some new suggestions:
1- When you call the keyboard screen, and set the form to any no default value, like "user", and them closes keyboard screen and application (like main), the value selected in form is not stored. Stores these (form, function position and another keyboard config), would be interesting
2- Every time that i need to select a function in cat lists, i - and i think i'm not alone, press EXE key. I think this key could do the same as input button in the screen.
3- A TIMER and a DELAY routines for CasioBasic. The timer could have, as parameters = (time as integer - in ms, id as integer - for sharing data, callback - a routine that will be called). The Delay could have only one parameter, that is the value of delay.
4- More difficult than 1-3, this is, in my opinion, a good implementation for classpad would be a support for background programs. Why??? This way, we could create a clock, an alarm, an wakeup program...
5- Dreamming a little bit more than 4, would be nice if new classpad os had a multitask support

. By now, the classpad allow user share screen in two, but do only if the applications that share it, are listed in a dropdown menu. This way, I could not share the main application with an add-in

. If the multitask was supported, the space, left from battery monitor, at screen bottom could be used for task buttons
6- I developed a function for resistor parallel calculation. It has only one parameter, A, a list. The function data is 1/(sum(1/A). This returns the parallel resistance from gived resistors values. This way, in main application, I call Parallel({10,10,5}) and then it returs 2.5. My suggestion, is that when only one parameter exists, the {} could be omitted. This way, I could call the same function with Parallel(10,10,5). Why? The {} are not present in keyboard (only in virtual keyboard). Would be faster if they were optional in these cases.
Forgiven me if I dream a lot

Forgiven me for my english too
CrimsonCasio: excuse me, but how do you know what will be, or not, implemented for the next classpad os? I think you are the most active user. Do you helps the development of classpad ?