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Plotting Graph 9750Gii

suma syntax error graph

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#1 MartinFX9750GII



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Posted 11 February 2016 - 01:55 PM



I have a fx-9750GII calculator and I can't make graph ("syntax error") if I use suma or integral operation in syntax.

for example syntax: ∑(K*X,K,0,10,1)

But this syntax works in RUN.MAT mode (variable X replace by a number). Is there a any solution? Thanks

#2 pan.gejt


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Posted 19 February 2016 - 08:34 AM

This is not possible, you have 2 variables in the expression - K and X, you can plot for one X value only if the K differs, but it doesn't matter, the plot will look the same regardless of X value, because the ∑(K*X) can be rewritten as X*∑(K)


You have 2 ways how to do it, unforunately with some manual effort

1. by using a list

2. by using a spreadsheet


let's assume you want to plot K from 1 to 25 with step 1 for X=1


in Run-Mat

Seq(K,K,1,25,1) ->List 1

Cuml List 1->List 2


go to Stat module

and press F1 (grph) and press F1 (gph1) and your plot is ready, you can select from 3 gph only (gph1, gph2 and gph3)


for different X you need to add other calculation before going to stat module

5*List 2->List 3



fill the seq in column A

fill the summation formula in column B

create the plot

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: suma, syntax error, graph

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