Just because the student could get on the phone and ask for help does not mean that the testing monitor has to allow it. Your stupid rules are meant to favor your greedy TI so that TI can make more money because students being forced into buying their calclulators.

(Not to take any specific calculator brand's side) students are NOT allowed to use smartphones on exams, while calculators are allowed.
This is true that although many teachers/schools know students have written notes, formulae etc on the calc they still let them use it on the exam. While you can't use your symbian smartphone (no cas applications for them afaik).

(Now i'm speaking pro-casio! --> ) Also, I'm curious to know how the nspire is allowed on exam by some "testing police" while students can connect to each other wirelessly?! Maybe only through a server? I really like to take one of those exams... :lol:

#146 Guest_Jose_*

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Posted 30 August 2010 - 03:31 PM

It seems that the "testing police" are actually crooks who approve TI calculators while not approving other calculators that are just as worthy. Sound familiar? Like maybe your teacher is of the same crooked mentality? It's called unfair trade practices. If you live in a such a free country why does your government allow such corrupt practices? How many smart phone math programs are allowed for instance. Just because the student could get on the phone and ask for help does not mean that the testing monitor has to allow it. Your stupid rules are meant to favor your greedy TI so that TI can make more money because students being forced into buying their calclulators.

Unfortunately what you say is true.

#147 Guest_sidood neworld_*

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Posted 03 September 2010 - 04:43 AM

Unfortunately what you say is true.

Don't overlook the people at http://groups.google...inspire?lnk=srg it's pretty obvious that they are in league with the TI merchants of greed. So they are just as culpable, and deserve some animosity for pressuring children and their parents to waste money on over priced TI calculators.

#148 jhgenius



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Posted 08 September 2010 - 06:32 AM

now i have a nspire, not sure about the classpad tho

#149 Guest_Amos_*

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Posted 10 September 2010 - 04:09 AM

now i have a nspire, not sure about the classpad tho

Don't feel to badly about it. We all make mistakes from time to time.

#150 Guest_nestmerg "SS_*

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Posted 11 September 2010 - 01:24 AM

now i have a nspire, not sure about the classpad tho

What is it about the classpad that you are not sure of?

#151 Guest_quingatt Chief_*

Guest_quingatt Chief_*
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Posted 17 September 2010 - 07:29 AM

I have been told that ti-nspire calcuator does not come with a manual describing how to operate it. How can that be? That is a very complicated device. Does classpad come with a manual? :greengrin:

#152 Guest_shyam_*

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Posted 23 September 2010 - 05:33 PM

Sigh. No, I guess I just felt that Astro was basically bullying the other poster. I mean honestly, the guy's not going to purposefully choose a lower rated Nspire to make his point. There are so many models in the Nspire family that it seemed obvious to me that he was using the word generically. But pointing out a contrived error in some sort of attempt to make him feel/look like a moron just wasn't a nice thing to do. Just my opinion obviously and I apologize if I pissed anyone off. I mean well but probably have a short fuse.

#153 Guest_Classpad warrior_*

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Posted 24 September 2010 - 01:43 AM

Actually Astro was a visionary. He saw beyond TI's spin when I was obsessed with buying a Ti-nspore. So I waited and now that I am way beyond that stupid illogical phase, I can see what he was getting at. He was quite right you know. The nspire is an overpriced underperforming cheap as piece of you what that some wacko teachers are trying to force upon us high school chaps an I for one am not going to let them do that to me. An now that I ave come to me senses, I can say for sure that classpad is the wave to ride. It is so much better that I can't believe that I was going to waste so much money and get ripped off by that texas trash. Chaps there is no comparison. Classpad is so much better that only a fool would buy that texas junk. Thats what I believe an I am certain about it.

#154 McCoy


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Posted 10 October 2010 - 11:08 PM

you don't need any TI graphing calculator to do chem...use your head. However, the Classpad should be enough for basic chemistry math.

Wrong actually mr dark loud

#155 sree



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Posted 30 November 2010 - 02:37 PM

Visiten este link, me parece una alternativa para usar para quien posea una PDA, buen CAS, Graficos, evaluacion, script ....
quizas no suplante a la classpad pero como alternativa pinta bien y completamente GRATIS!



Edited by sree, 30 November 2010 - 02:54 PM.

#156 Guest_ASTRO491K_*

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Posted 15 January 2011 - 08:00 PM

What kind of an idiot are you? You know this is a calculator site and you know this thread is for comparing two calculators and you post that trash which pertains to neither. Go away and get a brain transplant!


I'm new here with this forum I have been a very long time lurker and today have got a appropriate issue which i trust a few of you guys can sort out.

I was on the look to locate some reputable and known offshore company incorporation professional, since I live in Italy and wouldn't like to pay the substantial tax here then I went using Costa Rica Corporation, won't post a link avoiding to become deemed fake, now they explained that for my requests I am unable to use them nevertheless somewhat should look at certain incorporation within another offshore jurisdiction for instance Malta, now I ran across the website http://www.web-chamber.com in which is actually a fascinating blog site which includes numerous information about this issue, what interest me is actually, if a few of you'll be able to tell me how I can help to eliminate my taxes without having going the offshore method or if Cyprus really has become the spot I would try to look for ?

My needs are generally to pay the lowest taxes possible, need bank account with internet banking plus a credit card merchant account to accept credit card payments for my Sneaker shop.

Thank you beforehand.

#157 JosJuice


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Posted 16 January 2011 - 03:15 PM

What kind of an idiot are you? You know this is a calculator site and you know this thread is for comparing two calculators and you post that trash which pertains to neither. Go away and get a brain transplant!

You know that it's a spambot, right?

#158 Guest_ASTRO491K_*

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Posted 17 January 2011 - 04:05 AM

You know that it's a spambot, right?

What is a spambot? How do you know it is a spambot? Other sites that I visit don't seem to have this problem so can't Casio filter out or delete such trash? :unsure:

#159 Dream of Omnimaga

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Posted 17 January 2011 - 08:56 PM

A spambot is a software that automatically sends messages to blogs, forums and comment boards that they find when crawling the Internet. Spambots are used to advertise products and services, as well as websites to increase their Google searching rank.

Since most Casiocalc.org admins became inactive or moved on from the calculator scene, they no longer regularly delete spam posts. One huge step they could take is to install some anti-spam mods, because the regular InvisionBoard ones are no longer reliable. If IPB has something such as Stop Forum Spam that kinda works.

By the way, this forum is not maintained by Casio. It has no affiliation with Casio at all. It's just a forum that was started by people who were interested in Casio programming and it elvolved into a Casio help forum with the time.

Edited by DJ Omnimaga, 17 January 2011 - 08:57 PM.

#160 Guest_ASTRO491K_*

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Posted 18 January 2011 - 02:13 AM

A spambot is a software that automatically sends messages to blogs, forums and comment boards that they find when crawling the Internet. Spambots are used to advertise products and services, as well as websites to increase their Google searching rank.

Since most Casiocalc.org admins became inactive or moved on from the calculator scene, they no longer regularly delete spam posts. One huge step they could take is to install some anti-spam mods, because the regular InvisionBoard ones are no longer reliable. If IPB has something such as Stop Forum Spam that kinda works.

By the way, this forum is not maintained by Casio. It has no affiliation with Casio at all. It's just a forum that was started by people who were interested in Casio programming and it elvolved into a Casio help forum with the time.

Thank you very much for your reply. I had been under the impression that this site was an official Casio site.

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